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reCaptcha not working at all, ei captcha used as replacement


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Dear All

The TB reCaptcha module doesn't work for me at all. First of all: after installation, clearing the cache didn't get rid of the 500 error message. I had to delete the whole cache folder and re upload the one from the TB Zip file.

Then, configuration seems to work without problems. The captcha is displayed on the contact form as well, but it doesn't matter as I can do everything without clicking on the captcha at all. So it doesn't stop me from sending contact messages even though I haven't checked the captcha checkbox. It's there, but it's not working. I can send as many contact messages without ever touching the captcha to confirm me not being a robot.

Anyone else having the same issues? I have configured the module completely and set it to appear everywhere it can be configured to appear. I also have overrides enabled etc under performance. Luckily I can continue with ei captcha which I used for prestashop which is working as it should 😉

Here's the link for everyone else who's having trouble:


You'll have to use the latest version as previous versions were not working when JS was disabled!

All the best,


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  • 4 months later...

oi, there's a new bug in core 🙂

When NoCaptchaRecaptcha module is installed, the call to


returns false, while call


returns expected true.

I'll fix this in the core.

Until then, you edit override file (\override\controllers\front\ContactController.php) and replace all occurrence of Module::isEnabled('NoCaptchaRecaptcha') with Module::isEnabled('nocaptcharecaptcha')  

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I also confirm it is working!

Just to know how it works... If I am using bleeding edge and you correct the core, should I also change (revert) again this override file, or  no need to touch anything because bleeding edge update core but also modify (revert) this file to its original/correct state? I hope I explained myself clearly 😅

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4 minutes ago, rubben1985 said:

I also confirm it is working!

Just to know how it works... If I am using bleeding edge and you correct the core, should I also change (revert) again this override file, or  no need to touch anything because bleeding edge update core but also modify (revert) this file to its original/correct state? I hope I explained myself clearly 😅

CoreUpdater will fix code in core only, it will not touch your module.

But, in this case, you won't have to do anything. This issue will just be fixed 'twice' 🙂

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On 1/21/2020 at 6:12 PM, datakick said:

I'll fix this in the core.

Not sure whether this is a good idea. NoCaptchaRecaptcha and nocaptcharecaptcha are two distinct modules, one can have both installed. Any attempt to deviate from the name of the directory on disk might well lead to unexpected behavior in other places.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I encountered the same problem now with TB 1.1.0 and latest "nocaptcharecaptcha" module... 
I can confirm that Datakick's fix above works. For those of us with an existing override, this post will help.

Module Update Request please:
Can Datakick's fix please be incorporated into the module and pushed as update?

New users / developers will continue to experience this problem until it's been patched.
Also, I'm sure (from what I've seen in this thread) that there are merchants that think this is working when it's actually not.

Edited by Theo
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38 minutes ago, Theo said:

Module Update Request please:
Can Datakick's fix please be incorporated into the module and pushed as update?

No, it can't. The issue you are referencing is about something very different, it has nothing to do with this new problem on bleeding edge. 

I've filed a new issue to track this new problem 


Note that while we can fix this in the module, we need to fix the core as well

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

The TB recaptcha works on most of our 31 TB stores but have had a real problem with the others.  What happens is the  recaptcha box does not show up to check on the index page.  When the customer attempts to create an account or even sign into an existing account he gets an error message that the recaptcha is incorrect.  Tried resetting the app, uninstalling and reinstalling, neither worked. We then deleted the module folder from the store that did not work and then copied the module folder from the site that was working, changed the keys to the right domain and still didn't work.  Took Oliiix's advice and installed eicaptcha 4.17 which is the last upgrade for prestashop versions below 1.7.  So far it has worked on all the problem sites.  Good Stuff Oliix:) 

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