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Everything posted by DRMasterChief

  1. Hi! Leider noch nichts neues diesbezüglich, konnte bisher nur im Testshop rumbasteln, "live" sind wir mit TB noch immer nicht aus versch. Gründen.
  2. Hi, you can set the time for Cookie in the Backend, if you set to 0 it should be cleared when Browsertab is closed. At next visit the customer shoule be "clean" and standard/first shipping rate is shown. Maybe this helps in the meantime. Maybe yes, it is dumb, but in some countries it is needed by law that B2C shows the shipping costs (and yes, we all know that it is very difficult to manage this by webshops).
  3. ehhh shouldn't this better happen here in the forum ?!? 🙂
  4. It is much more recommended to edit the email templates locally and then upload/overwrite the original ones. Editing online oftens does not work for email templates. You can find a lot of help with this online and in the forum. https://html5-editor.net/ is a good editor, you can load your html from email template in this and change it to your needs, then copy the html code and safe it, then upload it to the correct folder in tb installation.
  5. yes, it´s like that. Maybe you find this useful (it is for other themes, but description is very good): https://answers.themler.io/articles/9064/how-to-use-google-fonts-locally
  6. Hi, you can remove the like as written above or you can change it to your local path on webserver, so the font is loaded from local source on the same webserver as your shop, not from an external source. I have done this and it works (you have to upload all fonts to your webserver/path).
  7. Ja, in der Praxis beispielsweise dann den Shop am 30.6. um 16 Uhr in den Wartungszustand versetzen, da ab da wohl keine Bestellungen mehr verschickt werden. Alle Rechnungen fertig machen bis zu diesem Tag mit dem bisherigen USt.-Satz. Die USt-Sätze im Shop ändern auf 5% und 16% (ich meine daß neue Steuerklassen/ID´s da am besten geeignet sein sollten), vorher Sicherung usw. und ggf. die Datenbank dazu anpassen (kann ich nix zu sagen, habe ich noch nicht angeschaut, im PS Forum gibts was dazu). Wenn das alles passt, den Shop wieder online schalten. Selbst wenn Bestellungen noch am 30.6. abends reinkommen ist das kein Problem und rechtlich ok, da die Lieferung frühestens am 1.7. erfolgt. Wenn dein Shopsystem/Template die USt.-Sätze im Checkout einzeln ausweist dann wäre es in solchen Fällen besser wenn es das nicht tun würde (wobei es insgesamt besser ist wenn es das tut 🙂 ).
  8. Uh aufpassen!! Dieses Papier bezieht sich NICHT auf den Onlinehandel! Wurde schon mehrfach in versch. Forum der Shopsysteme, Wawi´s usw. besprochen. Schau dich mal ein bischen um, da gibts viele Infos und leider auch viele falsche Infos. Habe mich manchmal schon gefragt wie leichtfertig die Onlineshopbetreiber bzw. Chefs mit Onlineshop mit diesen Themen umgehend und teilweise hat man nicht mal Ahnung vom kleinen Einmaleins, obwohl man Chef ist 🙂 Stichworte sind GOBD, PAngV, UStG usw. Ein paar Infos dazu, aber auch das muss man genau lesen und es ist teilweise nicht ganz einfach geschrieben, so daß man falsche Schlüsse ziehen könnte (einfache Sprache wäre da besser): https://legal.trustedshops.com/blog/2020/06/12/mehrwertsteuersenkung-ab-1.-juli-darauf-muessen-sie-unbedingt-achten Das "Problem" der korrekten Umstellung und Ausweisung der USt. bleibt im Onlinehandel ja alleine schon deshalb bestehen, weil du es im Auftrag/Rechnung korrekt ausweisen musst. Da hilft ein Rabatt dann gar nix mehr.
  9. Ihr habt doch sicherlich noch "Platz" auf eurem Webhosting/Vserver, tb-Kopie einfach in einen Unterordner kopieren, neue DB dazu anlegen usw., sich so also eine Testumgebung schafffen, damit geht das alles. Im "schlimmsten" Fall ein kleines Hosting für 1-3 Monate buchen für ein paar EUR und darin testen.
  10. Na eigtl. nicht, wenn du für die anderen Steuersätze andere ID´s vergeben hast... die "alten" mit 19 und 7 bleiben ja in der DB erhalten. Aber da weiß ich echt nicht wie das Shopsystem das handelt. Ansonsten ist deine Idee recht gut 🙂 und wird von den meisten Shopbetreibern (egal welche Plattform) so in etwa umgesetzt oder zumindest ist das so geplant.
  11. DRMasterChief


    Really ? My ideas are on 'does TB need an update/new version every few weeks'? I think not. I am not a dev, but i think it is a good and strong software 'with not that much bugs' and you can rely on. What when we go on with this for a further time and let the things sort. Everyone should look for devs who can work on TB in the meantime, this should be clear, even when this is not easy, but i also think a lot of devs are NOT looking forward to go on with PS 1.7x Symphony shit....
  12. Hi, ....Install thirtybees from Softaculous.... gives me always errors and problems (tried i with 3 webhosts, no luck at all) ! I have installed tb then manually, which is easy and done in 1 minute. Maybe this is helpful for someone.
  13. Hi, i have tried several ecommerce platforms and honestly i have to say that tb is one of the best working out of the box 🙂 (also compared to paid systems, it is really reliable). Keep it clean and simple, like every system.... there are a lot of modules (also from PS 1.6) which are horribly programmed, do not try them on live site, trust your gut instinct when looking for a theme or module. Create a test system for such things and try it before installing it on your live shop.
  14. Hi, it should be ok just to have a notice about the terms, you have to inform the customer, but it 'must not' be checked with a box. Maybe you can find a lot of similar infomation here and also at search engines, just have a look.
  15. DRMasterChief


    My idea / previous post was to spread tb wide in the online commerce, this is only possible with a subscription model and reasonable fee per month, i am wrong ? Do you really think a merchant which is new to tb will give 50 USD a month when he can have well-known system for the half ? It's just my serious question, i dont want to upset anyone.
  16. DRMasterChief


    Sorry, first i refer to my post above, and 2nd NOT ONE merchant will pay this compared to other shopsystems well-known with much lower monthly rates (10 - 30 USD /month). Ask yourself: why should i pay e.g. 250 USD a month for a small not well-known shopsystem with only a small awareness on the market... No chance on the market with such a business model.
  17. DRMasterChief


    Hello, first of all very bad news, even when it is partially understandable from datakicks side... My idea was always to set tb on a other business model. I dont think supporters models will work: MOST of the supporters will go away after shortest time when shopsystem is working, they are all merchants and have no time or effort for such things, what we need is a good and stable shopsystem with the possibility to have extra features or modules and support if needed, but 99.999% of all merchants are no hobby developers with time and effort to have a look at a forum each week or so. You have to ensure a permanent monthly income for a shopsystem like tb (even when it is a great thing to have it free), so it should be a monthly subscription for the shopsystem will all main modules, maybe in 2 or 3 steps with price increasing. Basis can be 5 USD /month for tb shop with main modules, then 2 upgrades or similar maybe with support included (but the better way is to have support in separate booking and this is also the prefered way to make developers happy 🙂 ) OK, this is not a new idea and most of the other 'professional' shopsystems do so, but it is the only useful way for both sides, merchant and tb. Price just have to be very good compared to other shopsystems and developer should have two open ears for the needs of merchants, thats it.
  18. Hi Sigi, just create an zone with only 'country A' and then you have all possibilities for this zone, e.g. free shipping with amounts....
  19. Hi, you can use this module, works with tb: http://greenmousestudio.com/en/numeric-reference/
  20. Hi, can someone please tell me if the 'optional suffix' (-1234) is common for US citizens? We have some orders from USA and no one give this at the order. We have to search this manually each time, as it is very important for the shipment abroad.... I think the validation of both formats is useful, maybe the customers can/should be forced in any way to give the suffix voluntarily 🙂 thank you
  21. Thank you, will try then. my tb 1.0.8 generates the following: AddType application/vnd.ms-fontobject .eot AddType font/ttf .ttf AddType font/otf .otf AddType application/font-woff .woff AddType application/font-woff2 .woff2
  22. Yes, i have also done this in BO to make sure the .htaccess is up to date after the migration, and it shows this also! I will check the old and the new .htaccess and compare. At the moment i can not share the Domain, pls. understand. The hoster make a migration to an Apache Server, at the moment it was LiteSpeed server and i thought this could be a part of the problem.... I will be back here soon when migratin is done.
  23. Dont get me wrong, i also think that there is no problem with tb 🙂 The hoster will give me an account on an Apache server, i will install and test my migration then and hope the best!
  24. Hello, i have contacted the support from hoster. They told me, that in .htaccess the data is already included: ... AddType application/font-woff .woff AddType application/font-woff2 .woff2 ... but no success, also not with the fresh clean install of tb.
  25. Have done a new picture, please have a look at this (from old / current hosting), woff would be 'enough' for the symbols, but there is also a woff2 which is loaded and seems to be correct on the old hosting. On the 'new' hosting, the Open Sans font is not be loaded at all, wtf ?
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