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Everything posted by toplakd

  1. I usually install my test instances through Cpanel/Softaculous and after that I apply the latest bleeding edge with core updater, and that have never failed. Live shop is always updated to latest bleeding edge within couple of days after updates are available in core updater.
  2. For that you should open template files which do show pictures and compare them to non webp enabled theme. (product.tpl, product-list-item.tpl and others). You will quickly notice the difference.
  3. I'm always using latest bleeding edge (the one without issue number)
  4. If you run basic modules that are provided by thirtybees everything should work out of the box. And that should be sufficient for most users, however as datakick said, when you wish something custom you can't go around third party modules and this is where all the fun begins. And with recent update it became even more php 7.4 friendly ( thank you @datakick - I currently have 1 or 2 error_log messages in front running 7.4)
  5. I know, that's why tabs are not the main goal and will never be included in main template file, as it's just a simple solution so one can check how tabs are made. I personaly would not ever use them on product pages in my shop, as I do prefer that everything is visible on single product page due to later complications with customers, where they didn't see some information as it was on 2nd or 3rd tab.
  6. I suggest to test first and be confused later 🙂
  7. This file can be used for if someone would want to have tabbed style of "product description content" tabbed on product page (product.tpl) Styling and script is inline, one should add own tab names which will suit the use. testing.tpl
  8. My suggestion is, that you try to use the product.tpl from old version of community-theme-default. As only thing modded in product.tpl (from bleeding edge community-default) was on line 692 rows="3" to rows="1" and that is not affecting your tab view.
  9. Sorry, can't find option to select view as tabs on product page.
  10. Can you explain little more. Or show some pics. As I just installed it, and I see it exactly same on Niara / Community default and modded one
  11. There are not only changed files, there are also some extra files in theme which might show up in obsolete files (files for mobile menu)
  12. Here is good way to start if there is no previous knowledge: https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
  13. toplakd


    Sure its possible. But you have to decide what you want exactly and modify template and css accordingly. I have removed add to cart buttons, and made the whole box clickable so it links to the product page, as I do want my customers to read description and not adding it to cart directly from grid list and than complaining they didn't have the option to read the description 🙂
  14. In the modded template, crossselling is set to display:none on Popup LayerCart window on devices smaller than 767px
  15. For finding out which files were modified you can copy whole modded folder into community-theme-default and check differences with core updater.
  16. toplakd

    TLS 1.2

    Search for: tls 1.2 in the forums. First results have the answer.
  17. Updated first post, with theme file for download Install by clicking onto add new theme and upload zip file from computer. Still needs some polishment here and there. But will get to that.
  18. Are your carriers enabled for all groups or just for the customer group?
  19. I cant make it or test it for Panda or whatever other theme, as I don't have it and don't feel the need for it for my shop But I can send you my modded community theme for testing, which is more mobile friendly. However it does not have 3 page checkout but it has 4 tab checkout, as needed override is not a solution for everyone.
  20. As said in other thread, files are made for community-theme-default and therefore they may not work as wished on other templates which are using its own modifications and overrides. For that, you have to figure it out by yourself, or contact the theme maker if he could adopt that changes for you.
  21. As it's made for community theme default. You can't just throw files on other themes which have it's own modifications and hope it will work as inteded 🙂
  22. For desktop I would go with 1 page checkout, but for mobile I personally would not use it as first option in my shop. That's the main reason i shortened 5page to 3 page to go somewhere in between of both worlds, and customers say they love it, specially since most of them use my shop on mobile devices.
  23. Mobile is not so great, because the theme is not mobile optimized. But once theme is optimized for mobile, than 3page checkout also works with minimal scrolling needed.
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