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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. First of all - after the migration all duplicate modules by PS are still there. You should go through one by one and uninstall and reinstall the TB ones. If you have done this and you have no problems other than the missing images and missing payments by card you are ready to proceed. For the images - try going to Images - there set the proper settings as you need them and Save. Then back on the same page regenerate all the thumbnails. For the missing payments - do you have all the proper settings in Modules -> Payments. All currencies supported and all groups should be enabled for the selected payment module to show when needed.
  2. Any other info from my last post? Can you send a link on PM?
  3. What do you mean by 'cart missing'? The block is not shown in the theme or the popup does not display? Did you try uninstalling the old PS cart module and then reinstalling the TB version which has few code changes? Also what theme do you use? Do you have ajax enabled for it? Did you try to clear cache (both BO way and manually in /cache/smarty/)?
  4. What do you mean by 'the button does not work'? Also if the shop can be configured to use 1 step checkout so we can test it would help.
  5. This version is also stable enough for me to use, so go ahead and jump!
  6. If you use the inbuild invoicing that's another word...
  7. And probably you rely heavily on the inbuild income stats? Just refund the money and then if needed manually corect this in the report. I doubt it happens more than once in a month. There are far more important bugs or missing functionalities in the code.
  8. Looks promosing! What will be the price?
  9. This is how this mode works back from when PS was cloned. If you want a 'quick fix' - you keep your usual mode but you have to go in every product and select 'available for sell -> No'. If you want to hide 'user info' and 'cart' blocks - simply unhook them. I think this can be done with a qucik db query but I'm not an expert.
  10. If you use it hooked to the side you can use TB version of layered. But I use it on top of product list for all my shops and the merge procedure is too complicated for me so I use the good old moded version that comes with latest WH.
  11. Warehouse seems to work just fine with php 7.2 and TB 1.1.0 if you fix one file and follow the steps in the 1.1.0 topic.
  12. OMG, I knew I'm missing something!!! But why I have made changes to product.tpl and many others over the years and I had no issues with "Never recompile template files"? Fix: - change the order-carrier.tpl file as described above. - in performance set "Template compilation" to any of the later two options. - enable caches - turn back to 'Never recompile template files"
  13. I did disable all caches, cleared them from backend, then manually deleted all the rest files in /cache/smarty. Also disabled cloudflare (put it in dev mode) and used chrome in incognito mode to try and use OPC. Then tried ctrl+r and f5 to probably refresh it's cache if it's stuck. No luck with all this. This is on php7.1 if it makes any difference. Tried php 7.2 - works just the same - error 7.3 - db link error
  14. Exactly the same - no change at all. Like the file was not changed.
  15. Hello @smarterweb just compared your version - it's the same as mine and it's not working for me. @datakick also tried to help with the same fix but with no luck.
  16. Again no luck for me. Can you attach your fixed file so I can compare mine with yours. Probably I'm making some lame mistake. I've turned 5 step checkout but it on it's own have some issues and I would like to return to OPC.
  17. I tried with latest firefox and latest Chrome both of them have no issues displaying the captcha in account creation with the following settings: 1. TB side of things - only account creation, 1.1.0 and Warehouse and on other websites - edge before 1.1.0 and Warehouse 2. module side of things - yes, 0, 0, 0, 0, yes till the end. If you switch to any number above 0 on Login attempts the captcha is shown but ignored - I had the same issue with the module - lots of Russian bot regs but it is a known bug since then. Think @datakick found out. it should be fixed soon.
  18. Probably try to disable/clear your caches before the update?
  19. Yes, sorry, this was a known bug and you've found the solution. :)
  20. In most of these modules you won't see the change (it's internal documents/licensing/etc). Some of them are bugfixes and few of them introduce something new. I don't remember any of them to have any change in behaviour so I don't think you should be afraid to update. BUT YOU SHOULD MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR FILES AND DB FIRST!!!
  21. I updated to 1.1.0 with latest warehouse but I experience the bug with OPC and the fix does not work for me? Can someone help? It seems I have issue with order-opc, not order-carrier - It's exactly the same issue but strangely this will not fix it.
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