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Everything posted by lesley

  1. You might read this github thread as well, https://github.com/google/fonts/issues/1495
  2. If they do not log it, it is not an issue then IMO. But if it is an issue, then its going to be more than GWF that are a problem. Browser shims will be a problem, using cloudflare will be a problem, having a webhost will be a problem, cloud servers will be a problem, jquery will be a problem, so the webfonts are actually the least of the problem. But to answer your question directly, yes, its possible. Somewhere some time ago I wrote something for 1.7 because of it. It might be in the gitter archives, I am not sure.
  3. There is not currently a way to add box weight. We need to build a more robust manager in the core at some point, but it will break all the shipping modules.
  4. Its because the overrides still run. Cache modules will not work correctly with thirty bees since we have added that functionality to the core.
  5. I am not convinced that they are a problem. The do not cookie, and there is no documentation that Google actually stores a log. The code you are talking about is the ajax font loader, not all themes use that method, some are directly inserted.
  6. On my personal things and thirty bees things we use plesk. If I were going to use a free panel I would likely use the CentOS one, because I prefer Cent on a server. As far as the database, you need to limit the IPS for the MySQL port to just the main server that will be replicating from. I would go against encrypting the connection, because doing that requires you to connect a domain for an ssl cert to be valid. The negotiation time will also add to the replication along with the dns look up. Just using an IP address will be faster.
  7. What I am saying is with GDPR for external scripts you cannot just have the script and then show a consent. You have to show the consent and they have to agree to it, then you can run the script on the page.
  8. I really hope it will jump up once we send out newsletter out today.
  9. I set it up manually. I just used Digital Ocean instances with no panel software on them. The reason I used cloudflare is because that is what we use for our DNS at thirty bees, I have not used the other services, so I am not sure if they provide GeoIP load balancing. I know the Digital Ocean load balancers do not. For the replication this is a good article, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-master-slave-replication-in-mysql The reason I did not want to cover it in depth is the security concerns about opening MySQL up to outside connections. You really need to limit the ip addresses that connect and things like that. I just did not want the article to turn into a security article.
  10. What override are you using on the image class?
  11. What version of thirty bees are you using? It might be a bug or it might be something specific with that module. I would contact the developer first and let them look, then they can determine.
  12. Turn them to green and see if that helps.
  13. Since both are compatible with thirty bees, I would talk to the developers and ask them which hooks need to not be cached. That should fix the issues.
  14. Its a pain, but you will need to set a static height for the lines. Like say 30 pixels for the price. That way it will show white space below if there is no tax included part.
  15. Ahh ok. I will make sure we get the all tested
  16. Check your error logs on the server and let us know of any error message that relates to it as well.
  17. It is likely a bug in our migration module then. You can open a bug report on Github for it.
  18. We have decided to launch a new crowdfunding campaign to help us create a working future proof updater fro thirty bees. You can read more about the campaign here, https://thirtybees.com/blog/crowdfunding-a-new-updater/ (You can also listen to it as well, we are testing out a pod cast feed).
  19. There is a module called mail alerts, go to your modules page and install it and set it up.
  20. I will have to give this a look before 1.0.5 comes out. I just opened an issue about it, https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/506 As for the lazy load I am not sure which library was used, it might always append it, but the button enables / disables the javascript.
  21. We are trying to make a use of them, the problem is just more complicated than you think it is. You don't have to be so brash and critical all the time, it makes us less want to help with your requests. Your lighthouse test directly reflects your connection speed. Its a difficult test to work with, but my testing on the latest distros are very high. As for finding the uses, I am pretty sure I only added them to the product-list files.
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