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3 page checkout (sort of) for Community-Default-Theme


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Can I ask How can I go about adding another address box as it has address 1 and 2, but only 1 shows up


But at checkout , it's


I even added the "other" but it seems to get over ridden when page loads

Edited by AndyC
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On 11/1/2020 at 9:39 PM, AndyC said:

Can I ask How can I go about adding another address box as it has address 1 and 2, but only 1 shows up

Hello. I never used multiple addresses, I ask for one, and some customers create another one later in checkout.

Did you see .tpl files?

Have you tried the original files, not 3-step checkout? It doesn't show the second address neither?

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56 minutes ago, AndyC said:

No I haven't as I don't want to mess things up yet again as site is now working ( I think) after a year of trouble  , well not this close to Xmas as well

Sure you shouldn't :)

it's a really good idea to have a clone shop with a different database just to try changes and not play with the real one. It's not difficult to do.

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Been given some advice about the steps... Is there any way I can remove the create and edit & Already Registered from Step 2 only..

So basically only have guest checkout on step 2 ....

But still have the Log in option of create account

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I mean is lets say you on Payment Page which is the 3nd tab . If you press continue shopping it takes you back 1 page to Address then to Summary  and then it takes you to home page..

I would have thought even if you were on the payment tab pressing continue shopping would take you to the home page


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7 minutes ago, rubben1985 said:

no, and I think is good that way in my opinion. If you want to go home you can click in the logo. Also you do not want people go out so easy from the cart 🙂 I Directly change the translation and now it says "back"

Yes it is I agree, it is good, just misleading as it should say back , where in translations can I find that please..

I've been trying to find why I cannot change " I agree to the terms of service and will adhere to them unconditionally." most of the day and ended up being the  Advanced EU Compliance module over riding it as I want to change it which is how I came about it lol


Edited by AndyC
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15 hours ago, AndyC said:

Yes it is I agree, it is good, just misleading as it should say back , where in translations can I find that please..

You have to go from Backoffice to Localization -> Translation. Choose Frontoffice, your theme and language. There is a button to expand all the strings.

Then search with 'Control F' in your browser the string  'Continue Shopping'. Then save that block of strings with the first 'Save button' you can find.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I'm talking about the messages that customer let in the comments box (next to address). Do you receive them?

also, I realized customers can pass the second step (shipping) without checking the box of conditions. If I activate this in the preferences section, condiciones field appear but it is not mandatory to accept them. Does someone have the same problem? any idea how to correct it?

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  • 5 months later...

Hello  @rubben1985 ,  i can confirm that customers comments are not saved/we do not receive or see them anywhere  😥

Shipping option has to be chosen by checkbox in our case,  maybe you have to see your presets in shipping presets?  (best price, position and so on...),  standard is preselected the best price option and this works.

My question is:  if i will use this 3-page-checkout  (and i will 🙂 )  i have to force the last step into similar design like the 3rd site with choosing payment options. This means, i have to include items, descriptions, qty., item price, shipping costs  in the site after payment option is chosen  (e.g. where it shows  Pay by bankwire).  This is mandatory by law here.   It is not allowed to click 'buy' when the items are not described on the same site. 

The button BUY has to be lower on the same site where the cart is completely visible with all costs and so on.  This means, i have to change the last site into the same design as 3rd site is,  or other possibility is  not to need the 4th site   and manage to make it possible to click BUY  on the 3rs site  (but i think Paypal does not work in other case).

Any suggestions for this?  THANK YOU

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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...

The address (second) step of this checkout flow contains two forms.

  1. form for address selection + message
  2. form for carrier selection

The first form is never submitted -- the submit button was removed to facilitate this illusion of 3 steps.

The address selection works because of attached ajax call to 'Choose a delivery address:' field. Message field, however, is not saved.

To make this work, you need to:

1) add some onchange handler and submit message data to server. For example:

    <div id="ordermsg" class="form-group">
       <label>{l s='If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below.'}</label>
       <textarea class="form-control" cols="60" rows="2" name="message" id="message">{if isset($oldMessage)}{$oldMessage}{/if}</textarea>
      $('#message').on('change', () => {
          type: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'cache-control': 'no-cache'
          url: "{$link->getPageLink($back_order_page, true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" + '?rand=' + new Date().getTime(),
          async: false,
          cache: false,
          dataType: 'json',
          data: 'ajax=true&method=updateMessage&message=' + encodeURIComponent($('#message').val()) + '&token=' + static_token,

2) handle this ajax request on server. Modify the OrderController override that comes with this theme to look like this:

    public function initContent()
        // save cart message
        if (Tools::isSubmit('ajax') && Tools::isSubmit('method') && Tools::getValue('method') === 'updateMessage')

        switch ((int) $this->step) {
            case OrderController::STEP_ADDRESSES:
                 $this->_assignCarrier(); //assigns carrier to address page step


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7 minutes ago, datakick said:

To make this work, you need to:


Alternative, and maybe better, solution would be to

  1. move the message field from Address form to Carrier Selection form
  2. modify the override and save message during Carrier Selection form save
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