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Everything posted by DRMasterChief

  1. Yes, toplakd said it all. tb works great - also out of the box, but if you have (and most merchants have too) special demands to the theme/grafix the best way is to look for a nice and functional theme and then buy it. There are good themes for less than $100, so what :) Concentrate your energy to the selling, not to the coding or sketching. PS and tb are free and some skills in php and css are needed, but i think this is also with other shopsystems.
  2. Yes of course, and you can do this easily for your own, just change the confirmation message as you like and switch off not used messages :) A good editor the change the email html's is https://html5-editor.net/
  3. Yes this is because of the new forum, unfortunately not all URLs are transformed correctly to the new forum (see the double numbers in the new links, maybe this works everytime for the old forum?) , but you can also use the big G to find the old content.... OK here we go: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2460-2460/database-setting-inside-phpmyadmin-when-making-a-copy/ https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/357-357/tutorial-how-to-migrate-from-ps-1-6-to-thirty-bees/
  4. I did not know that it is possible to change the version no. by myself, not to updating it by the shop. This is cool and easy. I was in the situation that i needed this, so maybe i can give an older (better working) Paypal module a try :)
  5. Should be like this: Log in to your shop as the administrator. On the top menu bar, click Preferences, and then click SEO & URLs. Scroll down to the Set shop URL section. In the Shop domain text box, type the new domain name that you want PrestaShop to use. but you can run the shop also in a subfolder. And there should be attention if you are in the same domain, but in a separate or new folder. Here are all informations that fit for thirtybees too: https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/prestashop/how-to-change-prestashop-domain read carefully and do it right ;) and in case that this does not work, have a look into the database (as written) and change it there. Sometimes you should also have a look into /config/settings.inc.php and connection to database can also be checked: define('_DB_SERVER_', 'your.sqlhost.name.com'); define('_DB_NAME_', 'database_name'); define('_DB_USER_', 'database_user'); define('_DB_PASSWD_', 'database_pswd'); and i have deleted all files !! except index.php !! in /cache/smarty/compile und /cache/smarty/cache Then everything should be fine!
  6. Hi, is there a screenshot to see the look of this? Would be great, thank you.
  7. Yes, absolutely the better thing than PS, especially regarding to the future plans of PS and we have a good community here :)
  8. Hello, welcome to tb ! This is not an error, this category is blank at the moment. It was introduced with one of the last updates and is needed for the future, but not yet. You should fiind all modules in the module categorie. Themes have to be uploaded manually (after you have purchased and downloaded them), there is no catalogue for Themes.
  9. I think this is an super old bug from PS, which is already present in tb. It is a well-known thing that the /mails/xx has to be copied (and sometimes the lang.php in it too). Now we have another topic for this, but great that it worked for you now. tb should fix this in anyway or take this into the handbook or readme section.
  10. good old vi - tell this our generation smartphone sorry for ot
  11. Versuch doch mal die Kombination / Artikel so als Standard anzulegen daß es der günstigste ist, d.h. also daß alle anderen Kombinationen nur teurer werden können (nicht günstiger) und ob´s dann funktioniert.
  12. I found the following in Cache, maybe it helps. mdekkers posts are not in anymore. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cq9E98Yn8BsJ:https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1498-1498/problem-with-mailalerts-and-order-confirmation-not-complete/+&cd=1&hl=de&ct=clnk&gl=de Posted February 15, 2018 @mdekker said in Problem with mailalerts and order confirmation not complete: What does that mean? Does the new_order email show up on that list? I mean that the email configuration is ok. And no, the neworder email doesn't show on that list. However the orderconf and the payment do show on that list. So I don't know what to do to get the new_order email. Could the templates have been accidentally encoded? Can you look up one of those .tpls and see if it contains %7Bproducts%7D? If that is the case then it should be changed back to {products} to make the products show up in the email again. Ah, the .tpl files didn't exist on the translation folder (mail/nl). I put them there and now the order_conf email shows everything. Thank you. ----------- Posted February 15, 2018 Can the new files (nl folder) be read by thirty bees (permissions okay)? Yes permissions are the same as the (en folder), 755 ----------- Posted February 19, 2018 @Adik for the orderconf problem: The .tpl files didn’t exist on the translation folder (mail/nl). I put them there and now the orderconf email shows everything well. @mdekker : The new_order email still won't sent. I don't know what goes wrong. ----------- Posted February 19, 2018 I just found bug (?) that can be dangerous for your stores. When editing and saving mails templates (Location -> Translations -> Translation of e-mails) variable {shop_ur} is replaced by http://yourshopdomain.com/adminfolder/{shopurl} in a few html files. After this customer receives an email with direct url to your admin panel. ----------- Posted February 19, 2018 When editing and saving mails templates (Location -> Translations -> Translation of e-mails) variable {shopur} is replaced by http://yourshopdomain.com/adminfolder/{shop_url} in a few html files. After this customer receives an email with direct url to your admin panel. I don't think that's the case. When you edit these email translations you indeed see http://yourshopdomain.com/adminfolder/{shopurl}. But in the mail which the customer receives you just see your shopname with a link to http://yourshopdomain.com/ So I think there's nothing wrong there. ----------- Posted February 19, 2018 User Adik wrote: https://forum.thirtybees.com/profile/86-adik/ @cj said in Problem with mailalerts and order confirmation not complete: But in the mail which the customer receives you just see your shopname with a link to http://yourshopdomain.com/ So I think there's nothing wrong there. In my case (v1.0.3 TB version), the customer sees url of admin panel in received e-mails. So I must edit manually a few .html templates and leave only {shop_ur}. Strange...
  13. Hello, you can write this directly, go into the AEUC module and you can find 2 fields there. And this text there you can find in translations/modules. But, maybe another important thing: we do not use these fields from AEUC module, we use the 'delivery time' field for the delivery time for customers which you can find in each item (in quantity). Try this and see the effects :)
  14. Congratulations for this idea and finishing this work! We have a order-carrier-opc-advanced.tpl in the Theme, which i also have to modify maybe?! I am struggling with order-steps, our Theme contains the following from line 35: {if !$opc && ((!isset($back) || empty($back)) || (isset($back) && preg_match("/[&?]step=/", $back)))} <!-- Steps --> <ul class="step clearfix" id="order_step"> <li class="{if $current_step=='summary'}step_current {elseif $current_step=='login'}step_done_last step_done{else}{if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address' || $current_step=='login'}step_done{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} first"> {if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address' || $current_step=='login'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true)}"> <em>01.</em> {l s='Summary'} </a> {else} <span><em>01.</em> {l s='Summary'}</span> {/if} </li> <li class="{if $current_step=='login'}step_current{elseif $current_step=='address'}step_done step_done_last{else}{if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address'}step_done{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} second"> {if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping' || $current_step=='address'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{$smarty.capture.url_back}&step=1{if $multi_shipping}&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <em>02.</em> {l s='Sign in'} </a> {else} <span><em>02.</em> {l s='Sign in'}</span> {/if} </li> <li class="{if $current_step=='address'}step_current{elseif $current_step=='shipping'}step_done step_done_last{else}{if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping'}step_done{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} third"> {if $current_step=='payment' || $current_step=='shipping'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{$smarty.capture.url_back}&step=1{if $multi_shipping}&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <em>03.</em> {l s='Address'} </a> {else} <span><em>03.</em> {l s='Address'}</span> {/if} </li> <li class="{if $current_step=='shipping'}step_current{else}{if $current_step=='payment'}step_done step_done_last{else}step_todo{/if}{/if} four"> {if $current_step=='payment'} <a href="{$link->getPageLink('order', true, NULL, "{$smarty.capture.url_back}&step=2{if $multi_shipping}&multi-shipping={$multi_shipping}{/if}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> <em>04.</em> {l s='Shipping'} </a> {else} <span><em>04.</em> {l s='Shipping'}</span> {/if} </li> <li id="step_end" class="{if $current_step=='payment'}step_current{else}step_todo{/if} last"> <span><em>05.</em> {l s='Payment'}</span> </li> </ul> <!-- /Steps --> {/if}
  15. Hi, no hurry here, but maybe any updates from @danwarrior about their OPC ?
  16. Hello, great to hear that you have finished this thing. I am also interested in such a solution, as the OPC did not work 100% for us (regarding some regulations by law...), and the 5PC is a little boring for customers :) I do not use the Standard Theme, so i have to check and compare your files with our Theme files. Unfortunately not very easy... you do not have marked all changes with your out-commented hint for the 3PC, so my question is: In order-payment-advanced.tpl line 33, do you have inserted this? {include file="$tpl_dir./shopping-cart.tpl" cannotModify=1 } I have a lot to compare, and maybe do you have the exact list of changes for each file? I dont want to ask for wonders or make any demands, but maybe you have this and i can go on quicker and make it work with our Theme. Otherwise i have to compare your files with the standard Theme files and then again these files with our Theme files..... uuuurrrrggghhh....
  17. Hi, could this be helpful or necessary for PHP 7.1 or PHP 7.2 and thirtybees : https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/12642 https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/pull/12643
  18. puuuhhh musste selbst mal probieren, kann ich grade nicht :)
  19. Following this very nice and interesting idea for a while, thank you and congratulations to this work :) Such things will bring the community forward. I wonder if this also works with a 3rd party Theme? At the moment i did not have a test installation to try, but what do you think? Will this work only with the original community Theme? thank you for a statement
  20. Hallo, ich verstehe es nicht ganz... ihr könnt doch bei Menge 0 die "Bestellung ablehnen", die Artikelseite bleibt dabei ganz normal erhalten für SEO, Kunden usw., nur der Warenkorb-Button ist nicht sichtbar (solang bis ihr wieder eine Menge eingebt). Finde ich die einfachste und eleganteste Lösung (tb 1.0.7)
  21. Es geht hier vor allem aber um den Warenkorb direkt vor Abschluß der Bestellung mit dem Klick auf 'Kaufen' , da sind die Anforderungen genau definiert per Gesetz. Das hat sogar einen Namen: BUTTON-LÖSUNG . Bitte verwechsle das nicht, das ist wichtig ! Was nicht so genau definiert ist wären leider für jeden Händler unterschiedliche Anforderungen, also was genau 'wesentliche Merkmale' sind, die sind bei einem Computer sicher umfangreicher als bei einem Gummibaum. Daher auch meine Idee daß man das aus der Beschreibung holt und bei x Zeichen abschneidet, so kann jeder Händler das leicht anpassen. Eine absolut elegante Lösung wäre ein auf- und zuklappbares Menü bei jedem Artikel im Warenkorb, welches dann diese Merkmale zeigt. Das halte ich aber trotz dem Urteil für übertrieben, denn ob man das so umfangreich hat oder nicht wird dann nicht zum Problem werden da das vor Gericht zu heikel ist (was ist ausreichend etc. ist ja nicht definiert, da lohnt rumstreiten nicht). Das Problem ist wenn man gar nichts hat, da schauen die Abmahner bzw. Mitbewerber drauf und finden sowas auch schnell.
  22. meine 'Idee' hatte ich oben schon geschrieben. Ggf. kann @Traumflug sich dazu nochmal melden !? Vielleicht wäre auch ein kleines Modul sinnvoll, wobei ich das auch gerne selbst ändern würde gemäß o.g. Idee (....Ich hätte aber gerne noch die ersten xx Zeichen der Produktbeschreibung im Warenkorb angezeigt (aus dem Tab der meistens Mehr Info heisst, ggf. mit truncate oder ähnlichem abgekürzt.....).
  23. Hi Leute, altes Thema, neu entflammt: https://www.it-recht-kanzlei.de/amazon-buttonloesung-ecommerce-abmahnung.html Ich sage ja seit Jahren daß PS und natürlich nun auch tb dazu eine Lösung braucht. Leider konnte mir bisher noch niemand helfen...
  24. Hallo, was meinst du denn mit "Fragen speichern" ? Meinst du den Inhalt des Warenkorbs temporär speichern, so daß der Kunde z.B. einen Tag später weiter einkaufen kann? Das wäre dann eine Einstellung der Cookies bzw. der Dauer wie lange sie gültig sind. Der jeweilige Browser vom Kunden muss das aber auch speichern und wenn der Kunde einstellt daß keine Cookies gespeichert werden dürfen geht das halt nicht, das kannst du dann nicht beeinflussen.
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