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Everything posted by Sigi

  1. Sigi

    Broken images

    try to update to version 1.2.x since 1.1.0 there have been a lot of changes
  2. 1.2.x und PHP 7.4
  3. thanks for your reply! I deleted some old modules and it works. Thanks a lot!!
  4. since my first installation I had a problem with the tbupdater. When the module ´tbupdater´ is installed i get an 500error when clicking in backoffice in ´modules´. back then @zen helped me and deleted the folder content of ´tbupdater´ now after update to version 1.2 I had to download from github and install the updates of every module manually. If I download the newest version of tbupdater and install it, I still get following error in backoffice in ´modules and services´: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/*****/modules/tbupdater/classes/autoload.php: require(): Failed opening required '/*****/modules/tbupdater/classes/GuzzleHttp/Psr7/functions.php' (include_path='/****/vendor/pear/archive_tar:/****/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/******/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/*****/vendor/pear/pear_exception:.:/usr/lib/php7.3')
  5. possibility to make a comment in back office in a product, that is only visible in back office
  6. for export there is the datakick module. But easy import from csv would be nice
  7. https://gitter.im/thirtybees/General?utm_source=notification&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=unread-notifications# maybe there should be some notification to the tb forum. Otherwise it seems to be like some people can´t find it
  8. I think there are small things, that make it easy, especially for new and inexperienced users. 1. like a working GDPR module 2. an easy way to change colors of buttons and fonts in FO the thirtybees website should be up to date, also the demo shop. If you go there and there are still links to patreon, you feel like it is already dead...
  9. Merchants with an existing shop simply upgrade to the latest Bleeding Edge 1.1.x, that's the same. so once again for stupids: if I make in thirtybees with coreupdater an update to the latest version (1.1.x) then it is updating to merchants edition?
  10. whats about https://saleor.io
  11. Question: why is thirtybees not listed here? https://sourceforge.net
  12. Hey there, Is there a way to increase the number of characters allowed in the title? At the moment it is 128 thanks!
  13. also ich hatte es so verstanden, aber nach ein paar Minuten googlen, bin ich mir nicht sicher, ob ich das richtig verstanden habe...
  14. diesen zwei Punkten schließe ich mich an! Danke für den Hinweis und seinen Shop auf ne einfache Art und Weiße zum Testen kopieren zu können, das wäre fein.
  15. also ich hab so ein "webinar" (von e-recht24) angesehen, [EDIT: und ziemlich sicher nicht richtig verstanden was da gesagt wurde :D, sorry...]
  16. so as far as I know, if you use matomo you don´t need cookie tool, because the data stays at your server and doesn´t go to google or some other third parties. Can somebody confirm this?
  17. In module image slider you can add text to an image. This text is always on the right half of the image. But in the mobile version the text does not appear. Any idea?
  18. i have this strange problem too. Changing a translation for a word in front-office, it deletes automatically existing translations. What do you @toplakd mean with "one can not save empty string"? What are the consequences of this? Does it mean, I have to translate everything to be able to save?
  19. any hint how to do this?
  20. when putting object in cart, the popup appears. There it shows me what other customers bought (module crossselling) But the screen is freezed so i can´t scroll. So one can just see the first two objects. Don´t know if this is issue of the 3 page checkout or the modified template (it is the one from toplakd). Can anyone confirm this?
  21. sorry...
  22. at least it could be one more reason for some people to join thirtybees instead of other ecommerce. So one more possibility for tb not to die
  23. actually this could work. But it is on me to do a lot of combinations to give the customer a selection. So if it would be a real "pay what you want" function, the customer could pay 1.19€ or 1.21 or 100.21 or what ever he likes. Possible scenarios: a voucher, kind of product with not a lot of material worth but the paid money is to support something (e.g. a kindergarten or whatever) and so the customer can choose how much this is worth for him, or for somebody who wants to support a shop and his idea with money but has the possibility to pay more then the actually value of the product. Think there are more possibilities, as said just saw this and thought might be a cool feature for tb:)
  24. hey all there, I found a feature called "pay what you want" somewhere in the internet and thought that this might be a pretty nice feature for thirtybees too. So you can choose a product and, wonder, pay what you want. Just an idea for future development.....
  25. btw, especially the color setting is a long needed and awesome feature!!💪 really appreciate this, even I don´t (yet?) use niara theme. This should be available in all modules!😍 EDIT: one more thing. When I change a setting and save it, I end up in "general" and not in the section I saved the setting
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