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Everything posted by DRMasterChief

  1. It is possible to check for companies and brands, full functional from 1. January on: https://oeffentliche-register.verpackungsregister.org/Manufacturer @fuji3776 yes i found this also at the site and just do a simple translation (not all sites are available in English). This is from the FAQ: Manufacturer of a product As a rule, the manufacturer of a product is the first-time supplier in Germany and thus obliged to register. Importer of a product However, if this manufacturer has its headquarters abroad, then the domestic importer can also be considered as the first-time distributor in Germany and thus as the manufacturer. In principle, in the case of importation, the person who has the legal responsibility for the goods has the obligation to participate in the system when crossing the border. In addition, it should be noted that in case of non-compliance with obligations, the final distributor is subject to a distribution ban. mail order companies Similarly, mail order companies are manufacturers in the sense of the VerpackG. A mail order company fills a shipping container with goods for the first time, so that the system participation and registration obligation for this packaging is always with him, he is at least for the shipping container first-time carrier in the sense of the Packaging Act. The fact that the shipping packaging is used to deliver the product to the final consumer always qualifies it as a sales packaging, as it is typically waste for the end user. A registration in LUCID is in any case only under the designation "manufacturer" and not "dealer", "distributor" or the like because of the broad manufacturer concept of the VerpackG. possible.
  2. .....A lot of users found the solution for the redirect - they use the EU Paypal module (not the US version). I also have tried this, but i can not make work the EU module, tb says i have to do an update of the Paypal-Module. And then after the update, it is no longer Paypal-module from Prestashop v3.12.0 . After the update it switches to tb v5.3.3 and shows the problem with redirect again…. i can not try the solution (using the Paypal EU module) but maybe there is the correct hint in the EU module ?! Can anyone please check - for christmas cookies or money ? :) I think the whole tb community need a solution for this, Paypal is very necessary and i dont know if there is any other paid module which works fine and do a correct return to a confirmation site. Furthermore i think this can be a really big thing to collect money for the community if there came a paid module from tb.
  3. 500 kg carton/paper is about 74 EUR 500 kg glass is about 54 EUR aluminium and plastics are much higher (and this is perspicuous - go green folks !!) (but some offers need a minimum fee which includes some total weights, depends on the contract) Now - Merry Xmas !
  4. A short translation from the official site: Does the German Packaging Act also apply to exports from Germany? No, the German Packaging Act will only apply in the Federal Republic of Germany. Insofar as packaging is exported outside the scope of application, the Packaging Act does not apply in this respect. However, since this involves the transposition of European law, separate national laws also apply in other EU countries. .....Importer is also an online shop based abroad, if the goods are delivered directly to private consumers in Germany. This applies both to the shipping packaging including filling material and to the packaging of the products themselves, insofar as these are typically incurred by the private end user as waste..... btw. this are EU regulations and not only valid in Germany, but maybe the Germans are the first ones which realize that EU law in a newer way. I think most of the other EU countries will have similar rules or will bring them on the way in the next years.
  5. 'Transport materials' means the packaging which goes e.g. from manufacturer to wholesaler, or e.g. from manufacturer to supermarket. The B2B branch has to pay for the recydling and disposal for their own in a separate system. They are not captured by this new regulations. It does not mean the transport packaging which goes from merchant to customer - so it is up to the merchant which sells to 'end users' to register in the Lucid system and pay a fee for the packaging material (e.g. at Zentek, you can get a 10% discount here https://www.zmart24.de/verkaufsverpackungen/kalkulator?AddressSource=Roper&coupon=roper2019 )
  6. Hello, here is the official site for this: https://lucid.verpackungsregister.org/ (and you can switch this to English), some additional informations are here: https://www.verpackungsregister.org/fileadmin/userupload/How-to-Guideen04092018.pdf https://www.verpackungsregister.org/fileadmin/userupload/10-W-Fragenen15082018.pdf Please feel free for a further discussion, but i think the best is to read the official documents first.
  7. Do you think we can have a solution for these Paypal issues, @lesley @Traumflug Thank you for a statement :) will appreciate that edit: A lot of users found the solution for the redirect - they use the EU Paypal module (not the US version). I also have tried this, but i can not make it work in original, i have to update it first. And then, it is no longer Paypal from Prestashop v3.12.0 . With the update it switches to tb v5.3.3 and shows the problem with redirect again.... so i can not try this solution but maybe there is the correct hint in the EU module ?! Can anyone please check?
  8. OMG ! you are right. I just tried this in my 1.0.7 with Paypal 5.3.3 but in my case the payment was successful (paypal sandbox) and the order appears in the BO with customer address which is saved in Paypal sandbox account. This means, in this case the data was transfered into my BO and i see the order. But this behavior is quite strange and should not be possible. It seems that there are still some Paypal problems, also this: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/2391/paypal-return-url
  9. I have no problems with logged-in customers and Paypal 5.3.3 from tb. The return link should be given in the module "Paypal login" and should be something like this: Use the following link for this store (repeat if you have multiple stores!) as the redirect_uri setting: http://yourdomainxyz.net/index.php?fc=module&module=paypal&controller=logintoken But you are right, when i make an checkout as an guest and do the payment by Paypal, there is only the "authentication" shown after finishing the payment/order. This is not very comfortable and professional.... can we define a short "thank you for your order" site or something like this? oh no... seems to be an "old" bug: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/400277-native-paypal-module-not-returning-to-order-confirmation-page-after-payment/
  10. Thank you, this seems to be the easiest way and it works. (i can not find the correct things in database for this, ID is not the same as in BO.... very confusing and not changing in BO when you change in database). btw, a great thing to modify the email templates is https://html5-editor.net/
  11. You are talking about an guest checkout (not-logged in customer) ?
  12. change Mail ID in order I would like to change the order of status messages which are sent to customers (Orders -> Status). And/or i would also hide (or delete) some of the messages. The thing is, that we only need 3 messages (awaiting payment/bankwire, preparation, shipped). And to make it as much easy as possible, these 3 should be shown correct descending in the list. How to move these 3 status messages? And/or how to hide the not used messages (this could be optional)? Unfortunately it seems that the order can not be changed directly in the backend and also not in the database. Mail IDs in the backend are not identical to the ones in the database. Thank you and greets
  13. Yes, this depends on the webspace and sometimes can happen. Great to thear that tb works for you :)
  14. Hi, translate it (or change/add more text the original language), you should find it 4x in the translations for FrontOffice, it´s in ADDRESS , AUTHENTICATION, ORDER-OPC-NEW-ACCOUNT-ADVANCED and ORDER-OPC-NEW-ACCOUNT
  15. Eigtl. so wie oben beschrieben - versuchs nochmal, hat bei vielen anderen ja auch funktioniert :-)
  16. Hi, you say "trying xlsx file".... this wont work. It must be an CSV file (clean and correct). Microsoft software can´t do this sometimes, maybe you will try some other editor to create a CSV file (e.g. OpenOffice).
  17. Ja so sollte es gehen, bitte einfach mal testen was danach aber rauskommt wenn du im AEUC diese anteilige Berechnung aktiv hast!
  18. Achso, AEUC - sags halt gleich ! siehe hier https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1841/aeuc-mit-unterschiedlichen-steuers%C3%A4tzen-7-und-19-vat-7-falscher-warenkorb/7 beachte die Antwort von @colorful-ant
  19. Na klar, kannst du doch direkt in den Versanddiensten machen, dort eine USt. zuweisen. Ich habs laut Foto:
  20. Ahh noch was: soviel ich getestet habe (damals, mit PS 1.6.1x) nahm PS anteilig die Warenwerte für 7% und 19% und hat darauf die USt. berechnet, aber eben auch stur anteilig auf beide Sätze - was zwar möglich ist, aber theoretisch dem deutschen UStG nicht entspricht und man so über die Jahre ggf. auch zuviel USt. ans Finanzamt abführt. Desweiteren war diese Berechnung von PS eigentlich immer falsch, genauer habe ich das aber nicht verfolgt bzw. konnte ich die Berechnung nicht genauer/richtiger hinbekommen, und da ich ja nun bei tb bin... ist´s mir wurscht :-)
  21. Nö, für die Wawi sind einfach "Versandkosten" angelegt im Shop mit einer Artikelnummer (Derzeit verwenden wir noch ein anderes Shopsystem, tb kommt erst in ein paar Wochen !) Die Versandkosten sind in unserem Fall mit 19% angelegt, das ist dann Standard in der Wawi (so weisen wir zumindest nicht zu wenig USt. aus, bei "zuviel" stört sich das Finanzamt nicht dran). Der End-/Gesamtbetrag bleibt für den Kunden ja gleich, egal wie´s mit den Versandkosten ist. Daher hat sich in 15 Jahren auch noch nie ein Kunde daran gestört wenn nun in der Rechnung ein anderer USt.-Betrag stand als auf der Bestellbestätigung. Für abführen der USt. ist der Betrag der Rechnung bindend.
  22. Hi, hmmm was meinst du mit "soll" - wer befiehlt das? :boy: Steuerrechtlich in DE ist es so, daß die Versand- oder andere Nebenleistungen umsatzsteuerrechtlich das Schicksal der Hauptleistung teilt. Die Nebenleistung darf dabei keinen eigenen wirtschaftlichen Zweck haben. Nun musst du selbst Hauptleistung definieren, wenn du also einen höheren Betrag aller Artikel mit 19% hast, dann haben die Versandkosten auch 19% USt. Wenn es mehr Artikel mit 7% dann sind die Versandkosten auch mit 7% Es muss aber nicht unbedingt der Betrag aller Artikel je 19% und je 7% hergenommen werden, es kann auch die Stückzahl oder Gewicht sein. Das kommt wirklich auf deine Begebenheiten an. Wir haben ungefähr diese Konstellation und berechnen die Versandkosten daher auch so: Gummibaum 100 EUR (7%) Pflanztopf 15 EUR (19%) Versandkosten 5 EUR (7%) Der Pflanztopf hat zwar einen eigenen wirtschaftlichen Zweck (kann ja auch leer als Dekoration verwendet werden, als Trinkgefäß oder sonstwas sein), steht beim Verkauf hier aber eindeutig untergeordnet zur Hauptleistung Gummibaum. ABER: wir berechnen das nicht über den Shop, sondern erstellen Rechnungen in einer Wawi und können das daher ggf. besser ändern und überblicken und auch erst bei der Rechnungslegung einstellen. Der Shop macht das ja gleich bei der Bestellung, und ggf. falsch.... zumindest PrestaShop kanns nicht richtig.
  23. Die Community hier ist ja in den letzten Monaten sicher gewachsen, daher möchte ich das nochmal hochziehen.... hat jemand dafür schon eine Lösung gefunden oder zumindest Ahnung wie ich die ersten paar Zeichen der Produktbeschreibung in den Warenkorb reinbringe ?? Würde mich freuen wenn wir für diese Notwendigkeit (gesetzlich in DE) eine Lösungen finden können.
  24. Will this be implemented in one of the next updates? https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/54c54a81e4f109e0efedecfe8e6c5d10bf03cbe1
  25. Hallo, meinst du mit "Anpassung" die Berechnung weil du unterschiedliche USt.-Sätze hast (7 und 19% ) ??
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