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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. wakabayashi


    We also got attacked recently, but since we are using cloudflare it was quite easy to stop the attack. Maybe cloudflare is interesting for you too.
  2. Nice Does the module work well for you? It's been a long time I have focused on this module
  3. Well turn the debug mode on and check, if there is an error. Maybe its also worth to look at the JS console.
  4. Ja sonst musst du mich wieder mal antaggen oder eine PN schreiben
  5. Sobald ich wieder für unseren Shop daran arbeite, kann ich dir genauer sagen, was man ändern muss. Geht aber bestimmt noch ein paar Wochen.
  6. wakabayashi


    About which modules are you talking? Nobody can tell, what a private module developer will do...
  7. I have just uploaded a better way of solving the issue: https://github.com/eschiendorfer/thirtybees/commit/3d94c58c27727b3c281d7ba1917b3d557516d092
  8. @DRMasterChief Danke für den Hinweis... Es ist lange her, dass wir diese Funktion geprüft haben. Ich glaube, das hat den Effekt, dass wenn man z.B. noch 10 Stück hat, der Kunde nicht 12 bestellen kann. Oder irre mich da?
  9. Ja aber es gibt Leute, welche das Produkt über Google finden. Dann schauen sie weiter im Shop und wundern sich, weshalb sie das Produkt nicht mehr finden...
  10. @Smile Add this change: https://github.com/eschiendorfer/thirtybees/commit/1578b079764045196f1682e3d0d007bcd310dfef @Traumflug can you implement this in the core?
  11. @Smile yep you are right. Thats super useful I will look at it.
  12. Ich habe das für unseren Shop mehr oder weniger umgesetzt. Allerdings ist unsere Lösung auch nicht perfekt. Ich habe overrrides in Category.php und Search.php angelegt. Du musst aber auch wissen, dass die Leute über Google deine Produkte auffinden werden und so muss auch dort entsprechend angepasst werden... Bei unseren Kunden führte das mehrmals zu Verwirrungen. Ich denke ich werde es ändern. "Ausverkauft" anzeigen und diese Produkte jeweils ans Ende der Kategorie Liste setzen und es auch wieder in der Suche anzeigen lassen.
  13. Actually I have never noticed such a feature. Are you sure, it was a core thing? Maybe it has todo with old stats module. I like the idea
  14. Ok just bought it
  15. @datakick and @30knees I will definitely buy it. Right now I use an internal module for sending emails. That way I can have a the same look for all emails going out. Does the module use the normal Mail::Send method in TB?
  16. Great! I should finally update 😄 I am still on 1.0.19... I read above that it's possible to send review links, which work without login in. Is this true? If yes, what kind of format does the link need to have?
  17. Its possible to set it up like this. We haven't done it, since back then prestashop didn't recommend to share customers across shops.
  18. Have you installed these languages? I have just checked my own site and got: <link rel="alternate" href="https://www.spielezar.ch/" hreflang="de-de"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://www.spielezar.ch/" hreflang="x-default"> This is correct for my site, but I have only one language installed... These meta tags are probably hardcoded in a php file... I guess it would be better to find the reason, why tb adds the wrong one, than to just remove them. That would help other people as well 🙂
  19. You organic rankings just dropped right? When I switched two years ago or so, it didn't have any negative effect. In general, tb is faster than prestashop, which should have some positive effect. But without an SEO its very hard to tell, what causes the problem.
  20. Are your urls are working as before or did you make a change in the structure?
  21. I can't confirm this. Seems to work here.
  22. I am sorry I din't work out well for you. It works quite good here. But you are right, there can be some issues with other scripts. I noticed that my filter module has problems, when it changes the content.
  23. @Séane Well IMO its kind of logical to ovveride only tpl files in a theme. For me the problem in this case is the module itself. It codes the html stuff in the php file. Normally only beginner code like this :S I am not sure, if there is specific reason to do it.
  24. I have no idea about this... Does this work? 
  25. Yeah there is no update for shipping cost, when editing an order. It's a feature that a lot of merchants want...
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