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Everything posted by lesley

  1. That is simply not true. Legally? Maybe you do not need a checkbox. But if you look at the ToS of your payment gateway, to fight charge backs you do. There is no difference from a GDPR perspective in having a ToS checkbox and a gift wrapped check box. They are two totally separate entities and GDPR does not cover a sale terms checkbox, it only covers DATA.
  2. @DRMasterChief I think you are misunderstanding the terms of service. It is not forcing anyone to accept a data collection policy, which is what GDPR is about. It has nothing to do with data at all. You are forcing someone to accept your shops terms of sale before they buy. That is a totally separate idea than GDPR.
  3. On a basic level, let me put it this way. You will never win a charge back with a payment gateway if you do not have the checkbox. So while the law might no longer require it, it does not forbid it.
  4. Right, what he is talking about is hooking into a central system to download data. I think it will be confusing for a user and likely not compliant if there are 10 different systems on one shop to download data. So our module is going to have a central system that module makers hook into that the data can be downloaded from.
  5. From what I understand there is no private course of action with the law.
  6. Good luck with that, from what I have seen the EU just admitted they do not have the resources to actually enforce it. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-privacy-analysis/european-regulators-were-not-ready-for-new-privacy-law-idUSKBN1I915X
  7. I think it would be best if we were. But I will defer to @SnowyCat again.
  8. If they read the general terms of the site they know its saved. Its really just common sense and being over thought. This law as a whole has so many flaws in it that nothing is ever going to be 100% compatible. Case in point, you fill out a form on my site, it stores the form contents, then notifies me through Gmail. Now I have just shared your information with a 3rd party. Do you also need a notice to cover the notification of personal data being sent to you?
  9. You are correct. This might be something for @SnowyCat to talk about, he is working on the GDPR module. For export, the best I can tell is it needs to export. I have yet to see anything that suggests it needs to be in any format or anything like that. We were just going to go with a loosely formatted CSV because really what can you do with all that data? You can never import it back into anything.
  10. I personally do not think a contact form needs a consent. A user knows what they are doing when they trigger that form. They know emails are stored.
  11. IMO those should be covered by a site wide consent as long as it is mentioned in the gdpr notice of the site. BUT, what is the pain is they do need to be able to export data with a main site data export. Like say I am using a site with the module installed and I want to export or delete my data, it does need to trigger an export or delete from your modules.
  12. Nice. Hopefully you like what we have done with the software.
  13. We are releasing our beta module next week for GDPR and will have a final release the next week.
  14. I don't know, pushing the button is explicit consent to me.
  15. Actually if you look at his image that was from Patreon, there are no perks on that, other than special blog post access.
  16. I don't know all the rules on vat, but if you don't think you need to be charged it, you can go here, https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205259549-How-Does-VAT-Work-on-Patreon-#%E2%80%9CShouldnot%E2%80%9D
  17. Interesting, I did not know it charged VAT. I don't think there is anything we can do about it, but I will ask them why.
  18. Does patreon actually charge taxes on your donations? I actually donate to both the patreon and the indiegogos personally and they do not for the US users. For the indiegogo, we are not allowed to advertise alternate payment methods on there, or they will remove our campaign. You can donate to our paypal account. If you are at a reward amount I can just manually give you the reward. Our paypal is under contact@thirtybees.com Also, they do not let us manually add people or adjust the donations, so keep that in mind as well, bu your support will be much appreciated.
  19. You seem to have a 500 error.
  20. Well that sucks in relation to smartdatasoft. How long have you had the module? Are you at a position where you can file a dispute with envato or leave a bad review?
  21. There is no way. Did you contact the developers of the modules like I mentioned yesterday?
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