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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Are you sure you updated all the files?
  2. I don't know about a configuration in this version. But I was considering disabling the menu since it blocks out using the spell check
  3. Does anyone actually use the fake context menu that the editor creates? Or would people prefer it disabled so they can paste and use spell check as normal?
  4. Ahh great. plus is a special method from germany that most users do not need.
  5. What paypal methods are you trying to use? Are you trying to use paypal plus?
  6. You have to enable ssl in thirty bees. Go to preferences -> general and enable ssl.
  7. I cannot tell if it is because the information is sent without ssl, but from the console this is the url that is returning the 403 error, https://www.paypal.com/paymentwall/payment-selection
  8. You will need to allow it in your htaccess. You should point out the issue to cloudways and they will tell you what to add.
  9. This might help, https://blog.stackpath.com/glossary/cross-origin-resource-sharing/ If you look in the console window of your browser you can see that the fonts are trying to load, but the sites CORs policy is stopping them.
  10. Its you CORs Policy for your CDN. Its not a bug in the module.
  11. Do you have a link to the site? Leave the cache on so I can see it. I am working on some bugs in the theme right now.
  12. You cannot with the current module.
  13. The point of the update was to add the code from the pull request from @datakick to the core so everyone would have a fixed module.
  14. The module has been updated and the update should be in the back office feed soon.
  15. I don't have one. If I run nginx I usually run it as a reverse proxy over apache.
  16. This has been added in for the next release. https://github.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default/commit/32b8a6420d09a50b26f67b7ebf5135ebaf74f428#diff-ec7069dd8de504e21a20586ae9179834
  17. There was a regression, this is the fix, https://github.com/thirtybees/community-theme-default/commit/db82edceece7a323d8d383aaff9a4541449e0b6c
  18. They are under Preferences -> CMS
  19. Is it happening for you as well or just for a customer? Also what is showing in your browser console?
  20. What gateway is supposed to be there? What is in the console?
  21. Agreed. There is already a button for this, so it should not be included in GDPR.
  22. And as a FYI, if you do not like the ToS just disable it in the back office. Preferences -> Orders
  23. There is no legal basis, you are confusing two very different things. GDPR has to do with data. The ToS has to do with something totally different and does need a checkbox. Think about it this way. Does agreeing to GDPR mean that you agree to my shop not allowing returns? Or to me charging you a restocking fee on your purchase? Or to me selling you used goods? Those are things covered in a ToS. Data policy is not and should not be covered in a ToS. This is why a ToS needs a checkbox.
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