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Everything posted by datakick

  1. Php is just complaining that overloading function does not have same signature as overloaded function in parent class. To fix this, simply edit file modules/auctions/classes/model/object_model/productauctionobjectmodel.php, and on line 156 change signature of function __get from something like this public function __get($key) to public function &__get($key) Note the extra &
  2. @cdwebman Here's my thoughts about your original question. First, let me say that I too think ps17 platform is getting better and better. As a developer, I really like what they are doing there, the system architecture is shaping nicely. It's becoming easier to develop modules and themes for that platform. Some things that are really hard or impossible to do in ps16/tb can be done quite easily there. But the only reason why this is happening is thanks to Prestashop's decision to break compatibility. And this is the biggest issue I have with them. They screwed hundreds of thousands of their own customers running on ps16 - most modules merchants already bought for ps16 will not work on ps17, so they will need to purchase a new ones. There is also no automated upgrade system from ps16 to ps17, so it requires paid service to even stay updated. They also screwed module and theme developers -- sales of ps16 modules dropped significantly as merchants don't wants to invest into dying platform. Developers are forced to re-implement their modules for ps17 platform, which can take huge amount of resources. Note that it may take years for module to break even, or become profitable. That's one of the reasons why so many third party developers are jumping ships lately. The only one who benefits from this decision is Prestashop itself -- they will have better platform, and influx of sales from ps17 modules. They don't care that everyone else got hurt. I believe everyone needs some stability, both merchants and developers. And I don't trust ps17 platform on this point. Thirtybees, on the other hand, has backwards compatibility as one of their core pillars. And I hope it will remain the same, even with thirtybees 2.0
  3. @piet thanks for confirmation, I'll include this change to the 1.0.8. So don't worry, you will be able to upgrade without any fears you will loose this change
  4. That's awesome @Jonny. Can I ask what needed to be done to make your theme compatible with tb 1.0.7? I'm interested because there shouldn't be any changes necessary, in theory :) If there's some breaking change between tb1.0.3 and tb1.0.7 we'd love to know, so we could fix it
  5. @piet could you please modify config/smarty.config.inc.php, and change function register inside SmartyLazyRegister class to this (including function signature!): ```php public function register($name, $type='function', $callable=null) { if (isnull($callable)) { if (isarray($name) && count($name) === 2) { $callable = $name; $name = $name[1]; } else { throw new PrestaShopException("Invalid usage of SmartyLazyRegister::register"); } } $this->registry[$name] = [ 'callable' => $callable, 'type' => $type ]; } ```
  6. @piet, please show the code from /modules/prestapassionsmartcodes/prestapassionsmartcodes.php around line 258 (+/- 10 lines)
  7. There is indeed very inefficient piece of code in classes/Product.php, function cleanPositions. When you remove product from a category, all products that are associated with that category and have higher position gets updated. In your case this leads to thousands of sql updates. They are very fast, but it adds up. That's also the reason why you experience this problem only with olded products -- they have lower positions inside categories. New products have higher position, so the total number of updates is much lower. I'll prepare a fix and push it to thirtybees 1.0.8. Meanwhile, this is what you can do to avoid this problem: edit file classes/Product.php, find function cleanPositions, and remove these lines.
  8. @cprats we are getting closer. There are over 9000 sql queries -- that's way too many. Normally you shouldn't see more than 300. I bet there's some very inefficient loop that's executing some query over and over. Please look at the bottom part of the profile stats, and search for section with sql statements named Doubles. It looks something like this (the red number says how many time was this sql executed)
  9. @cprats I don't see anything. Is this a result of a product save operation?
  10. This warning has nothing to do with the slowness. You have probably enabled debug mode, not profiling. Enable profiling, and then look at the bottom of the page for performance statistics That should give you the basic idea what's slow in your system
  11. @schmuck-checker MEHR category contains subcategories. Please ensure that Display products from subcategories is enabled Or simply associate your products directly with this category
  12. Could you share url of your shop?
  13. You guys know that thirtybees implements canonical url tags by default, right? So why bother doing all this stuff? The only reason behind this rel="nofollow" suggestion is to get rid of duplicate content warnings (or is there any other reason?). But this is very stupid method to achieve this task, if you ask me. You need to fix all links on your page. If you miss just one, you will get this duplicate warning. Also, if any third party website links to your site using dynamic parameters, you'll get duplicate warnings as well -- you will have to manually block these third party links in your search console. It's a lost battle... Canonical url meta tags, on the other hand, solve this problem elegantly and permanently. When google tries to index url with dynamical parameters, this meta tag tells him that he should index is under different / canonical url.
  14. datakick

    Shop Logo URL

    go to Preferences > General and enable Multistore. Don't worry, you can disable it later go to Advanced Parameters > Multistore select shop and edit it: change shop name go to Preferences > Themes and upload your logo Result: logo will now contain name of your shop, changed in step 4 Now, you can disable multistore again. Unfortunately I did not find any way to edit store name without enabling this feature
  15. Because this module is disabled on mobiles by default :) But it's pretty easy to enable it:
  16. datakick

    Shop Logo URL

    When you upload logo, the file is renamed using shop name: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1e34bdafba75c0a60e9f9bfd3ee65498b5b1ecf6/controllers/admin/AdminThemesController.php#L2704 You can either change the shop name, or change the code
  17. @movieseals said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: I was wondering if it would be possible to make rating the shipping as optional for customers. We have a brick and mortar store as well as an online store and people often come pick up their stuff in store and they are wondering what to do with the shipping rating. It should be possible to implement this, I've added it to my backlog
  18. @30knees said in [Free Module]Revws - Product Reviews: @datakick Thanks for the reply! That's what I also first thought, but I have as a delivery delay 4 days and orders that are 22 days old but still show the message that merchandise hasn't been delivered yet. Please look into tb_orders table to see if this particular order has delivery_date field set. You can use datakick module as well (I believe that you have it): Order's delivery date field is updated when your order goes through status that has Show delivery PDF (strange name, if you ask me) My guess is that your Shipped status does not mark order as delivered. You will either need to fix this status, or change your workflow to switch order status to some other Delivered status few days after shipment. Or you can simply disable Delivery delay option in revws module by setting it to 0
  19. @30knees this is because of Delivery delay(days) option. It's an additional and optional condition based on delivery_date field on order. In settings, you can set how long to wait before review request should be sent. This is useful, because it gives your customers some time to test the merchandise. Also, in some scenarios, delivery_date is actually a shipping date, so this option can be used to offset this difference
  20. @Luv try downloading latest version 1.0.21, it should be fixed
  21. You can simply check if _PS_ADMIN_DIR_ is defined. Alternatively, you can look what controller is currently in use - Context::getInstance()->controlller. Can I ask what you are trying to achieve? It seems really strange that the logic override should behave differently for backed/frontend
  22. This seems to be bug in tbupdater module, it should be addressed. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/619
  23. @30knees said in Hack stats module to show the combinations of best selling products?: @datakick Shouldn't your module be able to do this? I have the ordered products list, but how do I group and sort that according to the most ordered product? Unfortunately no. My module can create list of transactional data only, it can't summarize it. There are plans to implement this (summary list feature), but it won't happen anytime soon. In fact, I first need to modularize my module a little bit first. It offers too much functionality, and that makes it too pricey for many merchants. Usually when someone wants to buy it, they need one or two functionality at most. But they have to pay higher price for all the other functionality won't even use. Most people want either xml export, or xml import. And almost nobody is using lists, mass updates, or custom fields,... Which is a shame, really, because these features are so powerful. I actually think that the list is the one feature that everyone should use daily.
  24. @basix101 said in Updater v.1.3.3 "thirty bees' caching features are disabled": Edit: The "Update Thirty Bees" button is missing because of the disable cache error! Edit file /config/settings.inc.php, find line with _PSCACHEENABLED_ and change it to look like this: define('_PS_CACHE_ENABLED_', '0'); Note that this constant is not used anymore tb core, but tbupdater module still use it to determine if the cache is turned on/off
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