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Everything posted by lesley

  1. We are partnered with a company called Cart2Cart, they can handle the data migration part, https://thirtybees.com/partners/service-partners/
  2. Hey, you can use the tb cleaner module or you can delete it manually.
  3. We are actually talking about making new releases now, but having manual upgrades for them.
  4. lesley

    Landing pages

    The library we plan on integrating in the future version is this one, https://elementor.com/ There are several page builders, you would just need to buy an extended license like smartdatasoft does. That is why we want to use an open source one.
  5. lesley

    Landing pages

    In the next major version we have talked about adding an open source library for this as a heads up.
  6. lesley

    Landing pages

    No worries, its something that I have never mentioned publicly before. I think @smartdatasoft is actually a forum member too.
  7. lesley

    Landing pages

    As a company Smart Data Soft has really jerked thirty bees around, offering to help and never doing anything, while at the same time wanting free advertising,.
  8. That would be a question for @mdekker
  9. Making it not mandatory would break most of the important functionality of the module, so its not really an option. Yes, you can segment inside a list, and still can. But like I mentioned, lists should be used for channels. There is a difference in channel from someone that automatically comes over from your shop and someone you are wanting to add manually. Like some of our lists are : from 40 nuggets forum users shops that have been migrated new installations ect. They are different channels, with different purposes.
  10. That could work, yes. We have about 6 lists here we use, all through different channels. It allows us to segment things more.
  11. You cannot to that list. That list is specifically for the store to manage.
  12. You can't, the list connected to the store needs specific data from the store. It will break automations and things like that if you disable it.
  13. Makes sense then. The list synced with the site needs specific data. The reference should be the customer id in the back of the shop.
  14. Is it there even if you create a new list?
  15. We were, Mailchimp is redoing their listings and it will take a couple months before they decide if they will list us again.
  16. Should we just add a stock deny for the ip addresses in the next version in the htaccess generation?
  17. If you did not see the post on our blog today, you can check it out here We are product to announce that @Traumflug has joined the thirty bees team.
  18. Lets do it then, can you open a github issue about it.
  19. There is not, I have not seen this issue with cloudways, it is very strange. I just launched 3 instances and they all worked fine. Can you start a support ticket with them, it seems like something might be wrong with their installer.
  20. Weird, I think you might need to put in a ticket with them something might be wrong with their system. They are working fine here, I just did a Seattle 1gb and had no problems, even after downgrading to php 5.6.
  21. Weird, what zone. I want to duplicate it and see if I can get the same error. Can you try another install as well.
  22. Hmm, i just ran a test install on a vultr instance it worked for me. What server are you using?
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