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The contact form doesn't work, but I receive proof message in the back office


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Hi, that´s the situation... My page is: http://orangeparts.esy.es/contactanos

And, how I said I have 2 issues:

1. The form doesn't work: http://prntscr.com/mt2om4 and don't send the message through email (nothing in spam, either).
2. But I receive the message in the backoffice (Customer > Customer Service): http://prntscr.com/mt2o7g
3. And TB send me correctly the proof message: http://prntscr.com/mt2q46





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I don't think this is the issue, as I do use varius non-domain emails on my test instances and such behaviour is not showing up.

Email is always sent.

Problem is likely in the template. As it could be that it has required tag on Order refference.

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6 minutes ago, toplakd said:

I don't think this is the issue, as I do use varius non-domain emails on my test instances and such behaviour is not showing up.

Email is always sent.

Problem is likely in the template. As it could be that it has required tag on Order refference.

How could that have any effect on sending, or delivering email? Worst case scenario - the email will contain order reference placeholder not substituted.  

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It was just a thought as on second test with order reference his contact form went throught.

But it was just coincidence, that first 1 got error, then entered order ref and it went through.

As it always goes through when clicking second time on send.

Fist time click gets red error, second click gets mail sent 🙂

So some other issue. My mistake.

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Hi, I installed TB with the original template in the same server with other domain.  But I have the same issue... And the problem is so weird... When I send the first time doesn't work, but when I send the second time the form send the message...

This is the image, when I send the form the first time: https://prnt.sc/mttwwi

This is the image, when I send the form the second time: https://prnt.sc/mttxwl


The webpage is: http://orangeparts.esy.es/contactanos
The native installation is: http://educreativos.xyz/contactanos


Any idea?




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As you have said in other topic, you have also PS shops installed on same servers and contact form works on them.

And as you already have native TB instalation to test, you can try to copy contact-form.tpl from prestashop, and test it, and if it stil does not work you can also try to copy the /controllers/front/ContactController.php

delete /cache/class_index.php after upload, and also in Dashboard/Advanced parameters/Performance check force compilation and disable cache.

Attached are the files from

And even if it works after, as lesley said it could be server settings related as no matter where i install (have also 3 different hostings at current time) the contact form works out of the box.






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Hi, thanks for your replies.

I don't know whats wrong with this form... I followed all the steps but, the form still doesn't work... Maybe can to be the Spanish language in the store?

The webpage is: http://orangeparts.esy.es/contactanos
The native installation is: http://educreativos.xyz/contactanos

Yesterday, I talked with the host and their have all the smtp parameters active... For instance, the php send is normal in the current plan... For this reason when I send a proof email, the store don't have any problem: http://prntscr.com/mu5zhb


Thanks so much for any help.


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Don't know where this error comes from, but I do think it has to do something with hosting provider and server/mail configuration and has nothing to do with the contact form itself,

as contact form is working flawlesly, no matter if phpmail, smpt, ssl or no ssl.

During time I was on PS I have read a lot of people had such troubles when upgrading to different 1.6 versions.

I have updated everytime when update was available and contact form has never been a trouble for my shop.

And after migration to tb everything just works as before. No matter if tb theme or ps theme, phpmail or smtp mail. It just works.

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I think this is an super old bug from PS, which is already present in tb.  It is a well-known thing that the /mails/xx  has to be copied (and sometimes the  lang.php  in it too). 

Now we have another topic for this,  but great that it worked for you now.  tb should fix this in anyway or take this into the handbook or readme section. 

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The cause: Well, in my case I have the installation of TB in Spanish language, so:

1. Install TB in a version different to English (for instance: Spanish Language...)
2. So, after the installation, the contact form, in this case in Spanish doesn't work...

The Solution:

1. Make sure you have the English language installed as well, if you do not have it installed, install it
2. Go to public_html/mails and copy this folder
3. Go to public_html/themes/mythemes/ and paste the folder
4. Into the folder mails you have the languages: public_html/themes/mythemes/mails/en and public_html/themes/mythemes/mails/es (for example)
5. So, go to /public_html/themes/mythemes/mails/en/ and copy this files: index.php, lang.php and other file that not exist in the folder ../mails/es/ and paste its in ../mails/es folder
6. Check the translations in Translations > emails Templates


How I said, my case is in Spanish language (../es), but you can replace this parameters for your own language/folder.

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