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Everything posted by rubben1985

  1. Any chance that if I include ID in the URL, TB can redirects to the product (or cms...) if the rest of the URL change? That was REALLY useful in PS. When I changed the product name, if someone tried to access a product from an external link they never find a 404 error (even if the URL changed) because it recognised the ID and they were automatically redirected. I miss A LOT that feature because my business is still being created and I frequently change names to improve SEO so I have a lot of 404 errors ( I can not do so many manual redirection every week)
  2. I did not imagine that it could be a so big update (in terms of development) because it seemed like it would be like an "extra rating" but instead to a product review, to the global experience. Just to be sure if we are talking about the same: This is what I mean. When the customer rate the products also rate the global satisfaction (the store) Here you can see the module in action: https://www.tamaraflamenco.com/en/module/lgcomments/reviews And yes, I think starting to implement premium modules and features is needed to bring TB a step forward. I will happy to contribute your big contribution to this project :)
  3. amazing, thanks! First time I went into a deep evaluation and I am quite impressed by your module quality!! Do you plan to include store review? this is the only reason why I still did not leave my paid module hehe For non very well known business this can be very helpful to show the clients what people think about the store itself (can be very different from a specific product).
  4. @wakabayashi ok, thanks anyway!
  5. @wakabayashi said in 19 Patron ?!: At least ASM is full of bugs and bad design. I coded an own ERP module, otherwise I couldn't continue our store with TB. Any place where I can see the module in action? Do you sell it? a good ERP is one of the parts that I did not find for PS or TB (not in a affordable way)
  6. Using Panda theme here. And the author officially support its theme https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme
  7. @DaoKakao I wish I could because this is a very great project but I already have my own startup and takes literally all my day (weekends included). But yes, indeed, if TB is interested would be a perfect opportunity for people with marketing skills. If Tb staff is interested they can inform us and I will be attentive when I talk with designers/marketing people.
  8. Can you use cache modules? I thought it was not compatible with TB
  9. @traumflug said in Critical advice for TB staff.: I meant proud because you have people that take care of the project. Can't see any care taken in this thread. Just blaming, without any work towards a solution. Remember @alwayspaws ? She wrote a nice little welcome message to everybody joining this forum. The helped translating from the developer to the merchant perspective, for getting shops into production. AFAIK she even wrote outside this forum to tell the world about how helpful thirty bees is. This is taking care. I do not even remember how many people I have talked about this project in my environment, I just did not make a blog post about that. I do not have a salary for 2.5 years and still, I made my small contribution to everything you launch. I started with elastic search and I am Patreon since some months. 5$/months. A very small amount but without salary or income, it is not easy. I was direct (you call it blaming) because I think it is something that needs to be changed if the project wants to survive (not just improve). I will not answer any more reproach messages. I wrote what I thought correct. You do not agree, I can accept it. But this is a community and I have to say what I think, not what you think. No project has success with only developers or only business minds. If you do not understand, I can not do anything about it. That said, thanks for your incredible contribution to this project. Without doubts, you are one of the pillars that makes possible TB. Not agreeing with your vision, doesn't change that fact.
  10. @traumflug said in Critical advice for TB staff.: Proud? Certainly not. Because we know (almost) all of this already. I meant proud because you have people that take care of the project. We are not all programmers to solve bugs btw, and code is not the only important thing to do. I use my formation to point some specific things to solve, as a programmer do telling you specific code to repair. What I already recognize it is that maybe I was harsh. Next time I will do it better and more gentle.
  11. @durka Bienvenido. Estás pensandote cambiar PS por TB?
  12. @doclucas said in Critical advice for TB staff.: @rubben1985 said in Critical advice for TB staff.: Yes, I know, that is the reason why they should think about increasing the team with people as every startup does. It was not a demand at all but I see your point. It is true that seems that. Yeah, that's what I was trying to explain. They do think about enlarging the team, but - not enough money. Thankfully, there are still some great community members that help, as @wakabayashi mentioned, but that's hardly enough. Im starting to think that my english is even worse that I thought hahahaha They can enlarge the team without money (in exchange of a part of the "company/project")
  13. @doclucas said in Critical advice for TB staff.: I am not sure I understood the ending . You ask me personally if I can’t pay for the work? Or did I misunderstand something? No no, that was addressed to the staff. If they can not afford to pay someone, bring working partners. A so good project like this should be able to find them @doclucas said in Critical advice for TB staff.: So as you can see, you are also busy and can’t help, so you should understand the situation and be more gentle with requests (“demands”), as the team here is also very busy. Yes, I know, that is the reason why they should think about increasing the team with people as every startup does. It was not a demand at all but I see your point. It is true that seems that.
  14. @lesley I just realized, Did you think about opening an internship offer? It is a free worker and maybe it can help you. With programmers may not be a good idea because they can break things but designers can always help you with their insight.
  15. @doclucas I am agree with all that you said. As you are the second to tell me my language was harsh I think I should have apologized with TB Staff. My intention was to be direct and honest but never impolite. Maybe not being English my language, make it pass from direct to harsh. Sorry about that. I know there is no money so the best way is to find a partner: I am sure some young agency with some free time would be interested in working design/UX in exchange of a % of the project (normally you need to create a company that holds TB intellectual property or at least the property of it). Like a partner or investor: they give you money and you give them a part of your business. Most of the startups do this as they do not generate money yet. I can not recommend you a designer because A) they are working in my project b) they do not speak English but https://www.behance.net/ is full of them. Also, you could find motivate people here: https://angel.co/ A lot of startups find people there. I would love to contribute my self or with my designer but during next months that will be actually impossible: we launch a product internationally and I am already working 14h a day, 6-7 days a week to arrive on time... I totally understand 2 men can not do everything. So If 2 men can't do it, it is because you need more men. Can not you pay for it? Pay them with a part of the project. It is what it happened to me. We needed money to manufacture thousands of units, pay some salaries and do massive marketing: we found an investor that now has a part of our company.
  16. @lesley I think you are totally wrong. You should be proud of having people in the community that cares about the project and take his time to tells you what you can improve. Do you think it will be better not to say anything and go away? I would literally pay money to my customers to give me honest feedback. When I was testing our prototype, I "forced" people to tell me what they did not like. If they said: " Nothing, I like how it is" I answer: Well, what would you improve for the next version? and they gave me ideas that actually were critics of the actual one. I have to say again that I recognized that you have improved things but other ones, you have changed nothing in months (mainly marketing). These things are so critical for the future that I think I have to insist. About the money to pay a designer. I know how hard is to have almost no budget (believe me, I have a startup and I did not have a salary in 2.5 years) but I already told you a solution: exchange services by a part of TB project or look for an investor to have money to pay services. We have exactly made this last week. We gave a part of the enterprise to an investor for money. You will not have the 100% but the project will grow up.
  17. ah I forgot! If you want people to contribute to Patreon, Show a visible banner in a common space of the web inviting people to contribute. Youtubers for exampe invite people at the end of each video because people are not going to figure it out by themselves.... (the only sigh of patreon are actually peoples signatures)
  18. @dynambee said in Critical advice for TB staff.: worded a bit harshly my intention is not at all to offend no one. It is maybe a little bit direct because this type of messages has been told by a few members since months, but it seems TB does not change anything in this aspect, and a very kind writing style maybe do not create the same effect. In the opposite hand, development has improved and it was the first I said but people have to be able to notice it when they enter for the first time. Think that all the points I just said come from a very superficial analysis. There are dozens of mistakes and marketing have to make a change of 180º Anyway, I just want to say that all advice are not for my own benefit (no specific feature request for example) but for the future of the project because I love the philosophy and I appreciate a lot the effort of a lot of people here.
  19. Well that it is true, but it is not what i meant. With stability i want to say not breaking things and keep things going. Merchants are not generally big companies so breaking compatibily with their modules is not suitable for them, even more when modules offer in tb is so reduce now and this new technology only offer future, not present. If a new platform brings big improvemts and can be personalised because there is a big offer in modules and themes....sure people is willing to spend money and time but do you believe this is the case here? If compatibity with PS breaks, we only would have a platform with potential but without nothing more. How many people here would have migrated if TB would not be compatible with PS?
  20. Hi guys, Congrats because development rhythm has improved for some weeks. Said this, I will insist on something: you need URGENTLY marketing people on board. Really, this is not an opinion but a reality and I says this because this CMS is really great and could have an excellent feature but not like this, not only with technical development. You can be sure of this. Some advice (some of them I already told once) Put in the team someone of marketing and UX. Forget about doing it yourselves. The actual website is HORRIBLE. It is difficult to see useful info and difficult and not intuitive to look for. It is years behind actual tendencies... Don't you have money? well, give a piece of TB to a marketing and UX agency/freelance in exchange for taking care of this area. Just an example that leads me to write about this again. I rode a post about elastic search. It has been a hell to find the module and the only way has been through Indiegogo that has 1 one link that takes you to a post blog that has a link that takes you to github. I did not find another way!!!! Another example: when a merchant come to the page and want to explore the advantages, disadvantages...what they look for? A list of best features, some page comparing solutions (PS vs TB, Magento,....) to show them why they should choose you......and modules and themes!!!! Do you know that majority of the people is going to ignore what is a marketplace? Dont you believe me? ask for random merchants, not technical ones (the majority of the community). Instead of marketplace create 2 sections of "themes" and "modules". https://thirtybees.com/features/ Is this the best way to show features? A lot of text with some icons? This is boring. Where are the images? You are doing the opposite of all marketing tendencies. I was going to write only a couple of things but I will continue. I said it one and I repeat it. Change the home page. It is not beautiful designed, use of colors and photos are not good. An please.....do not use Wordpress....that is totally out of place if you are selling your own platform. If you are in the forum you can not go to the marketplace to buy a module that pleased you. the marketplace is not good looking at all. Not user-friendly (it is like a repository) new versions realeses not visible in the home. New version should be one of the first things people see as it transmits the image of things improving and being a dynamic CMS. include more shops using TB (specially having a good design). You can include mine if you want. The design is not bad (neither perfect) and in about 2 weeks it will be much better when we launch the new version. Marketplace->themes is empty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really???? This is horrible. What about compatible themes like panda? Do not they have time to create the "product"? Create it for them! If not, just delete the section (not good but better than being empty) Why not include a video in the home explaining TB? An actracting video is very useful. I will insist: change the home page design. Here there is a wonderful community but I already notice some very important contributors/active members not writing anymore or writing much less.... Do not wait until others members will do too and do not wait too much time to react and implement some of the improvement I suggested. New members are needed to replace old members with no free time to be here and you will not attract them only with coding. Marketing is 60% of a business, even if you do not believe it.
  21. I just thought.... Guys, merchants are mostly worried about stability. Why do not spend some money in google ads for keywords like "prestashop 1.6 problem" and other longtails? Yes I know there is not much money but in comparison with your work, it is small change and you can attract a lot of merchants. Just need to create a good landing page adressing PS problems and telling that that problems doesn't happen with TB...Just an idea
  22. Well firstly, congrats for the release!! @traumflug said in The version 1.0.6 release has happened!: This version is still killing full page caching. So, it is just not much of use. Many other ecommerce solutions don't even try to have such a feature. A shop works just fine without it. Yes, but we can not install an external solution neither....(TB is not compatible with cache modules) @traumflug said in The version 1.0.6 release has happened!: to $this->keys = json_decode(file_get_contents($keysFilename), true); Dang. I mean I've had a look at every single usage of json_decode() to find exactly such issues. Looks like I missed a spot. Thanks for the help! If this would be the solution, are you going to release a update or something? I think small patches are one of the missing things in TB (IMHO)
  23. I did not see the voting until now, but you took the right choice. Breaking compatibility with PS before having a strong user and developer bases is a commercial "suicide". Happy with the decision :)
  24. mmm removing category could be.... non friendly URL presents SEO issues. Thanks for the suggestion
  25. Hi, Is there any way to keep complete URL of any product when changing its default category or when updating category name? In PrestaShop as there was an ID, when I changed something in the URL, it did not matter too much becasue PS redirect the people to the product thanks to the ID. Now in TB I have to create a lot of redirections.... it is not very useful this way and changing any category name means a world. Is there any way to keep URLs? Something like an option...
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