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Everything posted by datakick

  1. @Angstony_2 I have no idea, the snippet works just fine on my server, and it does not change search results in any way. I'm using community theme -- what theme do you have? You can try it on my demo server
  2. @Pilou that warning is not really important, you can safely disregard it. It's really strange that it does not work for you. I've just tested it on my installation and it works just fine out of the box. You can troubleshoot this further by editing the hook code, and inserting return statement such as php return '-------------------HERE--------------'; on different places. Start with the very beginning of the hook, so you know that the hook is is actually called by your theme. You should see this in your product page (don't forget to clear cache in Administration > Performace after every edit): If you see this, then edit the hook again, and move it further down the code, just before the first return '';. Clear cache, and check product page again. If you see the same result, it means that hook is prematurely terminated because one of the condition in preceding if statement. If you don't see anything, move it before the next return ''; statement. That should give you the idea what and where goes wrong
  3. You can 1. Disable left column on search page entirely -- go to Preferences > Themes, click on Advanced settings, and uncheck Left column for Search controller. 2. Alternatively, you can invert order of columns using css. One way to do that is this css rule (add it to your global.css file). Note that it will be applied on search page only. css @media (max-width: 768px) { body#search #columns>.row { display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } }
  4. @x97wehner that's actually much more complicated than I thought. Review average is rendered using either displayRightColumnProduct or displayProductButton hooks -- what hook will be used can be selected in module settings page. It's possible to edit your product.tpl template and move one of these hooks to the appropriate place. For example, move this line. The problem with this approach is that these hooks are shared -- many modules can, and usually do, use them to display additional information on product page. So, if you move placement of this hook within template, you will be moving content generated by other modules as well. In other words - you can use this approach only if no other module is using this hook -- you can check in Modules > Positions. For example, in my case, if I move displayProductButtons hook it will affect Block Product Payment Logos module as well. I will add a new dedicated hook to the module for this particular use case. That way, you will be able to call this hook anywhere in the product template, and it will not impact other modules.
  5. I've just attached one small module named revwsrecent to the first post. This module works together with revws module and displays recent reviews on your home page (in tab). It's really very simple module without any configuration or whatnot, but I thought someone might find it useful. You can actually see this module at work on my demo server
  6. You don't need Google Analytics API module -- that one is used to fetch data from google analytics back to your store. It's not really that useful. Just install Google Analytics module, configure it, and you should immediately see visitors in your google analytics account
  7. This is the hook code that renders the subscription form: ``` if (!$this->customerqty || !Configuration::get('PSSTOCKMANAGEMENT') || Product::isAvailableWhenOutOfStock($params['product']->outof_stock) ) { return ''; } $context = Context::getContext(); $idProduct = (int) $params['product']->id; $idProductAttribute = 0; $idCustomer = (int) $context->customer->id; if ((int) $context->customer->id <= 0) { $this->context->smarty->assign('email', 1); } elseif (MailAlert::customerHasNotification($idCustomer, $idProduct, $idProductAttribute, (int) $context->shop->id)) { return ''; } ``` If nothing is rendered, then the only explanations are: 1) hooks is actually not triggered -- please ensure that the module is enabled 2) Product Availability option is disabled in mailalerts module configuration 3) Enable stock management is disabled in Preferences > Products 4) product can be ordered even when out of stock (although this should be bypassed by your modification) 5) user is logged in, and has already submitted mail alert
  8. @Pilou it is syntax error, and that has nothing to do with thirtybees or prestashop. It means that the code could not be parsed by php server There are two possible explanations: - you have made a typo when you copied the code - you run the code on different server with different version of PHP
  9. Yet another version of this module is out. From outsider perspective not much has changed - some ui was moved around, and few bugs were fixed. But under the hood there were many more changes related to review types. Basically, this version brings support to review different types of entities, not only products. I will use this as a foundation to implement store reviews in the future (although that's probably going to be premium feature)
  10. @30knees this error message is not really helpful :) But it seems that Mollie module should have a switch to display real error. Enable this option is module's configuration page and try again
  11. @30knees the problem is in psograph.tpl template, and that's not part of the mollie module. First find out what module uses this template. The problem can be that these two modules can't work together - they both probably set the same smarty variable, thus creating conflict.
  12. It's strange that ps16 module won't run on thirtybees. If there's some compatibility issue, it should be fairy easy to iron out, either in tb core or in module itself. I'd be happy to check your module compatibility for you. On related note - have you tried elasticsearch module? It might be good replacement, and it would speed up your shop as well
  13. Sure, the module itself contains installation procedure
  14. Good. I've created pull requests with the changes to master repository. It seems to be abandoned, though
  15. Note: I've moved this to separate topic
  16. @x97wehner edit this line and change it to look like this: php 'total_to_pay' => Tools::displayPrice($params['total_to_pay'], $params['currencyObj']),
  17. @x97wehner I meant logs stored in file inside log directory: /log/20181120_exception.log
  18. @x97wehner look into /log directory inside your thirtybees installation, there you should see the 'real' error message
  19. datakick

    Paypal Errors

    Look into your webserver's error log, there should be some information about what's wrong
  20. you need to reset the module. The tab is created during module installation --> when you change installation related code, you need to reinstall the module
  21. Are you using default schema of urls?
  22. Also, open javascript console, and if you find any error, copy and paste it here
  23. You need to provide more information if you want our help: - firefox version - your operation system - thirtybees version - and most importatnly -- your url address
  24. yep, that doc is a good start
  25. https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1798/bcc-for-all-outgoing-emails/
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