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Everything posted by lesley

  1. @Traumflug Likely he sells something like car parts where the same parts are used on hundreds of different cars or models and for SEO reasons there is a landing page / category for each manufacturer. But yes, thirty bees should be faster, the migration from 1.7 will need to be done with our partner cart2cart.
  2. Honestly, I prefer simplicity. I am not concerned about the mailchimp dashboard revenue. If it were me, I would use campaign tags, then send the data to Google Analytics, that way you can view all of your revenue and campaign data in one place.
  3. I am not following. To update to 1.0.4 you have to delete some stats modules. Here are the instructions from the blog. https://thirtybees.com/blog/version-1-0-4-has-been-released/ For 1.0.5 you basically do the same thing, but do not delete the modules. You HAVE to update to 1.0.4 first, then to 1.0.5
  4. You have to manually update to 1.0.4 first, there should be instructions on our blog about that, then its just copying the files for 1.0.5 over after that.
  5. This is something that has been on my radar for a while, I do it on a lot of client shops. I just committed the change, https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/97d935167d738f89550fd31fdee6056d7e1bac45
  6. This is annoying to just about everyone. We don't need this in the core. I will get them removed.
  7. Looking at your debug profiling it is the theme modules that are poorly programmed that are the issue.
  8. I guess I should ask, what kind of data are you trying to cache?
  9. Simply put, that is the function of APCu.
  10. Do you have your google maps api keys entered?
  11. I am not sure this is thirty bees, can you test in another email client / interface. Looking at your image the dot is preset on the print out of the url. If you look at the stock template it is using the same variable, https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/blob/1.0.x/mails/en/in_transit.html#L91 so I am thinking it is either the email client or the emails in the theme you are using.
  12. Do you have an adblocker or anything that is blocking the requests, like a GDPR module?
  13. ally, its not an error, just a a notice.
  14. I think this is kind of low priority, it is something that does not really matter. Having it the way it currently is, it allows shop owners to use dns tricks to manage their shops.
  15. We currently have tracked around 15,000 sites using thirty bees. We are just 18 months old, this is a great number for considering what kind of software we make and what installation numbers our competitors have. Sure, it can be better, but for a 3 man team, we are growing pretty well as compared to the other 100 person plus companies we compete against.
  16. @doclucas re your comment about the release, a couple of bugs is not enough to pull a release. The only option we have is to present a more stable build and push it. I don't think you understand how software works in this regard. As for the nightlies, they are there. Clone the repo, use composer for the dependencies. The repo should always be in a working state where nightlies are not needed and people can edge update if they want. As far as betas, they are really useless. No one tests them. So beta builds are really a waste of time if only 2 users install them.
  17. We changed an encoding system out in the back office with how data was submitted, that was the only bug looking at it now. But since we are testing / fixing the automatic build tools, that is where a lot of the current work is coming in. They are essential for the new updater where we do not have to manually package releases.
  18. I wouldn't say the crowd funding is failing, we have met all of the goals in so far as our indiegogo campaigns. 1.0.5 was less stable than expected, but really there are only 2 version specific bugs in it. One is where we have changed a huge part of the software, because the original developers were lazy and wrote it insecure. The other was a front end bug I introduced. Some of the bug reports you see are not 1.0.5 specific, they are just discovered old bugs showing their faces from the core.
  19. Open that file on your server, it contains a hard coded version number. In that file you can change it to 1.0.5 once you have upgraded everything.
  20. I generally use the pipe | as a separator, its rarely used so it works great without having to reformat things.
  21. We haven't released webp yet, we ended up rolling that back because of issues we were having.
  22. Last time I talked to them they only let revenue come from specific platforms and were not letting any new ones use that.
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