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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Have you tried to just regenerate them?
  2. Probably it's in the AdminStores controller. Don't know how the menu is called in english. Probably something like shop addresses. If you change the values there, the old invoices won't be affected... It's called: Preferences > Store Contacts
  3. @movieseals Btw I like your idea of improving error messages. It just came to my mind, that it would probably very helpful for merchants, if the log would show, which module throws such a "fatal" error.
  4. Debug mode is only recommended if you you are not on a live shop. Otherwise your shop could break easily, if one module has a little issue on one place. So the game always works like this: Oh there is a fucking problem. Switch debug on -> does it say something? Fix the bug Switch debug mode to off again. Your issue seems very issue to explain: https://www.php.net/manual/de/function.mysql-error.php. I would bet almost all my money, that you switched to PHP 7.x recently. The function used by this module, is no more available in PHP 7. If you want to fix, you would need to remove this function (ideally replace it with something newer). But even more cleanly would be, to understand, why it actually want to throw an error. Because this shouldn't be happen anyway...
  5. I don't think it makes any sense, to solve this by switching the server. I would check all stock settings and deactivate all caches... But honestly I would guess, that the problem is in javascript/ajax... There are some important questions: which combination is the standard combination? are you using multistore?
  6. Thanks a lot for your contribution! 😎 I always love to see, when other merchants are improving things with custom code 👍 We have very similair functions as we also work with barcode scanners. I have not tested your code, but I would strongly recommend you, to add it as ModuleAdminController and not with such an external file. By that you gain already security as it will be only available if the user is logged in. Codewise this looks a bit unsecure on overcomplicate to me. $name = $_GET['data']; $new_order_state = 34; $get_orders = array(); array_push($get_orders,$name); foreach ($get_orders as $orders) { } As far as I understand, you scan one code after another. If this is true, you wouldn't need any foreach loop. You could then very simply to this: $id_order = (int)$_GET['data']; // Note the (int) does improve security $order = new \Order($id_order) // Continue with your stuff Maybe this helps you a little bit 😊
  7. But why are you never talking concrete? You never propose any change/addition and collect money for it. Have you even spotted, what is not working in your shop? If yes, why don't you try to find people with the same issues?
  8. I am sorry for your feelings 😥 You seem to have a lot of fear from the future 🙀
  9. Rewarded with what? You don't even seem to be ready to pay for a bugfix, that is disturbing you a lot: Sorry but: you are one of this dreamers that thinks open source = free lunch 👻 Please: focus on making money with your business. 🤑 Once you and others do, we surely have a lot of similair problems, that we want to get fixed. And in such a situation, we all will be grateful to split up the costs 🤗
  10. Which Devs are you talking about? I only know two core devs: datakick and traumflug. The later you don't seem to like. Beside that there are a few guys, that contribute sometimes a bit. For example zengraph. But you seem to be talking about random Devs, which you don't even know, but you imagine, that they are there... 🧙‍♂️ Again there is no specific approach here. Everyone could say this. You should understand, that you need to point on specific things/features, that need to be improved. You are just ranting. 🤬 This is likely to be true. But most merchants are just not willing to change it - most are too busy with themself. As you as well. A few bucks are just not the way, to turn the ship around... I don't even see your vision (that must be so deep & excellent) here: Why not? Is it not possible, to write it down? Is it not possible, to split your vision in subjobs. Such smaller jobs could be funded with a bounty program!? A lot of questions from my side 🙄
  11. Obviously I don't know what happened here. But what I know is, that merchants have to high expectations on DEVs. Devs don't understand the needs of merchants properly. Merchants think: oh lets improve "return handling" or "we need a modern theme". It's not enough to say that. You need exactly to draw, what of the current process is not working or is bad. How it should be designed in the future. Merchants don't even take the time to articulate this things. I have started many initiatives to make progress, but almost nobody joined. So dear merchants: stop crying and start to deliver. What does it mean in practice? Everyone can say it!? It's like a consulting says: oh just offer the best products with best service to the lowest price - then customers will love you...
  12. While you might be right, I still would like to remind you, that you are talking to persons with feelings. I am not happy either, but do I invest myself a lot? No. To modify a famous quote a bit: ask not what thirtybees can do for you — ask what you can do for thirtybees.
  13. try this path: /themes/your-theme/css/modules/beesblog/css/beesblogstyle.css
  14. Actually @yaniv14 already gave the solution. Just to make sure: The right path is this: /themes/your-theme/css/modules/beesblog/beesblogstyle.css If you are 100% sure, you have it there... Check if you are in a testfolder or if you use cloudflare it could be cached there... You could also try to call the url to the css file directly and see if the css code appears. 😉
  15. I have noticed this kind of few logins too. In general @Smile is kind of absent here. I can only guess, what it means. To me it feels, that @datakick must be his personal Dev. But Smile was ready to make Datakicks work open source. He could then make money with his normal business as a merchant and if TB gets successful, he could also have something as shop system owner. Maybe that was the plan. At least that is a plan, that would make sense for myself. I could be totally wrong about it... Maybe that we don't see a lot of commits, is due to a changed strategy!? I notice myself, that it's much more efficient to develop only for one business. You can skip a lot of stuff, that would need to be taken into consideration otherwise. Imagine you dont use multistore feature, then you wouldn't give a shit on it. Same for multi currencies, multi langs, digital products and so on... Again this is only my guesses/perspective. If this is all wrong: why did Smile buy the company? And why don't we see more changes from Datakick? Maybe the work is just overhelming. You don't even know where to start. And merchants don't give back anything at all. I also had plans to get more involved in TB or ME. But finally always the same question arises: why should I do that? An Open Source Project does only work, if a lot of parties give something in. It takes so much time for me, to get anything merged. Not even talking about anything big. I tried it with "order shipping edit". It doesn't get interest at all and chances that it get merged is low too. Thats why so much things in my store were developed on custom basis. Maybe Smile is at the same point. If yes, it means the end for TB.
  16. @veganline In such a case we normally send a postal return code to the customer. If this is not possible in your case, i would ask for bank details and refund like. If the customer orders in future, you could also make a voucher instead 🙂
  17. wakabayashi


    I would guess a JS error. Check your browser console...
  18. Thanks for the explanation. I didn't consider that. This makes some sense. But still not completly IMO. Wouldn't it be then logical if this field is set, when you add a special price? Cause your argument is probably also valid, if you wan't to only make a sale for a certain customer group. But I am sure, we both agree, that this point is by far not the most important/intersting on my list ☺️ I understand, if my list is a bit overhelming, but maybe somebody has some concrete stuff to criticize or to vote up some points.
  19. I know that 😊 I more meant: why do I have to set it as a merchant? If I set a special price, do I ever want, to not display this label? :S
  20. @Quant I am sorry, but I don't understand some things, you said. And with many others I disagree. I would agree, that modules are a great way to expand shop functionality. But I hate the mantra: IMO this exactly the reason, why we cant sort product lists for average review rating or why we cant have a clean filter on product lists. It's also the reason why you dont have a clean sitemap for google. Of course often you also could build a clever module that is extendable. This would be true for a sitemap module for example. But how many extendable modules with hooks do you know? And how many of this hooks are used by other modules? Again you do it. Then you also agree, to add no image link at all to the $products array? IMO in a clean world, the theme would state, if it has a hover functionality. If yes, a function like Product::getProductProperties would add e second image link. It would simplify things so much for every theme desinger. In general I have the feeling that a lot of Devs and some merchants only see the advantages of modules and not the drawbacks. Right now every module with mail functionality sends different template to customers. What does a customer care, if it's a core email or a from a module? He doesn't, he is just confused why he gets different looking emails from the same store. So thats why, I proposed the new Email Hook functionaility. It's not logical to me, that you don't even want that @Quant. Cause it would help the module approach a lot. The checkout is probably not the best cornerpart to start with. It's actually very important, but it's so complex and needs/wishes are so different. Some merchants don't want customer accounts at all. I do even force all my customer to register. And probably most are somewhere in between and offer both options.
  21. It's long ago. I have been here. I have a lot of ToDos on my list. I have taken the most relevant out and post it here: E-Mail: Core function with core template, that just allows to put in some array with content. That way you need just one html file. Each email looks the same and modules can easily add email functionality. Images: Add a cover_2 image to getProducts function In general it sucks, the way one has to get Cover Image as a coder Customers: A way to merge two customer accounts Login as customer (there are modules, but it would be a nice core feature) -> also if there would be an easy way to use it for devs. Imagine you can send email links with default login… Addresses: Clear way to define required fields Sometimes a line more, would help a lot Combinations Allow them for bundles and probably digital products Allow different descriptions for different combinations Allow different gtin for different combinations No forcement of using default combination Products Add archive column -> merchants often don't want to delete product information, but they often have products, that they don't need for ever or at least a big time span. If you have multiple thousands products, it helps a lot for filtering. Same could be helpful for Suppliers. Remove Tags and only use Features Remove on_sale checkbox -> what is it good for? Automate this by checking special prices… Accesoirces groups -> Imagine you sell Digital Cameras. You might want to define USB Cables as accessoires. But I don't think you want to update every camera, always when you got a new USB Cable. Define a default text for available_now and available_later Allow extra fields Product Features: Multiple Features (done) Add Feature types with units or allow at least suffix and prefix value. That way filter modules can work without any issues. A filter module could than easily group values or work with ranges… Create Product Listing Pages from feature values. Imagine you sell books. It would be cool to have a product listing page for "Stephen King" with one click. Categories Allow extra fields or add at least a second description Voucher Allow to use it on product and shipping value. We sell vouchers and customer still need to pay for shipping even if his voucher value is bigger than product+shipping. That's not acceptable. Checkout: A clean checkout with ajax Adress saving Drop the two different checkout system. It's just a mess. Customer Service: Clean forms and handling in the BO. Nowdays you don't even know from where a message comes. Sometimes you get an email sometimes not. Have a good sync with email folder. My wish would be, that I can 100% handle customer cases in BO. Allow shortcodes on predefined messages and include attachments Handling returns Order Status: Remove some functionality and implement clean processes. Imagine you have a Status: "Service in progress". How could you say if the order ist paid or not? This should all be handled by order payments What is logable status good for? In my opinion an order should have two bools: paid and shipped. This should be handled auto by modules. Then you have a status canceled. The rest of status should just be for displaying infos to merchant/customer, no funcionality should be involved imo. Order Edit: Give more flexibility on invoice and delivery_slip generation. Why can't I edit an order after I genereated an order_slip. That makes no sense to me. A merchants knows best, when he needs to change/generate something. In my opion merchants should be able to generate as much invoices as they want per order. I don't see any need for invoice tables at all. I would just save a pdf. Maybe it's naive, please tell me. But I believe for us it would work perfectly. Allow to delete an order state. Sometimes you set it by mistake. Remove "tracking status" What is it good for? Remove "customer more" button. You can just click on the name… We have already too many buttons. Having to buttons to save address "Save as new Address" and "Override". Right now it's always saved as a new adress. In our case we want 90% of the times the "override". Either integrate a usable "return system" or remove it Allow to edit shipping costs (I have actually almost done it) Allow to edit payment method, allow to edit/delete payment lines (right now, you can only remove). On the otherhand the "details" can probably removed. Anybody really wanna save credit cart data on his server? Allow to add a cart rule by code. Order Add: Allow to select the real payment method. In fact you can just select the payment module… Use a real shipping free stuff. In fact it just adds an ugly voucher. Stock: Oh I better don't begin. It doesn't make sense as long as combinations and bundles aren't handled cleanly. Captcha: Simple Usage of Captcha for devs. So that not multiple captcha version are used. Backoffice List Allow better filtering (>=2) Allow better sorting (two columns) Allow custom display of columns -> every merchants wants a bit different columns. Modules: Right now you have to set controllers, where you don't wanna show a module output. In my opinion it would be better if you would set where to show. Why is Payments under modules but Carrier has it own menu in BO? What we don't need: Full Cache Page System -> TB is fast, if you aren't greedy on saving money for a good webspace.
  22. Hey all First of all Happy New Year! 🥳 Yesterday a deal has been achieved and so a new age is starting for TB. I will take this opportunity to step back. As most of you know, I am a merchant like majority here. My business has had a very good year due to Covid, but also due to continuing improving our shop processes. This also lead to some kind of overworking and I have to make some cuts. I felt in the last weeks, that with my way of thinking as a merchant/dev, I am kind of exposed. My ideas, plans and problems aren’t shared by many other merchants. I could come up with dozens of examples (krona, elasticsearch and so on) but the three examples, which hurt me the most, are the following: Carrier order editing. I implemented this feature in our store and it works flawlessly for us. The PR wasn’t accepted for some good reasons, which I planned to fix. But as nobody at all cared about this feature in the community, I haven’t done it. Advanced Stock Management. Stock management is one of the most crucial and complex things, big merchants have to handle. The default version is broken/unusable. Since years! Multiple merchant’s leave the platform because of it. I have invested hundreds of hours to make this to a big strength of our company (chaotic storage, using barcode scanners, creating picking lists and a lot more). But even if I would, I couldn’t share this with the community. It is so far away from the core base and the needs from small merchants. The “50$ VIP Club”. I always believed in the idea, that big merchant’s would have similar pain points like speed, search/filter functionality, order handling, stock handling, customer service and so on. That’s why I thought, it would be clever to unite these big merchant’s. For most of us it would be too expensive to hire a full time dev, who would code this all. So why not collect monthly 3000$, hire a dev and push this project together forward. The payers decide, what will be done, but also the little merchants can use the new stuff for free. It wouldn’t have been a donation at all. Just a strategic investment to share expenses. I know, that I haven’t come up with any concrete offer… I thank the few people, that were open to such an idea, but we were clearly too little and the interest in general is small. I am also a bit shocked, that 50$/month is such a huge expense for many merchants. But most may be really small and at the starting point of their business (ten years ago it would been the same here), others will have difficult economic situation with covid and some just prefer the freeriding. I hoped, that a new fork or owner could bring some perspective back to me. But unfortunately the announcement yesterday didn’t. After all this months of waiting, I was expecting a well written official post with a clear roadmap and plan. That’s why I came to the obvious conclusion, that it’s much easier for me to go ego way. I asked @Smile to delete me as a moderator (which will also be a chance for somebody else, to get more involved in the project). To not give any wrong impressions: I don’t switch the software!! I stay with this codebase, but will cherry pick new commits from thirty bees, prestashop and any thinkable fork in the best way. The rest will be modified/developped internally by myself and maybe I will hire a full dev in 1-2 years. If I am allowed to give you all a last honest advice: don't fool yourself. If you don't have a big budget, this is still one of the best codebase around and probably better than any hastily switch to woocommerce, shopify or whatever... Here and there I will look around and check, what I am all missing 😄 I wish you all good luck! 🙏 PS: Sorry this post was supposed to be short… Regards Emanuel
  23. But you don't have any 50$/month to push this project forward? That really depresses me 😔 That's why I voted for "modified shop". Not meaning this strange software system, but going for own development.
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