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Everything posted by Yabber

  1. There are a lot of modules for prestashop with security vulnerabilities: https://security.friendsofpresta.org/ Before installing any module, you need to check it for security vulnerabilities.
  2. It's not about email marketing modules but about mail transport module. Install and configure the "Mail via PHPmailer" module.
  3. php7.4-xml is a package of several modules. This package provides the DOM, SimpleXML, XML, and XSL module(s) for PHP. And what does phpinfo() say? Do you have the SimpleXML module loaded?
  4. This is not possible, it would require a very serious modification of the thirtybees engine. And it would cause serious problems in the operation of the store, because, for example, all electronic payment gateways require customer address data. Only bitcoin payments can be anonymous.
  5. Install Lua module to nginx, you will have nginx with htaccess support: https://github.com/e404/htaccess-for-nginx?tab=readme-ov-file
  6. @wakabayashi From my tests, it seems that for AVIF format, Imagick gets better compression, and for WEBP format, GD library has better compression. It might also be worth adding support for Imagick to ImageManager class?
  7. On prestashop addons there is a version 4.5.4 for PS 1.6.1 https://addons.prestashop.com/en/payment-card-wallet/40307-mollie-payments.html I don't have a Mollie account and I haven't tested it with thirtybees, well, and it's not clear how there with the compatibility of it with PHP 8.
  8. Bleeding edge is a development version available as a repository on github: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees And you could say that every day is different. You can perform an upgrade of your thirtybees to Bleeding edge by changing the Core Updater configuration:
  9. @datakick After my tests of the latest version of "bleeding edge", I think that the support of system images in WEBP and AVIF formats already works very nicely. However, I noticed that some native modules have their own limitations when it comes to uploading image files. For example, the "homeslider" module: const ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = [ 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png' ];
  10. On the "Download Thirtybees" page in the "Server Requirements" section there is incorrect information misleading users who want to install Thirtybees.
  11. And check still in Preferences -> Store Contact: "Shop email". As you have different email addresses in each place of configuration, then there are such problems.
  12. In Customers -> Contacts you have the wrong mailing addresses.
  13. Error 500 is a general server error that doesn't say anything. Look for the actual causes of the error in the "Error logs" of the "Collect PHP Logs" module.
  14. This is the module: https://www.lineagrafica.es/en/modulos-prestashop/eu-cookie-law-banner-blocker-prestashop-module/
  15. This module does not comply with current EU law, which requires a cookie manager installed, where the customer chooses which cookies to allow and which not to allow. So something like this: https://optlasers.com/
  16. In thirtybees, the delete() method in the Language class has an bug and does not delete in the database the records of the deleted language. Below is the properly working code from PS 8: // Database translations deletion $result = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SHOW TABLES FROM `' . _DB_NAME_ . '`'); $tableNameKey = 'Tables_in_' . _DB_NAME_; foreach ($result as $row) { if (empty($row[$tableNameKey]) || !preg_match('/_lang$/', $row[$tableNameKey])) { continue; } $columns = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SHOW COLUMNS FROM `' . $row[$tableNameKey] . '`'); $idLangColumnExists = false; foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($column['Field'] == 'id_lang') { $idLangColumnExists = true; } } if ($idLangColumnExists === false) { continue; } Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM `' . $row[$tableNameKey] . '` WHERE `id_lang` = ' . (int) $this->id); } Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tag WHERE id_lang = ' . (int) $this->id); Db::getInstance()->execute('DELETE FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'search_word WHERE id_lang = ' . (int) $this->id); If you already deleted a language, then repairing the method will not help anything anymore. You have to manually clear the database. 1. Open your SSH terminal application and login to your server. 2. Ensure you use your actual credentials for the following variables: hostname - your mysql hostname (for example: localhost) user - your database username database - your database name password - your database username's password 3. Run the following command: mysql -h hostname -u user -p database 4. Run this query to get lang tables (change "database" with your database name): SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'database' AND table_name LIKE '%_lang'; 5. Copy the table names into a text editor. 6. Run this query to delete unused language data: DELETE FROM tb_attachment_lang WHERE id_lang = 3 OR id_lang = 5; DELETE FROM tb_attribute_lang WHERE id_lang = 3 OR id_lang = 5; DELETE FROM tb_attribute_group_lang WHERE id_lang = 3 OR id_lang = 5; DELETE FROM tb_cart_rule_lang WHERE id_lang = 3 OR id_lang = 5; DELETE FROM tb_cms_lang WHERE id_lang = 3 OR id_lang = 5; (and so on the other tables)
  17. The site map is generated by the "Sitemap" module, that is, the location /modules/sitemap/. Google is the biggest virus and spy of the internet 🙂 If you embed a PDF file on a CMS page or a product page, google will scrape its location from the code of the page in question and index it for sure.
  18. The sitemap can only contain URLs of pages, not URLs to some arbitrary files. In thirtybees, attachments do not have some individual pages of their own. Page URLs can contain additional information about images, video, and news, not about some arbitrary files embedded in the page. https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/build-sitemap#xml
  19. Yabber

    linked orders

    Such a split order is created if each product in the order has a different carrier assigned to it.
  20. Opt Lasers - Laser Heads for CNC Engraving https://optlasers.com/
  21. You cannot copy translations from a theme to a module. There is a different syntax for phrases. In theme: $_MODULE['<{stripe}niara>stripe_ce7566d1d08cc094b74cf283cf9c56a5'] = 'Stripe'; In module: $_MODULE['<{stripe}prestashop>stripe_ce7566d1d08cc094b74cf283cf9c56a5'] = 'Stripe';
  22. For this you need any of these modules: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/473-reservation-rental-system?compatibility=1.6.1&
  23. In blockcart.tpl template code: {assign var='free_ship' value=count($cart->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true, $errors))} replace with: {assign var='free_ship' value=count($cart->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true))} And by the way, all themes from prestashop are not suitable for thirtybees, because they do not use the new thirtybees functionality. Such as, for example, support for WEBP images.
  24. Here nothing needs to be fixed, because it is related to the browser language. For a test, change language of your browser to English or to Chinese 🙂 And such a curiosity, firefox has these texts different as chrome.
  25. Input text type="file" does not come from thirtybees, they come from your browser. Example: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file
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