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Everything posted by haylau

  1. Trying to uninstall an old module, dating back to our prestashop days But getting a 500 error. Can anyone advise how to either fix, or uninstall manually? Decoded exception Too few arguments to function ConfigurationCore::updateValue(), 1 passed in /home/uboltsrus/marketplaces.u-bolts-r-us.co.uk/modules/opartdevis/opartdevis.php on line 87 and at least 2 expected in file classes/Configuration.php at line 623 Source file: classes/Configuration.php Stack trace 1. modules/opartdevis/opartdevis.php:87 source ConfigurationCore::updateValue(arguments) #1 "OPARTDEVIS_SHOWFREEFORM" 2. controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php:1653 source Opartdevis->uninstall() 1634: } 1635: } 1636: //retrocompatibility 1637: if (Tools::getValue('controller') != '') { 1638: $_POST['tab'] = Tools::safeOutput(Tools::getValue('controller')); 1639: } 1640: $echo = ''; 1641: if ($key != 'update' && $key != 'updateAll' && $key != 'checkAndUpdate' && $key != 'delete') { 1642: // We check if method of module exists 1643: if (!method_exists($module, $method)) { 1644: throw new PrestaShopException(sprintf('Method %s of module cannot be found', $method)); 1645: } 1646: if ($key == 'uninstall' && !Module::getPermissionStatic($module->id, 'uninstall')) { 1647: $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You do not have permission to uninstall this module.'); 1648: } 1649: if (count($this->errors)) { 1650: continue; 1651: } 1652: // Get the return value of current method 1653: $echo = $module->{$method}(); 1654: // After a successful install of a single module that has a configuration method, to the configuration page 1655: if ($key == 'install' && $echo === true && strpos(Tools::getValue('install'), '|') === false && method_exists($module, 'getContent')) { 1656: Tools::redirectAdmin(static::$currentIndex.'&token='.$this->token.'&configure='.$module->name.'&conf=12'); 1657: } 1658: } 1659: // If the method called is "configure" (getContent method), we show the html code of configure page 1660: if ($key == 'configure' && Module::isInstalled($module->name)) { 1661: $this->bootstrap = (isset($module->bootstrap) && $module->bootstrap); 1662: if (isset($module->multishop_context)) { 1663: $this->multishop_context = $module->multishop_context; 3. controllers/admin/AdminModulesController.php:1516 source AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcessCallback() 1497: if (Tools::getValue('redirect') == 'config' && Tools::getValue('module_name') != '' && Module::isInstalled(pSQL(Tools::getValue('module_name')))) { 1498: Tools::redirectAdmin('index.php?controller=adminmodules&configure='.Tools::getValue('module_name').'&token='.Tools::getValue('token').'&module_name='.Tools::getValue('module_name')); 1499: } 1500: 1501: // Execute filter or callback methods 1502: $filterMethods = ['filterModules', 'resetFilterModules', 'filterCategory', 'unfilterCategory']; 1503: $callbackMethods = ['reset', 'download', 'enable', 'delete', 'enable_device', 'disable_device']; 1504: $postProcessMethodsList = array_merge((array) $filterMethods, (array) $callbackMethods); 1505: foreach ($postProcessMethodsList as $ppm) { 1506: if (Tools::isSubmit($ppm)) { 1507: $ppm = 'postProcess'.ucfirst($ppm); 1508: if (method_exists($this, $ppm)) { 1509: $ppmReturn = $this->$ppm(); 1510: } 1511: } 1512: } 1513: 1514: // Call appropriate module callback 1515: if (!isset($ppmReturn)) { 1516: $this->postProcessCallback(); 1517: } 1518: 1519: if ($back = Tools::getValue('back')) { 1520: Tools::redirectAdmin($back); 1521: } 1522: } 1523: 1524: /** 1525: * @return void 1526: * 4. classes/controller/Controller.php:197 source AdminModulesControllerCore->postProcess() 178: } else { 179: $this->$property = $value; 180: } 181: } 182: 183: /** 184: * Starts the controller process 185: * 186: * @since 1.0.0 187: * @version 1.0.0 Initial version 188: */ 189: public function run() 190: { 191: $this->init(); 192: if ($this->checkAccess()) { 193: if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 194: $this->setMedia(); 195: } 196: 197: $this->postProcess(); 198: 199: if (!empty($this->redirect_after)) { 200: $this->redirect(); 201: } 202: 203: if (!$this->content_only && ($this->display_header || (isset($this->className) && $this->className))) { 204: $this->initHeader(); 205: } 206: 207: if ($this->viewAccess()) { 5. classes/Dispatcher.php:852 source ControllerCore->run() 833: return; 834: } 835: break; 836: 837: default: 838: throw new PrestaShopException('Bad front controller chosen'); 839: } 840: 841: // Instantiate controller 842: try { 843: // Loading controller 844: $controller = Controller::getController($controllerClass); 845: 846: // Execute hook dispatcher 847: if (isset($paramsHookActionDispatcher)) { 848: Hook::exec('actionDispatcher', $paramsHookActionDispatcher); 849: } 850: 851: // Running controller 852: $controller->run(); 853: } catch (PrestaShopException $e) { 854: $e->displayMessage(); 855: } 856: } 857: 858: /** 859: * Retrieve the controller from url or request uri if routes are activated 860: * 861: * @param int|null $idShop 862: * 6. nimda/index.php:63 source DispatcherCore->dispatch() 44://small test to clear cache after upgrade 45:if (Configuration::get('PS_UPGRADE_CLEAR_CACHE')) { 46: header('Cache-Control: max-age=0, must-revalidate'); 47: header('Expires: Mon, 06 Jun 1985 06:06:00 GMT+1'); 48: Configuration::updateValue('PS_UPGRADE_CLEAR_CACHE', 0); 49:} 50: 51:// For retrocompatibility with "tab" parameter 52:if (!isset($_GET['controller']) && isset($_GET['tab'])) { 53: $_GET['controller'] = strtolower($_GET['tab']); 54:} 55:if (!isset($_POST['controller']) && isset($_POST['tab'])) { 56: $_POST['controller'] = strtolower($_POST['tab']); 57:} 58:if (!isset($_REQUEST['controller']) && isset($_REQUEST['tab'])) { 59: $_REQUEST['controller'] = strtolower($_REQUEST['tab']); 60:} 61: 62:// Prepare and trigger admin dispatcher 63:Dispatcher::getInstance()->dispatch();
  2. There are free modules available for log in as customer, even one from datakick himself https://store.getdatakick.com/en/modules/login-as-customer Scroll to top is often part of the theme (it is on Panda), but there is a free scroll to top here, from a great coder: https://mypresta.eu/modules/front-office-features/scroll-to-top.html
  3. haylau

    Check out module

    Depends on what you need, they are all so different. I have tried a few, but now use Chex, from our very own @datakick Find it here: https://store.getdatakick.com/en/modules/chex-one-page-checkout There is a trial version
  4. haylau

    Demo site

    In the next few days according to this
  5. Great work, can you explain how this fits with bleeding edge? If we have a working established store should we now just stick with official releases and ignore bleeding edge?
  6. haylau

    Price update

    Looks great. Any reason why it should not work with the Panda theme? Compatable with @datakick's chex OPC module?
  7. Hi, and welcome aboard We like the fact that our customers are sent to PayPal / Stripe to enter their details, means we do not have to be PCI compliant with our servers I seem to remember that the TB Paypal module is not compliant with the UK version of 'website payment plus' - just the european version so are you UK based?
  8. @datakick: Just noticed this error while 'inspecting' the page DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://u-bolts-r-us.co.uk/modules/revws/views/js/front-2_2_2.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE I have checked the folder and that file does not exist I am using bleeding edge TB, and paid REVWS module 2.2.2 Anything to be concerned about?
  9. We have disabled states and PayPal works just fine for us. So perhaps it is “if states are enabled then they have to be the correct coding@
  10. You could try @datakick’s module https://www.getdatakick.com or I use the praotec one http://www.praotec.com/category/prestashop/nvn-export-orders/ (not sure it is still available though. - shop is offline And there are a few modules on the prestashop site https://addons.prestashop.com/en/search?search_query=export orders&compatibility=1.6.1&
  11. Well you won’t get help like that. This is a community support forum, main contributors are other sellers like you just trying to help in their spare time. You will not get instant answers, and sometimes no help at all. You need to have some patience Most visual things are in the modules section. Look there for sliders.
  12. So they are saying the same as I did really. It is an SSL issue. What version of ThirtyBees do you have. I seem to remember the earlier version there was a separate setting to enable SSL on ALL pages (preferences > General)
  13. I think Andy means in the back office when adding the tracking code to be able to CHANGE the carrier. For example, sometimes a customer chooses Royal Mail for delivery, then when we get the parcel ready we decide to send by Parcelforce instead. So when we add the tracking code we need to be able to change the carrier at that point otherwise they get the wrong tracking URL
  14. I might have solved this. I forgot my routine after an upgrade to go through and make all the manual changes (teach me to work late at night). One of which is the product reference length in the database and a few files. Our product references are quite long so I change to 128 - and I forgot. No changes to database this time, but there were some file changes in the bleeding edge update. So that is why it seemed random because some references are short (so worked) and some are long so threw an exception when creating the actual order Still need some orders to come in to check - but fingers crossed.
  15. I though this was just the stripe module, but has now happened on the paypal module also This is random, usually all is OK, but happening once or twice a day there is a problem. The money is taken, logs on stripe look fine, order is created in TB - BUT it is empty and the order status is 'awaiting payment' but is actually no status define - rather than payment accepted. The shopping cart is fine and contains the products Bleeing edge TB (just a couple of days ago - co-incidence??) PHP 7.4 but that was updated a week or two ago ideas?
  16. Yes, that now works. Should adding that code change the order status automatically to shipped (it doesn't)?
  17. Just started playing with this and it does not work for me On bleeding edge I have enetered the URL where it needs to go (copied from above for Royal Mail so I know it is correct). When I enter the shipping code and save it does send the email , but the tracking info is missing The order was already marked as shipped manually. Does it matter WHEN you add the tracking code?
  18. Is there a way of combining this with the thirtybees html blocks so I can put reviews anywhere on the site?
  19. haylau

    Mail Alerts

    Have you tried restarting the server? I read on the prestashop forum a similar issue with that error code. Perhaps a server restart will sort it. It uninstall the zip module from apache. Restart. The reinstall the module and restart again
  20. I specifically do not want people to log in to leave a comment. I want guests to be able to do that - with a recaptcha to filter out the bots
  21. Andy, this is just about the panda theme blog comments, nothing else
  22. has @Jonny disappeared 😞 Anyone else know how to add recaptcha (or equivalent) to the Panda Theme blog comments?
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