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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. @datakick Any different between the trial and paid versions?
  2. I can confirm @Traumflug replies that TB fully support PHP 7.2 I've upgrade a shop last week from TB 1.0.2 / PHP 7.0 to TB 1.0.x / PHP 7.2 in less than 5 seconds with no errors at all.
  3. I think that if you are not using PayPal rest api to process orders than the payment in PayPal happens prior to the customer being redirected back to your shop, which only at that point the Cart object turn into an Order object (thats how most payment modules works). So there is a chance that you will get money in your PayPal account from a customer but your shop did not process the order yet. If you are using PayPal rest api to process orders than only when the customer redirect back to your shop you can execute the actual payment from PayPal (which makes it a smoother process with less chance of failing in between). It references an order in our shop that belongs to another customer about this part it doesn't really make any sense how can one order post on different client. are you sure about that?
  4. In case url rewrites (friendly urls) is not turned on, you can use: https://denkspellenparadijs.nl/index.php?controller=prices-drop
  5. yaniv14

    Mail Alerts

    Did you setup email addresses in mail alert module configuration?
  6. Check that you don't have duplicated customers with the same email address lower and capital. like: MyEmail@example.com and myemail@example.com if you do find any kind of duplicates make sure you remove them all
  7. @TraumflugBut isn't the old updater is the only one that support db upgrades? let say you want to upgrade from v1.0.2 to current version, you will need to use the old updater?
  8. Make sure you are updating the module class to support the new name. class BlockBanner extends Module and in the construct. $this->name = 'blockbanner'; and this variables: const IMAGE = 'BLOCKBANNER_IMG'; const LINK = 'BLOCKBANNER_LINK'; const DESCRIPTION = 'BLOCKBANNER_DESC';
  9. Do you use Uppercase letters in your shop folder/url?
  10. @Traumflug I think its the example files that shows comma as a seperator
  11. It looks like your IP has been blocked or marked as spam. Try the recommendation you got about removing your ip from the black list. Also you should setup a reverse dns in digital ocean, so your IP address will have a valid domain. And after that you should setup mx records and spf records that matches your ip/domain.
  12. Are you able to send emails from command line, like: "sendmail youremail@com" -> enter -> "some text" -> ctrl+d?
  13. So from what I understand you are sending mails from your server with phpmail. DO won't block your ports unless you have some spams or something worst coming out from your server, and they will probably inform you about it. MX records should be set from your domain name server (where you point you NS), so setting MX in DO will only work if you have your domain NS pointing to DO. Did you try something simple like restarting postfix or checking that its active? sudo systemctl status postfix, sudo systemctl enable postfix, sudo systemctl restart postfix You can also try to reconfigure postfix: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
  14. If you are using smtp to send mails, you should check that smtp port are not blocked by firewall. If you are using php mail to send mails, you should check postfix configuration. In both cases you check mail.log file /var/log
  15. My guess is that you added left and/or right column to contact us page or it was always there and you recently added modules to those hooks. Go to Preferences -> Themes -> Advanced settings -> Uncheck left and right column on "Contact us"
  16. Hi @lesley and @Traumflug, I can confirm that the same error happens to me. I was trying 2 days ago to upgrade one of my shops from tb 1.0.4 to 1.0.7 and got the same error "unzip". Unfortunately I didn't have time to debug it or find the cause of that. I hope i will have time to get back to it after the weekend. I tried it locally on Ubuntu 18.04 + nginx, tried with php5.6, php7, php7.1. all failed. I dont have any limitation in php.ini and no issue with writing permission either. I will try again as soon as I'll have time and keep you posted in case you couldn't reproduce it.
  17. try enabling the modules that got turned off, one by one and see which module is causing the error. and without providing php error log data it will be very hard to help you.
  18. did you use the same php version on the prestashop site before you migrated? its most likely that some modules will have issues with php 7.2 than with thirty bees
  19. Those errors are not causing the 500 error. Can you try to downgrade your server php version to 7.0 or 7.1 Also can you try to delete cache, disable cache and disable all none thirty bees modules (just to check if its working).
  20. can you turn debug mode on for few minutes, i am getting error 500
  21. its hard to see because your site is on maintenance mode
  22. Possible, Yes..... easy to achieve, No. I don't think the html will give you that much. This theme uses bootstrap 4 while default TB theme uses bootstrap 3. Try asking the seller if he is willing to create a TB version.
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