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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Anscheinend ja: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-when-creating-dhl-labels/
  2. Bekomme heute diese Fehlermeldung mit dem DHL-Modul vom Shop. Hat sonst jemand Probleme? SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://cig.dhl.de/cig-wsdls/com/dpdhl/wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api/2.2/geschaeftskundenversand-api-2.2.wsdl' : failed to load external entity "https://cig.dhl.de/cig-wsdls/com/dpdhl/wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api/2.2/geschaeftskundenversand-api-2.2.wsdl"
  3. Yes, they also told me they stopped supporting tb. I asked about their Amazon module.
  4. Picking up on this old thread. I'd like to redirect from https://www.store.com/de/category/super-product to https://www.store.com/de/category/product I found this tool https://donatstudios.com/RewriteRule_Generator that suggests this: # 301 --- https://www.store.com/de/category/super-product => https://www.store.com/de/category/product RewriteRule ^de/category/super\-product$ /de/category/product? [L,R=301] Perhaps helpful for others!
  5. @datakickSee above for a potential bug fix. @DolfijnThank you! 🙂
  6. Do you have the address in Settings>Shop addresses? I don't remember whether that affects the invoice but it might be.
  7. Look at the modules: Theme Editor and Megamenu.
  8. Ich verwende ein Modul und habe sowohl EN als DE hinterlegt: Basis price (Module) v1.7.22.16 - von Simon Agostini https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/5756-basicprice-unit-price.html
  9. Hast Du bei den Übersetzungen geschaut? Müsste eigentlich dort irgendwo sein.
  10. I can't help with the error messages but perhaps you can ask your host whether they did any changes to anything, updates, etc?
  11. Is there a way to only have the trigger only on stock 'increases', i.e. is there some type of 'dynamic' value I could use for that as a condition? I'd love to have a track record of when I added stock.
  12. Hopefully not much or anything but nobody can tell you for sure without looking at the theme.
  13. You said you use Advanced Stock Management. Perhaps try without that. Many people report problems.
  14. Also, and this may be of relevance for the problem, there is a weird interaction where special prices apply to "all combinations" instead of to individual variants. For example, if I have 3% discount starting at 3 units for all variants and all customer groups Fixed price of EUR 27 for variant A and for wholesalers and I create an order for a wholesaler who takes 8x variant A all is good. (But not vice versa ie 3% discount for a specific variant and a fixed price for all variants.) If I have 3% discount starting at 3 units for all variants and all customer groups Fixed price of EUR 27 for all variants and for wholesalers and I create an order for a wholesaler who takes 8x variant A the fixed price isn't respected, the percentage is somehow added on top or taken from the non-wholesale price.
  15. Do you happen to know whether this is making it into the newest version / whether there's a fix we can apply already now?
  16. Is this only with backend changes or also if someone buys something and the stock goes to 0? Re Cloudways: I'm with them, in case you have any questions.
  17. Is it possible to at least swap fields? Eg I'd like to swap the postal code with the city.
  18. Agree, I think some customization would be helpful. We also get customers who have problems with Chex. You can't argue with that - a checkout needs to work for all "standard" customers.
  19. I'm also getting lots of spam these past days, also using Module v 1.1.2.
  20. I can't comment apart from that we're using Stripe v1.7.1 successful with the latest bleeding edge.
  21. A lot of people here use Panda theme and are happy with it: https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme You need V1.5.3 For TB. Then there's also the Niara community theme, which is also recommended (and is the default theme, I believe).
  22. Yep, it’s super! But yours also fails to connect to the tb repository. I think it’s a problem with the repository itself. Btw, do all tb fixes flow into ME, and if yes, when do they get picked up from tb to ME? I’m thinking eg of the great work datakick completed for the VAT: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/584-584/bug-in-eu-advanced-compliance-with-shipping-taxes/page/2/ datakick said it’s not yet in tb 1.2, it’s planned for 1.3. Is it already in ME?
  23. @datakick @Smile It doesn’t make a very good impression to anybody interested in tb to have this. It’s been like this for a quite a while now.
  24. Thanks for double-checking. This has been ongoing for a while now. 😕
  25. Do you have more information to share about the installation / your server?
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