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Everything posted by datakick

  1. @x97wehner I don't have 2checkout account, so I can't verify that the following will work. Could you please check Edit file /modules/checkout/controllers/front/validation.php and change line 40 from php Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order-confirmation&id_cart='.(int)$cart->id.'&id_module='.(int)$this->module->id.'&id_order='.$checkout->currentOrder); to php Tools::redirect('index.php?controller=order-confirmation&id_cart='.(int)$cart->id.'&id_module='.(int)$this->module->id.'&id_order='.$checkout->currentOrder.'&key='.$customer->secure_key); That should do the trick
  2. @x97wehner what payment module is that? Shouldn't be hard to fix it to work as other payment modules
  3. also ensure that directory /config/xml/themes exists and is writable
  4. @gandalf I don't think we can consider module to be badly-developed just because it uses php filesystem api. I personally have created a few modules that would be impacted by this (their content would not be synchronized by default). Now, there exists thousands of modules out there compatible with ps16/thirtybees. We can't really expect their developers to update them all, or force them to use some fs abstraction layer. It's just too late for that. That said, I still thing application layer is not the right place for this. Especially since there are very few merchants that would actually use this kind of feature.
  5. @gandalf Application is not the right layer that should address this. In fact, it's not even possible with open system like thirtybees. We could fix all places in core that touches filesystem and change it to use this filesystem abstraction layer, but what about third party modules? Any module can use php filesystem functions directly, so this abstraction would be bypassed anyway. You would end up much worse -- some assets would be correctly synchronized, while others would not. And there's nothing thirtybees can do here -- we can't just force module developers to use our filesystem abstraction. If you want to sync files, you need to do that on different / lower level. Either at php server (php module that tweaks filesystem api), or at OS level (map thirtybees installation over distributed virtual volumes).
  6. I think the main reason behind this request are the dynamically generated assets - regenerated thumbnails images, CCC css + js files, etc. But that's mainly infrastructure problem, and should not be solved at application level.
  7. Out of curiosity - you do have dashboard's demo mode disabled, right?
  8. You can migrate productcomments reviews to revws module, though
  9. what do you mean by disconnect and reconnect to the frontoffice ?
  10. @30knees this issue was already fixed in 1.0.21 / 2.0.3 release, please install latest version and test again
  11. Main page is generated by index controller, so just enable left column for it:
  12. FPC does not really work. I suggest you to disable it completely for the time being.
  13. I've tested it and it works on my 1.0.7 as expected. Verify that you have themeconfigurator module enabled. You can also check that this module is in list of hooks called for left/right columns:
  14. @daokakao said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: I meant the [6]...[6] tag - both parts are opening, no closing tag Ohh, that's indeed a small bug. I'll fix it, thanks for reporting it
  15. @daokakao said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: Is this part correct: [5][/5]You can read our [6]privacy policy[6] here ? yes, it is correct. It's a placeholder for inserting a line-break. Also i wrote earlier that not all string resources could be translated because are palced in the .js file. So the question is - do you plan to sort out this? sure, but it's really not a pressing matter. I didn't translate these strings originally because I didn't have mechanism to inject html element into translated string. I do now, so there's no reason not to do it (other than that it's extremely boring task)
  16. Ensure that the customer is 1. not deleted 2. is not guest account
  17. @30knees said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: I changed the status settings, but the old orders on the status don’t update to reflect this. Is there a way to update them? You can - edit all those orders manually and re-set the status - mass update all those orders using datakick module, and set deliveryDate to some proper value (for example to order's last modified date) - or simply set Delivery delay in revws module to 0, and wait until all review request for those old orders are sent. Then set Delivery delay back to your desired value
  18. @lesley said in Back to PrestaShop or stay with Thirty Bees ?: We do not want to track as much as other platforms I really think you should, though. Of course, make it optional, like 'Allow sending anonymous statistics'. I'm pretty sure many people would allow this, especially when you are frank about what type of data is collected. As an example of what could be tracked is installed overrides. Thirtybees developers would actually know what classes/methods are overridden, and there could be automated test that would prevent breaking changes to be released (or at least notify developer that this change will break something somewhere). There are many other things that could be collected. Of course, it would need to be implemented carefully, so the performance of the store is not affected. But that's totally doable.
  19. re #1) missing 'Theme configurator' button -- this button is available only for theme with name 'community-theme-default'. It does make sense to display this button for themes that are derived from this theme, though. If you want to show this button for all themes, you can edit file classes/Theme.php and change lines if ($themeArr['theme_name'] == 'community-theme-default') { $themeArr['tc'] = Module::isEnabled('themeconfigurator'); } to simple $themeArr['tc'] = Module::isEnabled('themeconfigurator'); Thirtybees should however come up with some better way to associate themes with their respective configuration module(s). re #2) turn on your left/right column on individual pages as well, then your content should display on those pages
  20. @cdwebman was really migrationpro module disabled when this error occurred? I can't find the code that would actually load-in the classes of disabled modules....
  21. Are you using smtp or php mail?
  22. @cdwebman one of your modules declares class with name Logger. This causes collision with built-in PrestaShopLogger. Even if you disable the module, this class gets loaded to to classpath, and causes the issue. Basically there are two things wrong in tb core: 1) including files from disabled modules 2) core using Logger alias instead of PrestaShopLogger class
  23. You should definitely delete all overrides from modules that you no longer use. I recommend you backup /override directory first, just in case something goes wrong.
  24. This is very strange. There's absolutely no reason why AdminInformationController should take so much time to load, as there's no business logic inside initContent method at all. Missing files list is generated after the page is loaded using ajax call. @cprats - is it possible that you have override installed for this controller? If you have migrated from ps16, it's possible. To check, you can install thirtybees Override check module to see what overrides are installed on your server.
  25. The override system in thirtybees / prestashop would really need some attention. It's very brittle, yet there are many things that can be done to mitigate these kind of errors and warnings
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