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Everything posted by lesley

  1. I am going to close this topic. Its pretty far off topic now and quite frankly a sense of dread comes over at least me when I see the topic name of this post popping up in my inbox.
  2. Log into your database and go to the configuration table. Find a key called PSCIPHERALGORITHM set the value to 2
  3. Of course you can. It looks like that came from one of my old tutorials. https://dh42.com/blog/discrete-prestashop-debugging/
  4. I missed that the Elastic Search module was not on the store. I have added it now. https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/front-office/elastic-search-module Honestly posts like this are discouraging to the whole team. I don't know what illusion you are living under. We simply do not have the money to hire a designer to handle the design of the site. Sure, it would help I imagine, but we don't have the money. Having to address posts from users every month or two telling us what we should be doing gets old. If we were making a bunch of money and not doing things maybe you would have a point. The whole team sees these types of forum posts and just avoids the forum for a few days because they are senseless.
  5. Not all files were uploaded. The server uses sftp to upload and missed some files.
  6. You can pm me your details and I can have a look at it if you want.
  7. In the end it comes up to what I said before. Demand. If community members start reaching out to module developers and asking them for support they will see the demand, then they will make things compatible.
  8. I don't control whether they make their modules compatible or not, they do. The reason they did not do it is because they would need to rewrite parts of the module to handle our database structure changes, its not as simple as sticking a thirty bees logo on it. They apparently do not sell enough of them to be worthwhile for them to port it to thirty bees. With that being said, I always use cart2cart, just buy the insurance where you can migrate more than once over several months. I prefer their ajaxified approach over the modules which generally time out and you have to keep restarting.
  9. Because for a similar price people can use an automated solution with a company we are partnered with, which provides us revenue. https://thirtybees.com/migrate/
  10. Because a lot of the other modules are not popular and do not sell well. If you look at their 1.7 modules they only have 24, but modules like the mailchimp module is not needed because it is free for thirty bees, the 1.6 to 1.7 migrator is not needed, th oscommerce to prestashop is not needed, the zen cart to prestashop is not needed, magento to prestashop is not needed, ect. So its a combination of some are not popular and some just don't fit into our platform.
  11. It has nothing to do with the theme, it has everything to do with the database information that is loaded into the shop. As for fancybox, it will not be updated in the existing community theme.
  12. I will get that commit put in the next version. Its a PITA commit tbh because it deals with so many different language files.
  13. Our updater should be able to handle migrations, all it would take is to build the initial package and port it to the updater.
  14. @doclucas we have partnered with presto-chango, we have a module section on their site. I have tried to reach out to others, but they are reluctant. What would really help is if the community reached out to them. When I ask them they say they will consider it. But it 10, 20, 30 people ask them, they will likely see it as something to do.
  15. I wrestled with making a blog post about this, but I thought it would be the wrong place. I just wanted to give everyone a quick update about what we are up to and why things seem slow. As most of us know PrestaShop is scheduled to release the last version of 1.6 in October, http://build.prestashop.com/howtos/misc/2018-release-schedule/ This is going to leave a lot of shops without bug fixes and updates. Currently there are around 6 times more shops on 1.5 and 1.6 than on 1.7. With that being said what we are doing is gearing up to start marketing to those users to grow the thirty bees user base. I have been rewriting some articles that will get published as pages on our site to better inform people of what thirty bees is and what we are all about. These are pages we will link people to to try to help them make the decision on converting to thirty bees. We have also gotten with several module makers and developers that maintain email lists and partnered with them on advertising thirty bees to their mailing list readers. @Traumflug has been rewriting the way that translations are built so we can built with little effort for the updater. While also working on the updater as well. We hope to have it out soon, we just did not realize all of the little pieces that we needed in place for our infrastructure to be able to push updates seamlessly and in a stable way. Things are moving along and growing well, its just a lot of behind the scenes work we have been gearing up for to try to make a major push to grow thirty bees and start attracting investors to the project, so we can grow it even more.
  16. It is. See, here is the core issue. Both Debian and Ubuntu ship with php 7.2 now as the default php version. The current version of smarty has several deprecated functions that could be removed in later versions of 7.2, because it is so old. That is the heart of the problem we were trying to figure out the best way to handle.
  17. You can help us make it through those 93 issues is you want @MockoB As for the feature requests, we are not implementing any new features into the 1.0.x branch. If we do, we will never leave the branch and will be at 1.0.187 before we know it, with no real core progress.
  18. I don't think you are going to find any unencrypted software offering free trials.
  19. He is taking a break for a bit, he has been burnt out. It happens when you try to balance everything.
  20. How is information going into your mailchimp account, is it correct ?
  21. Which paypal method are you using?
  22. Does it give an error code? Which paypal method are you using? Some are country specific.
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