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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Could be hard to get an answer for this. Not a lot of people us ASM. We do, but only with one warehouse. So I can't tell 100% but I never have seen any setting to set this off. Are you sure its new in TB? Then it could be a bug. But it would surprise me a bit, since ASM wasn't touched a lot...
  2. I dont think it's Mollie. We are using this module and don't have any such issue.
  3. It could be a class issue. As far as I remember one can define a class, where the elasticsearch results are put in. Is this right? In general: Does the funcionality work out for you in elasticsearch? When I was looking at it, I had the feeling that the module wasn't finished.
  4. Nice to have the new forum! I agree with @DRMasterChief that the contrast should be higher.
  5. @hedgehog interesting finding. Ofc this can happen with other languages too...
  6. @RabbitZzZ thx a lot for looking that deep into it. You were right, I was wrong! Sorry for that. @datakick thx a lot for the fix.
  7. @Domas Sorry I don't have time now, to find a solution.
  8. Not sure. In general this sounds a bit strange to me. You have multiple times the same reference? I have just googled. Maybe this works: // get a list of sort columns and their data to pass to array_multisort $sort = array(); foreach($products as $k=>$v) { $sort['reference'][$k] = $v['reference']; $sort['location'][$k] = $v['location']; } // sort by event_type desc and then title asc array_multisort($sort['reference'], SORT_DESC, $sort['location'], SORT_ASC,$products);
  9. @Domas search in file AdminOrdersController.php for the function "getProducts($order)" And try to add this before the return: array_multisort( array_column($products, "reference"), SORT_ASC, $products ); If it works, I would suggest to make an override afterwards...
  10. @piet thats probably not what he is lookin for. I believe he is talking about the BO. There you would need to change a controller, I guess. Maybe a tpl file could also work.
  11. @gandalf @gonssal I haven't thought in detail about it, but I would probably go the same way.
  12. I don't think you need to change anything then. Or do you have any issues?
  13. @nickon said in GitUpdater preview: This is a feature I always whished for. Especially the downgrade part. I would like a checkbox so I would be able to uncheck a specific file I don't want to update. (all files checked by default) I don't know how database changes are handled though. This is something I always wanted for tb. To be stable and add features missing in 1.6 Keep up the great work. This is an intersting idea. But I guess, it can also make troubles. Imagine a new function is added to a file, which you don't update. Once this new function is called, your shop will throw an error. But of course I see your point. Especially for theme files, it could be helpful.
  14. Maybe its related to this issue? https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/792
  15. Damn thats bad... Maybe somebody else can confirm the issue?
  16. I just don't think its a core issue, since we dont have it and @30knees also not. I would try two things: - disable overrides - do the same tests on a clean tb installation
  17. @30knees just refresh the page and it looks normal again...
  18. @30knees I can confirm, that this sometimes happens. I don't know exactly when...
  19. Do you have some overrides? Cause in general this is working for me...
  20. I use asm, so I cant tell. What is normal: the shipping cost never adjust! I would like to have it, but its not there...
  21. Is there any error? to me the src looks not very normal. but not sure if it's really an issue.
  22. Oh I just tried to install this module on my testsite. It doesn't even install for me correctly... Didn't expect that :O
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