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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. If I find time in the following days I'll run few tests. I mean if there are 2-3 commits of fixes in the theme can this be patched are released in the wild as 'unofficial fix'... I'm glad that at least Panda's dev is here and support his clients and the project!
  2. Yes, I know 'he's too busy making big bucks supporting for 1.7' and does not want to make new item and sell few more licenses for TB. If the needed changes are small can they come from the comunity? I believe the theme should keep some form of support because together with Panda it's the most used theme for TB. Any plans for beta stage, final release for 1.1?
  3. It should not be compatible or should not break the compatibility? Because if you update smarty there were controversial opinions if current themes work with the new version you choose. If I remember this was the main issue and you said 1.1 will break some compatibility exactly because of that... Or plans have changed since?
  4. Can you shed little bit more info about 1.1? Does it break compatibility with warehouse? If so would you restore it somehow?
  5. If you are you will receive tons of new registrations with one of the names being a web address. The thing is they have spam list and use a bot to crawl our sites and abuse the forms. They had the same thing for contact form an year ago but it got fixed and now they exploited that PS sends welcome email to the new customers. Now the names are scrutinized little bit harder and this exploit is fixed but this module will help you battle this type of spam when they decide to not use URLs in the names.
  6. Yes, TB was not affected because the spammer was searching for PS shops but it's (was until the recent changes) principally the same system so could be affected. But with this free module you're OK. If you want to use PS you have to pay for the previliege because there's no free captcha module for registrations.
  7. https://github.com/thirtybees/nocaptcharecaptcha No, you can download the latest PRs but it will not be fixed with those. Just not use this function for now. The module works just fine w/o it. And don't forget to use it on user creation form to avoid the issue with the spam registrations that plagues PS now (it's fixed by core updates but you should update the core for that).
  8. And what exactly is the bug? Screenshot or description at least?
  9. Do you have it installed before all? 😄
  10. My problem was I was missing a template or two that's why no emails were sent out... 🙂
  11. The theme does not install 'as normal' because with the current setup of TB it gives an error. That's why your modules are not installed - because they do so after the theme and an error is thrown beforehand and the process is stopped. You can still switch to WH but it looks ugly and you have to manually install all needed modules.
  12. Here this happens when the URL contains not western symbols (in my case - Cyrillic letters).
  13. @Traumflug would you recommend updating to the latest version with core updater on production site? (of course keeping in mind backups, etc)
  14. The QR code on every cash receipt was also introduced with the same legislation. I 100% agree that if implemented correctly such changes in the sector should lead to more taxes and less 'grey' sector where merchants operate without companies, etc. But keeping in mind I live in Bulgaria, the most corupt place in EU I highly doubt that the information they collect will be used as it should be. I have no problem to update my cash register software and even apply fixes to my invoicing software (which is website based and costs nothing). But when some stupid people try to force additional burden on small merchants this I can't accept. The requirement is as follows - if you accept payment with card or by cash on delivery you should connect your register with your shop. Who, how and when will write you the software (because it have to be executable software on your server or PC, located where you operate) that must be synced with the shop (which can be hosted on another continent) - nobody knows... I bet even in the income agency nobody thought about this use case. And I believe even syncing local software is not permitted - the original software will have to be 'connected'. How a php app located kms away can connect with my register - I don't know. And then there must be some sort of API for all register manufacutrers where all calls are listed so the software engeneers can write one code per system that fits all cash registers - no, no... every manucturer will have it's own way and thus making their machines work with only their software (not only online based). Of course the telecoms rised the price of the cash register sim cards by double or triple.. This have nothing to do with this new nonesense.. no... :)
  15. I just had to tell you about this nonsense! 😄 Our income agency (or at least some people working there) is so stupid that in attempt to counteract on big ventures and hospitality sector using software to manage their bussiness they introduced a requirement for each and every online store operated by Bulgarian company in Bulgaria to have their payment receipt printer connected permanently to the software operating the site. And they not only mean ERP syncing with TB or PS and then the cash receipt printer to be connected to the ERP. They want each and every warehousing, eccomerce or large (SAP large) ERP or CMS to be connected with the machine. Even better they require that if no connection is detected the user should not be able to complete their order. They did this because large % of the sales in hotels, restorants and bars are unaccounted and VAT is stollen that way but they wrote down the requirments so stupidly that they are now forsing all companies (not only eccomerce ones) using some sort of "order tracking software" (warehouse software falls here too!) to have a module which connects to their cash receipt printer. And not only that but they require access to all db in this system (no data privacy from their side of course!) and their souce code. I'm still waiting for SAP to reveal their source to those ignorent corupt bastards... Right after that I'll send my link to TB's github so they can know how rich I am that I have to have second job otherwise I would not be able to pay my rent, put food on the table and pay my bills...
  16. @perryg I'm sending my emails through fax, no printer problems here :)
  17. So if we uninstall the old updater we won't see the available updates in Modules page?
  18. @musicmaster I like your attitude here! :D
  19. You can assign which products to use where in multistore. So you can see all of them or only the ones you assigned for the shop you are working on. I ditched multistore couple of years ago because it was too buggy at least in ps 1.6.0 stages and no real work was done there. I don't know how much progress is there in tb but now I'm building all my shops one by one, yes there is some 2-3 hours work to get everything up and running as I want it but most of it is theme config and design work so it can't be saved in multistore.
  20. And of course you need new db - dump your current one and make new one where you upload the backup. For configuring this you will have to delve into config files and change the DB creditnails...
  21. Yes, you can do that . You can point your domain to a foler containing your copy and when you open your admin you have to change the shor URLs in SEO section so you can get your front office to work. Also you have to keep all your links relative when setting up menu, homepage CMSes, etc.
  22. Lol... I was even unaware of this new feature! Always was wondering where I can decode those codes...
  23. There's a quick fix for your error here: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2363/thirty-bees-getting-better-and-better-release-1-0-8/76 You have to asign your new feature in Email section. The devs forgot to put default sql call for it in 1.0.8 but your update is done just as good...
  24. @elund said in No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA installed, but start receiving spam mails again: @datakick - My login attempts is already set to zero, so this doesn't help me. @the-rampage-rado - Which free PrestaShop module did you install instead of the Thirty Bees module? I use the Panda theme: https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme. @SLiCK_303 - did you get your spam problem fixed? Contact form anti-spam: reCAPTCHA and blacklist v1.1.4 - by Presta.Site If when installing it tells you that it can't be installed that's because the module here is not removing it's override on uninstall and you have to manually delete it. You must go to override/controllers/front/ and delete contact-blah-blah... one.
  25. Did you try switching off smarty cache for debuging or returning to older version of php?
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