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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. You organic rankings just dropped right? When I switched two years ago or so, it didn't have any negative effect. In general, tb is faster than prestashop, which should have some positive effect. But without an SEO its very hard to tell, what causes the problem.
  2. Are your urls are working as before or did you make a change in the structure?
  3. I can't confirm this. Seems to work here.
  4. I am sorry I din't work out well for you. It works quite good here. But you are right, there can be some issues with other scripts. I noticed that my filter module has problems, when it changes the content.
  5. @Séane Well IMO its kind of logical to ovveride only tpl files in a theme. For me the problem in this case is the module itself. It codes the html stuff in the php file. Normally only beginner code like this :S I am not sure, if there is specific reason to do it.
  6. I have no idea about this... Does this work? 
  7. Yeah there is no update for shipping cost, when editing an order. It's a feature that a lot of merchants want...
  8. But in my opinion this should be already reverted in 1.0.8. Am I wrong @datakick? Again the link: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/784 Btw: Should I close this issue? Since the revert does the work...
  9. Not sure if it has to do with need_instance. I set this normally to 0.
  10. You seem to have a general problem of multistore saving, as you already reported something similair with product description. I can't confirm this issues on my 1.0.7 installation.
  11. Ich klicke einfach immer auf Monat oder Jahr und lasse das mit dem Vorjahr vergleichen... Manuell gebe ich keine Daten ein.
  12. I can understand your wishes. Search is very important for big stores. The crowdfunding module can't do this things. I believe not too many merchants are using it right now. It would need a lot of improvments and enhancements to bring the functionality you want. Especially when we talk about things like "blog". Which blog? There are like 10 different popular blog modules...
  13. Maybe its related t this issue!? https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/784 Could you also check, if your browser console shows something?
  14. I am sorry to hear, that you havent got a sale yet. Do you have your own products or dropshipping? My opinion is this: Your question is quite advanced. You are probably trying hard to improve your seo and get sale that way. I believe you focus too much on this "details" and you could probably use your time otherwise to get some sales. Its just the way I think, please dont take it as any attack or so 😉
  15. Well you need to check them file by file and see what is in there...
  16. @Smile I also recgonized that product BO page loads quite slow... Edit: In my case it's an override from a module, which is causing it... But I have memory usage up to 45MB I don't know if this is normal.
  17. Yeah it doesn't work right now...
  18. Hm I am no expert on this, but I have never heard this before. I am using 3 shops and have no problems at all with smarty cache But ok you should just play around. Deactivate the menu module for 30 seconds and see what happens.
  19. I was on your site now and its really too slow. That is either a module or a bad setting. Try to use a smarty cache (file system). Your menu module also needs quite some time. But my menu module is also not that much faster...
  20. Can you show me a link to your website?
  21. Maybe you added it in the backoffice "Custom Code?"
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