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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Thanks for your answer. I am not sure what the exact problem is, but there is something strange going on. https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/?hl=de#url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spielezar.ch%2Fwuerfelspiele%2Fnations-das-wuerfelspiel You see that my test gives Product, Review and AggregatRating as separate blocks. Same Test with yours https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/?hl=de#url=https%3A%2F%2Fdemo.getdatakick.com%2Fen%2Fpaid-modules%2Fdatakick-data-management and we see all structured under product. So it seems that you are right with the div thing. But I am not sure... I have the div Product correct around everything. I believe that somehow the loading doesn't work correctly here. Please check my source code shortly for https://www.spielezar.ch/wuerfelspiele/nations-das-wuerfelspiel. You will see that there is no http://schema.org/Review at all. But very strangely Google can manage to find it in it's test tool. How is it possible?
  2. I just tried to open the link on my phone, but it doesnt work. Is this question solved?
  3. Are you using asm? In genereal i would just download all stock quantities and all values. Then calculate it in excel. Actually what value do you want to use? Wholesale price?
  4. Do you know when the next version (pro) will be released? I noticed today that google says, that rich snipped for review is not complete. I believe that "itemReviewed" is missing...
  5. Welcome in the fourm @LBPC. Oh thats of course bad, it's good that you write here. @lesley Can you please look at this?
  6. @devjunckie I just tested this again. You have to change the folder of the subdomain in plesk (in cpanel probably too). Normally when adding a subdomain the system will add a folder like subdomain.example.com. This folder if of course empty and it won't work. The subdomain needs to have the correct root folder (where the tb files are).
  7. I wouldn't do it for every visitor, as most visitor don't like it. I think order confirmation would be the right place to ask it. I once planned to write a survey module. But to be honest: it's very low on my priority list. If you really need only one question, that would be a very small module and wouldn't cost much, if you ask a dev to do it.
  8. Ah maybe now I understand better why you use min order age. Should I go for min order age = 10 and delivery days something like 3 achieve something similair as described above?
  9. Ah maybe thats the problem, but I believe the module should work a bit differently then. I have 10 days there. My situation: I have two order status, which mean the order were shipped ("shipped" & "order finished"). The process is always the same. Every order is first "shipped" once its shipped & paid, its "finished". Now when an order is 9 days on "shipped" and then changed to "finished", it means, that the email will take 19 days, cause its starting the counting again. In my opinion the module should also check for ps_order_history as many people just want something like: 10 days after I shipped the order, the email should go out. In my case I don't see any possibility to achieve this. How do you think about it?
  10. I am quite sure, that there is a bug in automation. I see too often: Waiting for order to be delivered. But the order is delivered and the status is also activated in the settings... Do I miss something else? Edit: If you want, I can give you access to my BO...
  11. Yeah for sure. In our case this is just a "feel free to help us" stuff. Not something we really want to push...
  12. You mean like kind of a survey? I haven't seen it with a popup. I just added a google forms link into the order confirmation tpls.
  13. It was working before for me... Try https://denkspellenparadijs.nl/en/prices-drop
  14. I don't have such images. As I don't use retina, you could be right, that its related to retina...
  15. https://denkspellenparadijs.nl/prices-drop You can find it in the Backoffice under Seo & Urls.
  16. Well your main problems are the home (hpp module) and the module prestaproductcombination. But I don't have time to look at it deeper. I also don't know any of this module.
  17. I dont know. It's just a bit strange, that it uses quite some time on category page. Maybe there is something wrong coded in the module. But Only the module dev can tell. In general I believe that your server is ok and your configuration probably too. You could of course cache css and js files, that would probably help to.
  18. Also your home loads a huge amount of images, that slows down too much. You should reduce it. There you should look at the module "hpp". The module shopappsaddtracking is a bit strange, sometimes it loads quite fast but sometimes (on category) slow. What is this module doing?
  19. I believe that the modules shopappsaddtracking && prestaproductcombination are slowing down. try to deactivate them and see what happens.
  20. Well your site is not super fast, but not as near as slow as you write above. it takes maybe 3-4 seconds here. With some cached images even less.
  21. I cant read your screnshot. Its too small. But I would try to switch on profiling on and see what takes such long time. Probably its a module...
  22. Also wenn es um Produktbewertungen geht, dann sollte das entsprechende Modul dies unterstützen. Ich nutze das Revws modul von datakick.
  23. Welche rich snippets fehlen denn da konkret? Ich war gerade im demostore: https://front.thirtybees.com/gifts/candle und da wird auf der Produktseite 9 mal auf schema.org verwiesen.
  24. Bin kein Experte darin, aber glaube du müsstet die Tags einfach im Template hinzufügen. Welches theme nutzt du denn?
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