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Everything posted by datakick

  1. No, that's correct. There shouldn't be this file. I asked because if this file existed, it might explain your issue.
  2. Hard to tell. Do you have existing file /config/settings.inc.php ?
  3. Hi everyone, I've just released a new module to strengthen back office security - two factor authentication module. https://store.getdatakick.com/en/modules/back-office-two-factor-authentication With this module, your store employees will have to enter authentication code during login to back office. The code changes every 30 seconds, and the only way to obtain current value is to use Authentication app on your phone -- there are many free authentication application available, for example Google Authenticator or FreeOTP. This functionality makes your back office more secure. It protect your store against brute-force attacks, mitigate impact of weak or leaded passwords, etc.
  4. You have entered invalid server name for your "database server address"
  5. This issue is usually caused by product miniatures listing. Product miniatures are displayed on category pages, but they can be elsewhere as well. For example, related products or crossseling on product pages. Some theme adds rich snippets metadata to these miniatures with itemType="Product", so google consider these as a full-fledged product description section. Which they are not -- they don't contain all the data google needs, hence the warning. In my opinion, the best fix is to modify your theme, and remove these rich snippets from product listing template. Relevant file is product-list-item.tpl. Remove all itemprop="***" itemtype="***" itemscope
  6. You have to modify the module code. Replace all references to Attribute class with ProductAttribute.
  7. Enable debug mode and (or) install collectlogs module. That will tell you what's wrong. Probably some module that is using Attribute class. That was renamed in 1.4 for php8 compatibility reasons
  8. datakick


    It's not possible - current database table schema doesn't permit this. It's not possible to have two rows in table tb_image with the same id_image, hence it's not possible to associate the same image with different products.
  9. I bet it's about link. Spammers these days don't post link immediately, they simulate "engaged discussion" with hope their post will not be deleted. If not, they will return after few days or weeks and edit the message ti contain link. You can spot these quite easily, as they don't know what they are talking about. It's usually "thank you this helped me very much" kind of reply. AI helps them a lot, unfortunately . They just ask the original question, and copy-paste whatever AI generates. It's smarter than anything they could come up with themselves. It will make moderator work harder. We are thinking about disabling edit functionality for post older then few hours.
  10. These are not errors, but warnings. And all of those are already fixed in bleeding edge. I saw in other thread that you downgraded to 1.3. That's not the right solution. Using PHP7.4 on 1.3 will not fix these warnings, it just masked them. You should update to bleeding edge, install collectlogs module, and keep track of all these warnings. Report those that originates in the core as github issues and we will fix them -- you can then install newer bleeding edge to check that the issue was fixed. Warnings that originates from third party modules should be fixed as well, otherwise you will not be able to safely update to new PHP versions in the future. Once all warnings has been fixed, it's safe to switch to higher PHP version. Bleeding edge thirty bees core + most native modules runs without any warnings even on PHP8.2. I have this php version on my production server and I didn't see any notice in the error log for a few weeks now.
  11. If you are on 1.3, then you had to downgrade your PHP to 7.4. I think it's the PHP downgrade that fixed this problem, not tb version -- see this comment: I recommend you upgrade to bleeding edge (1.5) using core updater and install new mail transport module. That should fix this issue, and will allow you to use PHP8.1
  12. Yes, it was deprecated in 1.6 or in 1.5, I'm not sure. The functionality was kept in the core, but enabled only for uses that had some scenes active, with the intention to remove it completely. I agree with this, actually -- there is no reason why this should be part of the core. If it's useful for somebody, we could extract the functionality to some module. But it should be removed from core.
  13. This looks like server issue, not application one. cURL error 6: getaddrinfo() thread failed to start Looks like curl can't resolve domain address for api.thirtybees.com Check your server configuration.
  14. You can check database schema using core updater. However, they don't probably mean "non-standard database". They will have issues with any database schema that is different to that at the time of module development. For example, in thirty bees, column tb_category_shop now has active column, but in ps16 db schema this column does not exists. If their module contains some hardcoded sql command to insert new categories, it can fail, because the value for this column will not be provided. That does not mean the database schema is 'non-standard'
  15. You have to investigate. We don't know what your server stack looks like. It could be misconfiguration of any component, really - cloudflare, nginx, proxy server, cache server, apache, php-fpm, or even application issue (some thirty bees module). I don't think this is core issue, as nobody else is affected.
  16. The only enhancement in 1.4 related to webp is ability to upload webp images in file manager. That is not related to product images. Product images do not support webp as a source format. Only as target format. @wakabayashi has been working on some enhancements in this area, which I believe will fix this limitation.
  17. It's a module, so you have to chose 'Installed modules translations' and not 'Front office translations'
  18. Controllers can (and often do) use helper function like Tools::parseNumber to process input values. This allows merchant to enter formatted strings that includes spaces and different separators, for example "$1 012,10". In core and native modules we try to use these helper methods everywhere user can input values. But of course, there are places we missed. You can file issues for those.
  19. Look to file /vendor/composer/platform_check.php It should start with something like this: <?php // platform_check.php @generated by Composer $issues = array(); if (!(PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400)) { $issues[] = 'Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.4.0". You are running ' . PHP_VERSION . '.'; } This is the stop-gag measure that prevents your store to run on older / non-supported versions of PHP. If it says 7.4, you are good
  20. That's strange. Try to manually edit settings.inc.php and change value of _TB_BUILD_PHP_ to 7.4 Then go to core updater and try update. It will probably display something funny (manual modifications warnings, etc), but you can ignore these and perform the update.
  21. Go to Preferences > SEO & URLs and enable Emit SEO fields
  22. Maybe your config/settings.inc.php file is not writeable? This is where core updater saves information about revision and php build.
  23. You have to go to core updater settings and change target php version to php7.4. Then you can downgrade your php version. Looks like your php8 is not installed properly. You need pdo extension enabled. You probably don't.
  24. Your server respond with 301 REDIRECT for 'add to cart' POST request 🤦‍♂️ and ask your browser to fetch page to https://<domain>/en/?rand=<rand> Browser do exactly that, and perform GET request for that page Now, this is GET request without original POST parameters, so nothing is added to the cart.
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