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Everything posted by DRMasterChief

  1. Yep, maybe i will have a look to 1.6 in the next time, but we are busy here and every test needs some time... Optimizing and cleaning up your Thirtybees store - thirty bees store can also help maybe, but it seems to be a biiiiig solution?
  2. Thanks @datakick i think this helps a lot. I do not use any module which can affect this, only the Greenmousestudio numeric-reference to change order-id to numbers and a module to add custom tab. AdvancedEUCompliance and so on will not affect this... I will do it by my own, it is worth the effort. I can also manage the things then for GDPR. We do not need any super old orders in the shop, we transfer it via software here into our office.
  3. There is information about deleting files for PrestaShop, but what about the current thirtybees versions 1.5.1 and 1.6.x?
  4. Maybe this is a fundamental question. Can the thirtybees developers please tell us what can be easily deleted from time to time? I don't use invoice creation in the shop or inventory management, I keep deleting orphaned shopping carts, I hope that's OK. What else can be deleted?
  5. We need an external solution because we use an inventory management system. A large provider that doesn't yet have a perfect solution... it's really not a good situation, but we can probably still use the legal transition period.
  6. Hi @Yabber thank you! I already have this since months.... today i see that error_log is 60MB... then i checked it. I now have changed the blockcart.tpl also in Community Default Theme (i dont use this, i have an other template since 1st day), and now it works. No error warnings anymore. Strange behaviour.... ?!
  7. Hello @musicmaster unfortunately, I get a similar warning 1-2 times per minute, and the error log file becomes very large as a result. I'm not sure if this could cause another problem. I don't use Panda theme but maybe someone can give me a hint? The error is: PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/mysite/public_html/cache/smarty/compile/c2/57/b6/c257b667changed77a0888some39bf5thing5b736_0.file.blockcart.tpl.php on line 257 and the line 257 in this file is: <?php $_smarty_tpl->_assignInScope('free_ship', count($_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['cart']->value->getDeliveryAddressesWithoutCarriers(true,$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['errors']->value)));?> Thank you very much
  8. Hello, perhaps a simple question, but important for me: is it an idea to rename a purchased module (including all files and necessary changes in them) so that it is perhaps not visible from the outside with the known name? I don't know exactly how SQL injections work, for example, but perhaps files are searched for known names (modules) and this could perhaps prevent it a little? A module always presents a certain risk until something about it appears at https://security.friendsofpresta.org/. But many developers still need many weeks or months to come up with a fix. In that case, would I have to change all the names in every file that is contained in the module? For example, if the developer calls the module 'moduleone', would I have to rename every expression 'moduleone' to 'newname'?
  9. Ah 😄 nutzt du das XL-Paket mit Public API ? und wie siehts dann direkt mit elektronischer Rechnung aus ?
  10. we use round each line / each item and i also double check the price for each item to get the right amount with rounding (depends on the fifth or sixth decimal place sometimes), no problems so far.
  11. Danke für die Rückmeldung! Funktioniert die Anbindung einfach so ohne große Umwege oder musstest du eine Lösung (selbst) entwickeln?
  12. Please explain 'migrate' with more details. Do you have created the database first and now you will fill it ?
  13. yes sure, this is basic function in thirtybees. just see and search here in forum or in google, you can find thousands of hints how to configure this.
  14. yep, i know what you mean and i understand that this module is not for such behaviour, but hey... a customer who send 20,30 or hundreds of messages in a n time ? .... so maybe this could be a nice addition. Let´s see what other users think about.
  15. that sounds great! perhaps a second step would be good: if there really are too many requests per hour/minute, could you send exactly these IPs to the Blackhole? (BlackholeBot Module)
  16. I'm waiting for an answer, it's Sunday so it might take a while. He has already said that he hasn't had much experience with thirtybees. I tried it a bit on a whim, but I was confident so far. But unfortunately it doesn't work with the community theme either, so I have to start troubleshooting now so as not to waste any time. I don't think there's anything big behind it. Just change a bit in css or tpl and then it should be OK. As i said before, a super simple thing would be to 'switch off' the attachments in the standard functionality the shop brings.
  17. Hello, I decided to test a module that can add tabs. Unfortunately, I now have a problem with the FO display. The content of the product description and the customs tab is displayed, but both times even when I switch tabs. And the content of CustomTab is outside the area. Here are 2 photos that show it with switched tabs. Is this a problem with thirtybees? I also switched to the community theme as a test and unfortunately it is the same there. In which files i can check for that?
  18. yes there are 2-3 things for the frontend / theme that change the look, also because of the AEUC module. I know winmerge as a program, nice for comparing code. what about the support from thirtybees in exchange for some honey 🙂 is there any interest in taking on such things?
  19. Don't go away @bhtoys , it's not a big problem and you can fix it.
  20. Dear friends, I have a topic that I need to tackle today. I had thirtybees installed from the start and was quickly sure that it would one day replace our old shop system. After all, I urgently need something new. So, over the years, many tests have been carried out and adjustments have been made. And of course all shop updates up to 1.5.1. Please look at the picture, I have this message in coreupdater. I am aware of this and it is correct. I made these changes over the years of testing. These are adjustments that I know about and that I need. It is nothing major. Why did I change it in the core? Well, it was a test system and I can do that. I can't put it in a module. Can I implement it myself as an override - well, maybe, but since it was important, quick stuff, it was the easiest way to do it this way. the test system has now been transformed into a productive, live shop. it was created out of necessity and I wasn't ready yet. the old shop system was terminated by the old hoster due to internal disputes about the PHP version and its data structure. thanks old hoster 🙂 so what can I do? up until now the shop updates have worked just like that. I wouldn't mind entering these changes manually again if there is an update to a new shop version that cannot handle these changes. up until now this has apparently never been a problem. what is the thirtybees support like about this? can they package it as an override? is this work for paid hours?
  21. Configuring and administering mail servers is one of the most difficult. dedicated servers require extensive knowledge and constant testing and monitoring, the security requirements for servers on the internet are huge, it can be almost a full-time job to administer them. there are powerful offers for VM servers, the prices are more attractive for the same computing power and take the burden off you so that you can take care of your business. maybe that would be an idea. just my 50 cents on the side. good that it is now solved.
  22. Thank you for your contributions. The regulation does not only exist in Germany, but is EU-wide, like the GDPR. With GPSR, it will probably be the case that you can also issue warnings in other countries, because the regulations apply in all EU countries. There are other drastic regulations in it, just look for the regulation on unsafe products, recalls and liability (this never expires). @the.rampage.rado the situation was as you describe it until now. That will be different from December 13th, a simple link to the information or safety instructions will no longer be permitted from then on. And safety and warning instructions can be quite long depending on the product, so it is often not just a small note. That is exactly the reason why I want to put it in a separate tab away from the product description. @datakick thanks for the explanation. I would have really liked that, because I could use it with a tool that is already on board. I would like to avoid a mini-file as an attachment, I think that would make the database much bigger with something that is never needed. So that would really be an abuse that could be detrimental to performance. Last question for the developers/programmers: would it be possible to 'copy' the standard tab and everything that goes with it, including in the back office etc.? But that is exactly what a module does, right?
  23. Hej @30knees yes, exactly 💥 i already use the usual tab for the product description, of course. The additional information according to GPSR should be clearly visible, but not lost in a long body of text. So my idea would be to have a separate tab for this, with the manufacturer's information. We'll see whether I write warnings in there too (or directly in the product description). Some things are still a little open in GPSR and the case law will show whether a separate tab 'can be used' for this. We do not use a manufacturer classification in our shop, so no manufacturers are visible and therefore I will state it for each product. I found these two modules, but I would really like to implement it WITHOUT a module: https://www.inno-mods.io/prestashop-modules/custom-product-tabs/ (should work with tb but not sure) https://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/product-extra-tabs-pro.html
  24. Hi, for example: product 1 // product information tab: nice lightweight sneaker in yellow color and bla bla... // new tab no.2: contact for further details mister X. Warning! choking hazard, don't eat the shoelaces. product 2 // product information tab: big candle which can burn down your house and bla bla... // new tab no.2: contact for further details mister Z. not suitable for children under 3 years ...do you need the same tab to be visible per product, or per category - no ...you want every product to have separate 'unique' tab - yes 🙂 ...Do you need manufacturer association? - no we do not use manufacturer and no warehouse management in thirtybees
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