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Everything posted by lesley

  1. What happens when you comment that line out?
  2. Are you trying to install from the package or from github source?
  3. It has to do with using older Apache versions. The older versions will not take multiple arguments like the new does.
  4. I consider tools like that useless for the most part. The numbers for the scores are generally not based off real world metrics.
  5. Most all should work. Have you looked at the IQIT mega menu? Or considered a theme with one integrated already like transformer?
  6. I don't think we would use adsense. We want to track and monitor our users as minimal as possible. Heck, we could just sell our data and make enough to fund things for a while, but we are opposed to the whole data selling idea.
  7. Ideally we would like to see everyone that uses thirty bees just donate $1 to these crowdfunding campaigns. If everyone did, it would only take less than 20% of the users to fund it. I don't want users to feel pressured to donate to thirty bees though. Its like in America, tipping is optional, but its not really optional. We don't want to be free and open source, but not really free and open source. We want to make software so awesome people use it, make a ton of money from it, and say hey, let me help these guys out. The more money that thirty bees brings in, the more we can stay in the forum and help users by answering questions. The quicker we can fix bugs in the software. The more time we can just spend working on thirty bees. We are just normal guys everyone in our community. We all love working on e-commerce and making cool things with it. Lets keep things civil here and don't point fingers or call people out. Everyone has their own reasons for donating or not donating to thirty bees.
  8. I think this is something you might need to learn css for or pay a developer to do. It can get complicated quickly.
  9. Its because it does not add it to the robots.txt file, it uses the no index no follow tag. http://www.robotstxt.org/meta.html
  10. This is why the left column is disabled by default on those pages. You can manipulate it with some custom css if you want.
  11. You can add your map api key on the Preferences -> general page.
  12. Why even disallow them? Google has suggested to move to a system with minimal denies.
  13. Did you see the update blog post? The instructions are there. You look like you have edited your theme, so you would not need to upload the theme directory.
  14. I would think they all were. Most modules are still compatible with PrestaShop.
  15. We do offer a migration service where we handle the migration for you, https://store.thirtybees.com/services/migration-from-prestashop
  16. What error did you get with the migration?
  17. Did you try disabling non native modules from the performance page?
  18. Varnish is not needed really. I think people look at stacks and think they need them instead of asking if they really need them. Just run an nginx proxy and you get all the benefits plus more.
  19. If configured properly yes. Do you need to use varnish? No.
  20. Do you have your opcache set to not revalidate on changes?
  21. Are you sure your creditials are right?
  22. The last issue was a 3rd party module issue.
  23. The issue was a 3rd party modules cache.
  24. You can pm me your back office login and ftp and I can take a look if you want.
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