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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. @alwayspaws you are welcome. We all want to have a lot of visitors. Buyers are even better :D But ecommerce is a hard game.
  2. I would clearly put this in the footer. But not sure if this is best practice or just the way I like it...
  3. @alwayspaws the close tag comes later... When you see your page it contains different tpl files. header.tpl and footer.tpl are always included.
  4. With every modern browser you inspect the html code of every website. You should just look for the links. Let's take your signature in this forum: As you can see, the link has a rel="nofollow". This means for google: oh I shouldn't follow this links. In other words this link won't give you a lot of linkpower. Maybe even no power. Are such nofollow links worthless? No. They still bring users trough direct clicks.
  5. I think you should just try it out. It should not slow down... But I noticed that on my page, the facebook fanpage plugin slows down. So you never know...
  6. Hello When I go on a cms page I havethe following canonical tag in the head: <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.spielezar.ch/index.php?controller=cms"> On the live demo store, it's the same. What is this about? Looks like a bug to me.
  7. Hm I think it's just there since. 1.0.2. I should update anyway :D
  8. Is this a new field? I am still on 1.0.1. I don't have it. But I can see it on your demostore...
  9. I get the following error in js console: Google Maps API error: MissingKeyMapError
  10. @rand0m do you have practical experience with erpnext? I have no experience with any erp system. I don't know what is good, what is needed. That's why it's hard for me to push any interface project. If somebody is experienced and would initiate a crowdfunding campgain, I would surely support.
  11. Hello In PS we had always a google map in the order. It was beside the address. In thirty bees I don't see this anymore. Was this removed? Do you still have it?
  12. Just found this example on a german blog (https://www.ecommerce.jetzt/one-page-checkout-fuer-den-schnellen-einkauf/). From a design perspective, I love it!
  13. Does anyone of you use forums to set links? I noticed that in my niche it's quite easy to set links there. They aren't marked as "nofollow". When I watch out for relevant blogs (comments), its always "nofollow". Are forum links valuable? Is there any difference between link in the post itself or if it's in the signature?
  14. How would you achieve that @dprophitjr? Looks to me, as a change in php is needed, to have a clean solution.
  15. I just talked a little to lesley. Michael has worked on the checkout process. Tried a lot of things, but it has to be postponed for the future. Surely we all know about the importance of the checkout, but there are some drawbacks, if it's changed now. If the core code is changed, a lot of modules and themes would break. That would be horrible at this point. So the checkout has to be modified with help of modules. But this also not so easy as we all know from this ps "onepage modules". They don't really work stable. In Short: As far as I understand, the checkout will be reworked, when thirtybees breaks compability to ps 1.6. It would be too early, to do this now.
  16. I don't know what @mdekker worked on it the checkout process. In general there are a lot of plans for thirty bees. I am very happy to see, that we have a lot of merchants here, who are willing to invest something, to get a better software. It's great that the elasticsearch module could be funded. I hope the development will be a success.
  17. Yeah it's a very critical aspect. It's actually the heart of every store. But I think it would be wrong to develop is as a module. Not sure, if Michael is working on it at the moment.
  18. To be honest I haven't any experience with ERP Systems. ERPnext seems to be very powerful and it would be a logical solution for thirtybees. I assume an interface between tb and erpnext would be very complex, right? Why are we thinking about ERP? - We sell many bundles and have no control about the stock. - There is no warning system, when the stock drops under a critical level. - When we get a delivery from our supplier, we have to change all stock informations by hand. - We have no history at all about goods movements (IN and OUT) It seems, that there is no intergration for PS right now: https://github.com/frappe/erpnext/issues/2241 @spidawebs thx for the reminder. I really forgot about this option.
  19. Hello Is there any ERP system, which is working with thirtybees? How are you handling your stock managament?
  20. That's a good idea! Why don't you use the thirtybees blog module?
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