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Release 1.0.7 is there!

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@purity said in Release 1.0.7 is there!:

Seems to work fine with everything toggled green.

Do you remember the old Pentium division flaw joke: Sure it gives the wrong answer, but look how FAST it is!

This is probably what's happening to your site right now. And it's been that way ever since you've enabled full page cache. This feature never worked correctly, not even in previous versions.

I'll describe what's wrong in another thread later.

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I’m not sure if it’s possible to fix the underlying problem properly.

It's certainly possible to fix it. But it's well possible all the exceptions handling code is then just as expensive as the code without full page cache.

Time to create a set of performance measuring tests.

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Hi folks!

First of all; Thank you for all the hard work you putting into this project! Well done!

We have been running 1.0.3 for a while now and are super happy with everyhting. But we thought it might be time to run an update. Just got a few questions regarding this. We did try the updater, but this ended up in a error:

[Ajax / Server Error for action unzip] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:" " jqXHR: " "

Archives will come from https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/releases/download/1.0.7/thirtybees-v1.0.7.zip and https://api.thirtybees.com/updates/packs/thirtybees-extra-v1.0.7.zip md5 hashes for core and extra should be resp. 472994fe989dfdd8da6a01ac0e4964e8 and 5c7168745f4a6535565660a1d1a3420f

Is this becasue we're on 1.0.3 ? I see that Lesley is mentioning somthing about query scripts regarding the 1.0.4, and if I remember correct there was something about doing 1.0.4 before 1.0.5+ ?

Thanx in advance,

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Thanx for your reply, @datakick . Will look into that. That said we have never had any problems with PS-updates and migration to TB. Guess this involves pretty much the same procedure? Only difference I can think of, is that we now use PHP 7.1. Could this casue it?

Can we go directly from 1.0.3 to 1.0.7 if we get it to work? And if we have to do it manually, do we have to go through 1.0.4 first?

All the best

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Hard to tell what went wrong. There's probably some hint in your server's error log, or in thirtybees/log directory (if you have debug mode enabled).

Regarding manual update - it's totally possible to go directly to 1.0.7. Just remember that you'll need to delete all stats modules, as described here. Simply follow the steps described in that article, the only difference is that you need to extract 1.0.7 version instead of 1.0.4

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@norwegian_rat said in Release 1.0.7 is there!:

[Ajax / Server Error for action unzip] textStatus: “error " errorThrown:” " jqXHR: " "

I had a look at the situation and the good news is, one can download these files manually. Placed in the correct directory, they'll get recognized instead of downloaded again.

Here's a module version which should give more helpful hints, please give it a try:


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Ah! Thanx a lot for the research, @Traumflug !

I was playing around with extracting the zip file manually in the folder using an unzipper.php file (with the hope it would result in the good news you mentioned) I believe I extracted it in the wrong folder though, in the "download" and not the "latest" folder, so I will have to give it another go

That said: I was rocking and rolling about in those folders, and I actually saw that the 1 0.7 files got extracted to the "latest" folder (using te upgrader), but yet it gave me the error.

I can double check this though, just to be on the safe side if the info might be useful(?)

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Unzipping these files manually wouldn't work. Just already existing ZIP files get recognized if they have the correct MD5. To calculate MD5 on the command line, one can use md5sum <file>.

If it still doesn't work it's a different issue. I just can't see a code path which wouldn't return a message, so I assumed it's a plain PHP script timeout.

If you want to play with the code, processing happens in classes/AjaxProcessor.php. First round is ajaxProcessUpgradeNow(), then ajaxProcessTestDirs(), then ajaxProcessDownload() ... and so on.

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Mkai..here's a little update: (We always do several backups manually @Chandra, so we always turn this one off, since these settings always caused issues when running PS)

The updater did download and extract files as I mentioned in an earlier post. Trying to avoid the error, I cleaned up all the files in the "download" and "latest" folder to be sure I was starting with clean slates. I then did as follows:

  1. Disabled and uninstalled the updater.
  2. Uploaded the updater @Traumflug provided the link to (even though it was the same version number)
  3. Downgraded PHP from 7.1.19 to 7.0.30

One of these steps got it to work. At least partially. It gave me an error after a while, but so far the BO is working and says 1.0.7, and the front office sees to be working. What worries me a little is the error I got:

All files upgraded. Now upgrading database... [Ajax / Server Error for action upgradeDb] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:" " jqXHR: " "

Do we now have a broken database somewhere?

Will do some more check ups to see if I can find any issues.

Update: When we enable the statsmodule, we get a "This page is not working" -page. Not sure if this has anything to do with the error we got during the upgrade...

All the best

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Thanks Traumflug. I'll try it as soon as the backup has completed. How on Earth Windows can take longer to copy a file set than it took to download them is beyond me…

By the way, this forum seems to be broken in the latest version of my preferred browser (Firefox 62.0.3). It's constantly displaying a message that the forum has been disconnected, it wouldn't automatically load newer comments as I scrolled down, and I couldn't post comments – I'm having to use Chrome for that.

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@traumflug said in Release 1.0.7 is there!:

Please don't evaluate thirty bees on a web server running on Windows. This is known to be troublesome.

Hmm… I thought the vagrant+virtualbox method was supposed to be pretty robust – at least that's the impression this article gave me – is that not the case?

Only I'm new to this and I read somewhere that best practice is to develop locally, upload to a test site and only when that's proven okay copy it into production. I do also like being able to edit files directly in Windows Explorer without needing ftp, but I'm happy to do whatever you advise is best.

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I thought the vagrant+virtualbox method was supposed to be pretty robust

Then it's no longer a server running on Windows, but a Linux running on (for the virtual machine and during these updates) crippled hardware.

One solution is to make this PC dual booting with Ubuntu. This gives the most from the hardware and also gets rid of these slow update processes. The other one is to go to dinner during these updates, as you had the plan to do.

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@traumflug said in Release 1.0.7 is there!:

The other one is to go to dinner during these updates

Well I could live with slow updates but at the moment it's still raising a "502 Bad Gateway" error during the zip extraction process.

I've got to leave it for now, but I'll get back onto it tomorrow and maybe just go set up a test site on a subdomain, if that's going to be less problematic.

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HELP! I have just upgraded from 1.0.3 to 1.0.7 using the upgrade module. The upgrade completed successfully but as soon as I refreshed the page, I have lost access to both the backend and the frontend.

It just comes up with a 500 server error and this message:

This page isn’t working www.ageasbowlshop.co.uk is currently unable to handle this request.

Any idea what could be wrong and how to fix it? I will have a look at the server logs and post again if I find anything in there which may help.

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