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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Should we add a condition to disable those lines and a local archive option?
  2. You can delete them or disable them. I personally like to leave them, then add a button in the description to the new model.
  3. Awesome. I saw your tweets over the weekend, thanks for switching to thirty bees.
  4. One thing you might try is to disable the module on all pages except the payment page. You can do that in the modules -> position, look for where the module hooks in the header. The click edit, and disable it on all pages except payment related pages.
  5. In the module, which payment types are you using? Express?
  6. No problem. Good luck with your site.
  7. No problem, this is one of those things that is tough to document and put somewhere that people will see it. There are a couple of options of what you could do if you do not want to show the products in that category. One would be to disable the layered navigation on the parent category, that would fix it. Especially since it is not going to be used if you are not showing any products in the parent category.
  8. Ahh, the reason is that the layered navigation overrides that functionality. Disable that module and test. The reason it does so, is that the sub category filter would be useless if it did not.
  9. Say you have a category called Car Parts, with no products associated in it, but sub categories associated with it. In those sub categories you have products associated with those sub categories. Selecting that button will allow you to show those products in the Car Parts category as well.
  10. Are you sure that the issue is not firefox blocking the cookie with do not track?
  11. thirty bees would seem like the obvious choice. Have you looked at the panda theme? It is very versatile. https://www.sunnytoo.com/product/panda-creative-responsive-prestashop-theme
  12. I think you will have to delete the module, then manually remove the override file mentioned in the error message. Clearing the cache after you delete the module might also work.
  13. What error are you getting and what version of thirty bees are you using?
  14. Its in the product page, http://i.imgur.com/53zii0u.png There is not.
  15. You can add this on the product page under the shipping tab, with additional shipping.
  16. Oh, I missed that error. Is there anything in the local error logs?
  17. When you push the button, can you time how long it takes until the error happens.
  18. What is still there? It could be there are errors in your import files.
  19. It will not from 1.4. It only works with 1.6 versions of PrestaShop.
  20. For the date of birth, it would need to be removed in the template. You can comment it out in the authentication-create.tpl file For the others a link to the site would be helpful.
  21. I always thing of this on these type of posts. https://i.imgur.com/OgEJ7xf.png
  22. Then he should be able to manually upload the extracted zip file and it should install. If the permissions are an issue it sounds like a server misconfiguration.
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