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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Neither of those examples are really cross compatible. The first one will show a high dpi image on IE, the second will not show an image at all on a non srcset device. https://caniuse.com/#search=picture https://caniuse.com/#search=srcset The reason the srcset is in there is specifically for seo. The time of loading is negligible, but using it helps with seo in the sense of the internal tests that Google uses to determine site speed as a ranking factor.
  2. There are so many features and options its hard to have a layout that is logical for us.
  3. In the back office go to Preferences -> Custom Code from there add something like .rte { font-size: 20px; }
  4. Preferences -> Orders there is a switch to turn it off.
  5. You can go to Localization -> Translations and select the language and change all of the translations there.
  6. lesley

    Header bar

    Go to Preferences -> General in your back office. Disable use HTML purifier and then try to re add the code.
  7. You would need to edit the css on your site. Those areas use the class .rte in most places.
  8. It honestly not really an option. The amount of control you have over 3rd party scripts is really limited. Like for social share buttons, we cannot actually show the button before the 3rd party script that cookies is loaded. If we wrote the 3rd party scripts we could fix the issue, but I suspect there are going to be a lot of things like that lost with gdpr.
  9. Do you have command line access on your site? Are you able to curl the current package and download it fully? I am betting either you have a non standard curl implementation or you are reverse proxying apache and the timeout is really low and catching the file in the middle.
  10. No problem, I will add this to our bug tracker.
  11. try deleting one of the 0's, it might be a bug.
  12. Hmm I haven't see that before. Are you trying to put the sign in the field?
  13. You have to go to the modules page, find the top horizontal menu then add the page in from there.
  14. On your device which images are actually loading though? I don't think srcset is handled the way you think, it should be loading the larger images.
  15. No problem, good luck with your shop. You can do a lot with it, it just takes a little learning and asking a few questions.
  16. Here are some of the shops using thirty bees, https://thirtybees.com/powered-by-thirty-bees/shops-using-thirty-bees/ I don't have an e-commerce site really, I am one of the co-founders of thirty bees.
  17. There are two contact blocks, you might look in the other. The banners, are you talking about the slider? That would be under the home page slider module.
  18. Click modules and services, that will bring you to all the modules in your shop. You can find them in the list there.
  19. It should be in the contact information block. Its a module in the back of your shop. The logo can be uploaded under preferences -> themes, there is a tab for the logo there. The banners are in a module called theme configurator, you can delete them there.
  20. We added srcset into the template a while back for optimization purposes, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/HTML/Multimediaandembedding/Responsive_images https://www.diffuse.nl/blog/creating-responsive-images-with-srcset-and-sizes
  21. It does not, that is just a place holder for the lazy loader to structure the page.
  22. Its part of the lazy loading.
  23. Awesome, thank you. We are trying to get on a release schedule for about every two weeks now. Hopefully that works out
  24. They will need consent really. You have the main application cookie and then you have the 3rd party cookies. The plan is an all or nothing approach.
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