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Everything posted by toplakd

  1. Mobile is not so great, because the theme is not mobile optimized. But once theme is optimized for mobile, than 3page checkout also works with minimal scrolling needed.
  2. That's the best comment ever on this forum. 🤣
  3. Have you tried 1.1.x together with latest community theme? (not ignoring theme in core updater)
  4. Latest is 1.1.x (without issue number)
  5. https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_classes.asp
  6. toplakd

    Prouct Removal

    That's normal behaviour if some one access disabled/removed product with direct link.
  7. toplakd


    New Ubuntu does not come with PHP4. PHP 4 reached its end of life somewhere in 2014. https://www.php.net/manual/php4.php But hopefully current 7.4 version will be 100% supported in near future.
  8. Added in the new file is the class="label-text" Community theme does not use styled checkbox/radio buttons, so that issue is not present there.
  9. toplakd


    Not that it does not work. But error_log gets big very quickly. Going to home page, than to category, adding 5 different product to cart and continue to checkout (switching address in between) results in 7,1MB big error_log file. So during a day / or a week, that file might get very very big. 🙂 However most of the errors are related to this array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/alzarac1/shop.alza-racing.com/classes/ObjectModel.php on line 1996
  10. I assume you are using Niara theme 🙂 If yes, than good luck, as you will need to manually edit the theme, since nobody tested how it works together with AUEC module ,once decision was made that Niara becomes official TB theme. As Niara hides all default checkboxes/radio buttons and replaces them with colored ones. So problem appears in every module that shows own checkbox/radio button based on default theme preferences, as Niara theme hides this by default and therefore nothing is visible. In my opinion, hiding default checkboxes has not ben thought well. Or you can replace following file in: /modules/advancedeucompliance/views/templates/hook hookOverrideTOSDisplay.tpl
  11. toplakd


    Status is same as yesterday and day before. And most likely will be same for a while 🙂 Requirements on the link: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees
  12. He wants that his home page is redirected to desired category. Or other way, he wants his category to be the home landing page.
  13. You have you main store displayed. This is how main page looks without any modules showing on front page. If you want to start with a particular category, you should make redirect of home page
  14. If you uninstall those 3 modules, you will also loose them in left column. New producst / Popular / Best Sellers.
  15. As said, no redirect was made in back office as such behaviour is standard with stock theme and those 3 modules installed. You can either uninstall those 3 modules or unhook them from displayHomeTab in modules/positions , this means home page center column will be therefore empty.
  16. New arrivals/Popular/Best sellers are not there because of redirect. They are showing on home page because you have this modules installed and hooked into displayHomeTab
  17. toplakd

    Server Move

    https://www.serverprofis.de/elastic-site-server/ I took M package
  18. toplakd

    Server Move

    Last time I was moving my shop, I bought about 10 hosting plans for 1 month (within 2 months), installed copy of my shop on each of them, and was testing speed from worldwide locations to every single hosting on daily basis. Until I decided for current one. For aproximate speed testing I used gtmetrix.com and https://www.dotcom-tools.com/website-speed-test.aspx I'm currently hosting in Germany and I get pretty good results worldwide compared to the price I pay - 64€ (without tax) yearly for 2vCore 1Gb Ram - cPanel. Tried caching, cloudflare, keycdn, and with all i get mixed results regarding speed (mostly slower than without anything)
  19. toplakd

    Server Move

    @AndyC with your p..world.co.uk are you targeting UK market? As website is slow as hell, even if accessed from London. I suggest to switch hosting, as such slow speed is bad for your business.
  20. Have you set which geolocation service should be used under Preferences/ Geolocation/ Geolocation Service? As it works like a charm. And yes, Thirty bees Bleeding Edge is needed for module to work, together with database which can be downloaded manualy from maxmind (steps for download are few posts above) If you access the shop from restricted country, than restricted-country.tpl gets loaded (which you can configure to show your own restricted info). Cant add pics due to forum denying all images 😞
  21. https://docs.thirtybees.com/installation/ Read requirements sections. Could be missing ZipArchive.
  22. You can create one Unvisible category which is not displayed in shop, and set it as Default category for this product. Than you also associate the product with other categories where you want to show it. After product is sold, you remove other associated categories and keep only Unvisible category. After that product is accessible only with direct link.
  23. Didn't you create same post yesterday? 23hour ago. Just copy pasting complete topic with additional picture. That additional picture you could attach to original post. Opening multiple posts with same topic won't resolve your issue any sooner.
  24. Every thing stays same if I move my default country into different zone. As displaying taxes is country related, not zone related. Only thing showing without tax were shipping costs, as I have set carrier price without tax for export zones where no tax applies. However, I do use geolocation, as without it it's not possible to show correct prices (with or without tax) for not logged visitors, where shop does not know the country of origin as crystal ball is not yet in the core. Geolocation ist "must have module" if you are selling worldwide and you are showing EU prices with tax and Outside EU without tax. And you should always use tax based on delivery address, not invoice address. As one could create USA address as invoice but delivery within EU and would not pay taxes because of wrong setting.
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