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Help me develop killer One Page Checkout module


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47 minutes ago, DRMasterChief said:

Hello,  i have tried the Chex 0.9.0 , but now i am getting an error 500.

I have choosen the One Page Checkout (Order process type) in BO Preferences/Orders  and the module is active (but i have no valid license).

The error is as follows. What to do? What is happening and how can i solve this.  I think i really will use Chex but i have to fix this first.

This does not look like an issue with chex. Once you enable chex, the order page is skipped, and user is redirected to module controller. This error comes from standard order controller.

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2 hours ago, DRMasterChief said:

Thank you,  but hmmm...  the normal checkout works fine,  an Chex module is active, so there should not be this problem then as you say?


Chex does not impact standard order flow. If module is enabled, it simply replace it. Since this is bug in standard OPC flow, I doubt that it has anything to do with the module.

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Hello Petr,

Today I'm testing the module and probably I would buy it for one of my shops.

I have few questions:
1. In the very first step of checkout you ask for Country. I know this is probably due to shipping and payment i know. In the case of only 1 active country can we hide this field as there are no calculations needed at this point. Also the same for the Country field in the address and billing fields - if only one is active in the shop can we autopopulate it and hide it for the customer (less clutter).
2. In the cart field, can we have +/- and X buttons visible by default? So to avoid clicking on Edit then then Done.
3. In phone mode the shipping field text goes out of the border for me.

For me the reverse approach seems more logical: 1st step enter your details, 2nd step - choose available payment and shipping methods, 3rd step - confirm and notes. But your approach shows the methods firstly for the client which could also be beneficial.


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20 hours ago, DRMasterChief said:

In the cart field, can we have +/- and X buttons visible by default? So to avoid clicking on Edit then then Done.

This would be absolutely an improvement!  We really need this  🙂

I can implement this for the next version.

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This would be super great, @datakick

Some test users give us the feedback that the actual 'non visible' +/- buttons are very unusual and complicated. 

Another thing is to make the items in the cart clickable (a lot of people want to see the items again when they have the overview in cart). At the moment it is not possible to click the items, you must go back to menu or use the search, not very user friendly.

And btw., is there any idea about the esential product features (i wrote a message to you)? Maybe something like this,  but where to add in the Chex code?  

<p class="product-name"><a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category, null, null, $product.id_shop, $product.id_product_attribute, false, false, true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">{$product.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</a></p>

Hier wird dann die Kurzbeschreibung angezeigt
<p class="cart_ref">{$product.description_short|strip_tags:false|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</p>
Hier geht der normale Code weiter

{if $product.reference}<small class="cart_ref">{l s='SKU'}{$smarty.capture.default}{$product.reference|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}</small>{/if} 
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On 12/21/2022 at 3:24 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

Hello Petr,

Today I'm testing the module and probably I would buy it for one of my shops.

I have few questions:
1. In the very first step of checkout you ask for Country. I know this is probably due to shipping and payment i know. In the case of only 1 active country can we hide this field as there are no calculations needed at this point. Also the same for the Country field in the address and billing fields - if only one is active in the shop can we autopopulate it and hide it for the customer (less clutter).
2. In the cart field, can we have +/- and X buttons visible by default? So to avoid clicking on Edit then then Done.
3. In phone mode the shipping field text goes out of the border for me.

For me the reverse approach seems more logical: 1st step enter your details, 2nd step - choose available payment and shipping methods, 3rd step - confirm and notes. But your approach shows the methods firstly for the client which could also be beneficial.


I've used CSS to handle most of what you're outlining here.

Let me see if I can grab it and paste it in.

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On 12/13/2022 at 3:16 PM, datakick said:

I just released new version that strengthens the address manipulation logic. Hopefully that will fix this issue.

Also, I added one last-second validation check. This one ensures that address belongs to customer, and is performed just before the final redirect to payment. So, if the strengthening of address manipulation did not work, this one at least block the order creation.

Please test 


Now that holiday season is passed, I'm testing this out. First thing I notice is that the state/province selector has disappeared in the new 0.9 version. We are using that field to display correct shipping options to customers in the U.S. in an order flow that makes sense. It's also removed in the shipping address tab. I've validated via reinstall that it's included in 0.8 but not 0.9 This must be a bug.image.thumb.png.ece436444c3cc92df6313e224be8f132.png


Edited by x97wehner
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9 hours ago, x97wehner said:


Now that holiday season is passed, I'm testing this out. First thing I notice is that the state/province selector has disappeared in the new 0.9 version. We are using that field to display correct shipping options to customers in the U.S. in an order flow that makes sense. It's also removed in the shipping address tab. I've validated via reinstall that it's included in 0.8 but not 0.9 This must be a bug.


Indeed, this was javascript bug. I've released new version 0.9.1 that fixes this one.

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6 hours ago, datakick said:

Indeed, this was javascript bug. I've released new version 0.9.1 that fixes this one.

Thanks. Ran the new version through some basic testing and seems to work fine now. Since we can't pinpoint what was causing the address switch exactly, going to put into production and see if hopefully it never happens again.

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Just found a problem (I'm not calling it a bug because the module can't work with all modules on the Earth).

When checking out if a customer want to login from within the module and TB's native captcha module is installed the customer sees 'wrong password' notification even if they enter the correct password. The module does not show the captcha.

Workaround is to disable the captcha for logins but a strange behavour is that the module creates a profile when customer inputs a password even if the 'account creation' captcha is active. So I believe there's an inconsistency somewhere - either the captcha should be shown or it should be somehow omitted both for account creation and login purposes when in the module.

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9 hours ago, the.rampage.rado said:

From the lack of answers I'm concluding it's only me that's experiencing this issue and everybody else sees the captcha in the module (if enabled)?

I wouldn't conclude that. I don't think a lot of merchants are using this at login.

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9 hours ago, the.rampage.rado said:

From the lack of answers I'm concluding it's only me that's experiencing this issue and everybody else sees the captcha in the module (if enabled)?

I have it turned off on the checkout page so I'm not experiencing that issue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/21/2022 at 10:24 PM, the.rampage.rado said:

Hello Petr,

Today I'm testing the module and probably I would buy it for one of my shops.

2. In the cart field, can we have +/- and X buttons visible by default? So to avoid clicking on Edit then then Done.


As continuation to this today I noticed that if customer clicks on Change and then clicks on the second part (Shipping details) but does not click on 'Complete' this text is hidden and also the next part of the checkout is shadowed out. So the customer is stuck there and if they don't click (hover on desktop) back on tl the cart part they are unable to continue.

I can see this being an issue on mobile.

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7 hours ago, the.rampage.rado said:

As continuation to this today I noticed that if customer clicks on Change and then clicks on the second part (Shipping details) but does not click on 'Complete' this text is hidden and also the next part of the checkout is shadowed out. So the customer is stuck there and if they don't click (hover on desktop) back on tl the cart part they are unable to continue.

I can see this being an issue on mobile.

In my opinion there have to be some sort of 'complete' button, otherwise different issues would occur. For example, removing product from cart by mistake.

I can add some prominent 'Save changes' button that appears only when there are some modifications, but is has to be there. 


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Totally agree with you.

What I believe will be perfect is just make the current 'Change' (and then Save) button always visible. This will clear the customer expectations when they scan this step with their eyes.

Currently if they touch/hover outside the 'cart' portion of the module this hides the Change/Save button.

No further changes are needed here I believe.

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14 minutes ago, the.rampage.rado said:

Totally agree with you.

What I believe will be perfect is just make the current 'Change' (and then Save) button always visible. This will clear the customer expectations when they scan this step with their eyes.

Currently if they touch/hover outside the 'cart' portion of the module this hides the Change/Save button.

No further changes are needed here I believe.

You can add this to your theme css (or using back office Custom Code)

.chex-edit {
    opacity: 1 !important;


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/4/2023 at 9:39 AM, x97wehner said:

Thanks. Ran the new version through some basic testing and seems to work fine now. Since we can't pinpoint what was causing the address switch exactly, going to put into production and see if hopefully it never happens again.

@datakickAlright, found a new bug. Everything seems to work fine on the page all the way through, until the actual payment processing. When the customer clicks button to make payment at the bottom, they redirect to processor whose page is receiving only the amount that appeared when the chex page originally loaded. Not the revised amount based upon customer selections.  I have had multiple people complaining about the error in the last 2 weeks and was forced to roll back to version 0.8 to get around it.


On 1/13/2023 at 10:35 PM, the.rampage.rado said:


Edited by x97wehner
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On 2/4/2023 at 8:41 PM, x97wehner said:

@datakickAlright, found a new bug. Everything seems to work fine on the page all the way through, until the actual payment processing. When the customer clicks button to make payment at the bottom, they redirect to processor whose page is receiving only the amount that appeared when the chex page originally loaded. Not the revised amount based upon customer selections.  I have had multiple people complaining about the error in the last 2 weeks and was forced to roll back to version 0.8 to get around it.



Oh, that's a huge bug. Thanks for reporting it, I will fix it ASAP.


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  • 2 weeks later...

@datakick could you (when you have 5 minutes free) post here the list of statuses that scroll one after another after the order confirmation. I translated most of them but I still see one for parts of a second and I'm unable to translate it because of that.

Also, are you interested in module translations and if so where should we send those?


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25 minutes ago, the.rampage.rado said:

@datakick could you (when you have 5 minutes free) post here the list of statuses that scroll one after another after the order confirmation. I translated most of them but I still see one for parts of a second and I'm unable to translate it because of that.

Also, are you interested in module translations and if so where should we send those?


You mean these ?

'Creating account...'
'Saving shipping address...'
'Saving billing address...'
'Verifying data...'
'Redirecting to payment page...'
'Please wait'

You can attach translation file here

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