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Everything posted by lesley

  1. 1.0.4 is the best currently now, we have had very few bug reports on it and a lot of downloads.
  2. If you want you can message me your creds over and I can take a look.
  3. It could be the permissions or user on the file. Make sure the permissions are set correctly and its owned by the web user.
  4. All you should have to do is add these two rows to the tbmetalang table, http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1525384894.png
  5. Is that file present on your system? I did a manual update myself this morning and it worked flawlessly,
  6. It should be in the tb_configuration table.
  7. Dang, we missed this one. I can make a commit tonight to get it in the next version. Do you want me to tell you how to do it manually for the time being?
  8. What language are you trying to install with?
  9. The steps in the bottom of the release blog should be enough.
  10. If you are interested we offer a migration and upgrade service in the mean time, or one of our community members might be interested in doing it.
  11. It will. The upgrader is going to be very flexible.
  12. You would need to migrate using the migration module, then upgrade using our upgrade module. Then for 1.0.4 you would need to do a manual upgrade until our upgrader is finished.
  13. After a long wait, version 1.0.4 has been released with several new features and a ton of bug fixes. You can read more about the release here, https://thirtybees.com/blog/version-1-0-4-has-been-released/
  14. You can give it a go and see what you think. I just released the blog post about the new features and information about the release, https://thirtybees.com/blog/version-1-0-4-has-been-released/
  15. We have discussed things internally the last couple of weeks surrounding releases and the release schedules. We are going to start releasing more frequently and have the releases require manual updates until we can get an updater finished. We will have some news and an update on the updater next week. Today there will be a blog post about the new features and bug fixes in 1.0.4
  16. Check your error logs or the console n the xhr requests and see what the error is. The developer supports thirty bees, so you might contact him as well.
  17. Very strange issue that the installer is changed by the account that you create. I wonder if their system is not getting the email correctly and injecting it the application. That is the only thing I can think of. That would explain why creating them worked for me. I am glad you got it worked out though.
  18. Just out of curiosity, why not before? You seem to believe in the project. There are aspects of it you want us to fix. Why not support us now to help it along?
  19. I understand that people are frustrated with our timeline, but we are doing everything we can. It takes time, effort, and a lot of nerve to deal with these types of posts. Especially when you are putting in long hours trying to make a company survive. I promised that we are working on it, and we are. We should have a solution by the deadline. If you want to speed up the development of new modules and features, you are welcome to donate to our patreon every minute we don't have to try to make money to keep the servers spinning or feed ourselves is more time we can put into creating awesome things. As far as the bug reporting section, we do read it. It is getting too spread out though. Neither of the links you posted were in the bug reporting section either. One of them is just a general post about a feature request in Google Analytics that I personally added after reading the post.
  20. @MockoB I am honestly getting tired of your negativity. If you want to be constantly negative find another community to do it in. @colorful-ant We have seen that solution before, it doesn't always work. I remember it causing some other issues, but I do not remember exactly which ones it caused. Either @mdekker or @Traumflug looked into it around the time that post was made. We will have a GDPR solution in time. It will be free. If you want to buy the one from PrestaShop you are welcome to, they are charging for GDPR compliance on 1.6 and 1.5. https://www.prestashop.com/en/blog/prestashops-solutions-in-response-to-the-new-data-protection-requirements And a comment on the reporting. There are thousands of posts on this forum. The reports were not main topics, they were buried one 16 posts deep the other 24 posts deep. We don't read every word written on the forum. I cannot read german. We recently did have a partner join on that can, YAY!. I think this week we are going to change the official bug posting policy to have people post on github. We are just too spread out and we need to centralize. Don't take this as gospel yet, let me talk to the others.
  21. There are several hundred bugs fixed actually. There are open issues in github, some of them are bugs, some of them are feature requests, but none of them are blockers. Some bugs / issues go fixed without reporting. For instance I was writing the article I am going to publish in about 30 minutes and I noticed an installer issue with Digital Ocean droplets. I fixed the bug and committed it without an issue being created. We are not going to add too many more features to be honest. Webp would be a nice feature, we are leaving the ability in the software, just disabled on the front end. You can ask @SLiCK_303 for the webp to work it is going to take a huge rewrite on the product page. A rewrite that will likely only make it into the default theme.
  22. See the issue is that I would need to have seen the site. I cannot make a blanket statement because I don't know how the theme is handling the list styles. I didn't want to recommend what you just did, because it would affect the other areas of the theme like the product pages and maybe the links in the footer, again, just depending on how the theme is written.
  23. This is because your theme is overriding the behavior of the text editor What you are needing is going to be theme specific.
  24. I have tried to be honest about things at thirty bees and I am still going to follow that line of dealing with people. Here is what is going on. We are going to do the final tests on 1.0.4 this week and release it. With only a manual upgrade path. Then we will take the bug reports from it and make try to make another release in a couple weeks, again with only a manual upgrade path. We might have gotten a little too ambitious with some of the features we were trying to add to 1.0.4, like webp images and other optimizations. We are rolling those changes back and releasing a bug fixed version. As for the deals we have made with payment gateway, we have a few in place. Unfortunately they are EU gateways which charge an insanely low rate as compared to US gateways. Their transaction fees average about $.25 a transaction and we get a couple cents per transaction. The US gateways we have talked to require at least $500k per gateway per month before they start talking. With so many different gateways, it is hard for us to send that through. As far as shops that have left, I am not familiar with any, other than one larger shop that went out of business. As for this"The work and performance of the improvements over PS 1.6.xxx is great. It does not help either the TB team or the sellers if only the base system is running. The offered payment modules are difficult. The other native modules get a higher priority. The creation of business software is no picnic, but it should work well and not only at 50% or so of the Liveshops including the native modules - also the test shops with TB of new prospects want to convince you?" I cannot tell what you mean, so I cannot respond to it.
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