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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Thank you @datakick - you are awesome as always!!! Will check and report back asap. I can report one more bug with 1.1.0 but it's not that important - it does not remove it's front override when uninstalling. One must manually delete it in order to install another module. EDIT: Yes, it's working just as expected that way!!! Happy as hell!
  2. So as I suspected the module is faulty not my theme... :) Hope devs have time soon to check it and fix the override if needed because it's quality module and we need captcha everywhere not just on contact page. ;)
  3. What theme do you use? With warehouse I have this issue on all TB shops and I was forced to uninstall this module and install one free module for PS instead.
  4. The problem with all those packages and overpackaging that we see in large scale operation should be fixed at the other end. Where the retailers, dealers, etc get their packaging stuff - they should pay this tax when obtaining the packaging. If you operate in EU and put product in the market or retail/distribute it you should pay the tax but when obtaining the product form your dealer or when obtaining the transportation packaging from your supplier. I don't see anybody giving a 2 cents about this in Easter Europe in the next 20 years I'm afraid... I don't know what the avobe mentioned calculator does but if I have 15 packages a year with boxes of 0,75 kg each then I have to pay 69 Euro... excuse me... but do you take your medications?!?
  5. And one of them is in subfolder with addon domain.
  6. Also I would not run TB or PS on anything higher than php7. Try switching even back to 5.6 if posible for the install/update procedure and then turn back to 7.
  7. OK then, I meant nothing bad for you! Sorry if you feel ofended dude! Really. This module is not usable with TB because the core in this part is changed.
  8. As we said before - this feature is broken and needs LOTS more work to make it usable.
  9. Lame way to check if you had been updated - download both 7 and 8 version and run difference comparison tool against the files in the folders, check few files with differences on your server if they are updated. If so then all of them were updated and you got an error just before version update in your config.
  10. @haylau said in Express Cache 3 v3.4.0 - by Express Tech: @the-rampage-rado said in Express Cache 3 v3.4.0 - by Express Tech: Many variants and none of them is as problematic as the inbuild static cache and this module. And all probably way beyond the knowledge of a simple merchant If he/she can't handle the administration crap as I do - rent a virtual server running them. I doubt he's using own hardware or VPS and asking such questions...
  11. How many pages and visits do you have? TB is quick enough even w/o no caching. It get's even faster if you put it on litespeed server and put varnish in front of it. Instead of varnish you can try http2 which pushes resources... Many variants and none of them is as problematic as the inbuild static cache and this module.
  12. @traumflug said in thirty bees getting better and better: release 1.0.8: This is nice but I would like to see more bugs fixed Do you indeed? Me as well :-) Preparation for v1.1.x isn't part of the work, yet. This release focused on two parts: Making it harder for new bugs to enter the picture. Fixing a bug is a bit counterproductive, if a sloppy fix introduces two other bugs elsewhere. This opens the door a bit wider for working with inexperienced (voluntary, hired) developers. And there are plans for even more such capabilities, like Travis CI tests for module commits, plausibility tests, even some linting, such stuff. Web development has kind of a tradition of pretty sloppy coding practices, so rigorous testing is IMHO the right answer to this. Making the experience collected by migrating shops available for everybody. The first migration module was certainly awesome work, still a number of issues came up, which get now fixed automatically. Even for those shops migrated earlier. One such issue is e.g. changed defaults for friendly URL schemes, which trashed SEO ranking before, unless the merchant took care of it manually. That said, all PS 1.6 themes still work with thirty bees. There is no limitation to the three most popular ones. And it'll stay this way as much as technically possible, even with v1.1.x. At the moment I don't see any stopper bugs for me and I'm quite happy with the work done and use the system on few of mine sites. Just gathering courage to migrate my main site. I know what you mean for themes and modules but with only few coders supporting their modules on TB and only one theme developer doing so it's very hard to build a large community imho.
  13. The breadcrumb should always show the navigation from where you come if the product is in few categories. If it's accessed from search or some homepage module it should show the default. And I see no connection to categories modules. I have this behaviour in all my shops and none of them is using categories module. ;)
  14. What do you mean by show correct breadcrumb? In warehouse at least all breadcrumbs have nothing to do with Categories block...
  15. This is nice but I would like to see more bugs fixed regarding the core modules and some PS issues that were present when cloning the system and also much shorter minor version schedule. That way you will be able to build up fanbase. Yes, I see your point preparing for the huge undertaking to 1.1 with this work under the hood and potentially start many aspects of TB all over again but woudn't it be easier to firstly build the fanbase so gather modules and themes and then go 1.1 way breaking compatibility? At the moment PS is making tons of sh*t going SaaS, etc. the potential is there but if we have only 3 working themes for this ecommerce platform I can't imagine many people joining in and bringing money for you in the end. Just my 2 cents...
  16. I would not use this module in any new shop both in PS and TB. It very slow and you can achieve the tree that you need with some advanced menus which have cache.
  17. As @Traumflug said in other thread you can download the release on the product github page - this is the actual module. If you use 'clone/download' button you will have to rename the folder and sometimes to compile... So check if it's installed correctly if it's not - rename the folde, this module does not require to compile... Inside the module settings page there are plenty of configs waiting for you.. :)
  18. It does work ;) Strange that it was not ported, COD too...
  19. @wakabayashi said in second image on hover: @the-rampage-rado in some cases, the hover image can be quite useful... Can you give an example? I won't buy anything from product list, every time I will click on the product to see high res images...
  20. Warehouse comes with this 'feature'.... How convenient it is I don't know. I personally don't give a ..... about changing images, auto rollover sliders, blink-blink homepage modules with kanburn effects and whatever else... Simply distracting.
  21. Warehouse is good enough, fully mature theme with nearly all items that I need. I can't see no bugs caused by the theme (few years back in it's develpoment I contributed few bugs but everything is smooth now).
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