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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Incognito mode should disable them by default.
  2. Any chance you could have a chrome extension that is interfering? You might try in an incognito window on chrome, with the extensions disabled.
  3. Hmm can you try another browser on the tablet to see if it is browser related or device related.
  4. Do you know what browser version it is using?
  5. Yes, we did develop the mailchimp module as a really advanced module and mailchimp basically told us to get fucked they would not partner with us afterward. That is a reason for gravitating towards a more sustainable development practice.
  6. Its a business decision. They have a paid product, thirty bees wants to make money, if they don't want to pay us to make the module it does not make good business sense to make the module. Economics 101, we are gravitating toward development that will make us money, so we can grow as a company. Algolia is a bad choice really, to do it properly every template would need a custom view, that is why we stopped development of the module, it could never work turnkey because of that.
  7. @doclucas We made the ES module because the community wanted that module made and crowdfunded it. It is an open source platform that does not charge for the services. For algolia We would want them to fund the development since they are closed source and charge for their service.
  8. Hmm my feeling about a robots.txt is that it is a legacy method. I don't really see a point in using one unless you absolutely need to.
  9. We have gained a couple new patrons, https://www.patreon.com/thirtybees
  10. We just have not had time to get around to it yet.
  11. I honestly think the yes / no button is enough. If we start making pop up alerts to ask people things where do we stop? If they are not paying attention when doing a process it is not our fault, why annoy the people who are.
  12. PresTeamShop's OPC supports thirty bees. It is the one I would recommend, https://www.presteamshop.com/en/modules-prestashop/one-page-checkout-prestashop.html
  13. It would be time consuming, but it would produce good results to do it the way I am suggesting.
  14. They are in both. Once in the value for the texture and then in the product so the product will switch to the image when you click on the color swatch.
  15. You have two choices, you can either add that link back, which is going to be hard, or you can hide the images underneath the main image and make the images in the color area bigger.
  16. The way I am talking about would produce results like this, https://back.thirtybees.com/yarn-76.html It looks like the only real change that is needed is that the color image needs to be made bigger, which is a whole lot easier than trying to program a system in.
  17. Why not just use the color option and upload the swatches instead of using the pre-defined colors? The software has that ability. http://i.imgur.com/yxV0GD4.png just upload the swatch to the texture.
  18. I finally made this live on our site with the updated list. Do your work community :-)
  19. no problem, hmm I will have to remember how to index the search, I have forgotten.
  20. Hey, I don't know if you are aware, but when we accept a commit on the docs, it automatically compiles to our documentation, so your contribution is here as well, https://docs.thirtybees.com/installation/migration/
  21. Weird that they do that, but I guess I can understand it. There is a reason why I don't run a mailserver
  22. You could try mailgun, they have a free tier.
  23. After talking about things early this week and last week I have put together a page I will be publishing under the contributions tab of our site. It lists the areas we could use the communities help with. Here is the page, https://thirtybees.com/contribute/ways-to-help-thirty-bees/ It is a work in progress, if any of you see anything I have left out, please let me know.
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