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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Does anybody use APC Cache? When I try to save a manufacturer in BO, I also get: APCu cache has been enabled, but the APCu extension is not available. Edit: Probably this was caused, since I changed the php version some time ago...
  2. You can check ps_category_product table and filter it for the id...
  3. I think, you shouldn't use FullPageCache for now. Btw: is there are reason for just using 5.6?
  4. In my tb this isnt like that... I think you should edit the category and check what is set as parent. Probably just the wrong one, right?
  5. Its very easy to make github changes: Open the file (you see it beside the green and red sqaures. for example: classes/Validate.php) You remove all the red lines in the code You add all the green lines in the code.
  6. I am not at a computer right now. But i often do a simple trick. I write {$product|print_r} and check what is available. Btw you need only one if... Like: {if $product.quantity > 0 AND $product.something == 3}
  7. It can happen on desktop too. Maybe you have also issues with urls. I really dont know. Never have seen this.
  8. I happens on my phone too, but not on desktop. Well try it with the original product.tpl. I guess it's theme related...
  9. Not sure if I understand the problem right. One question: do you have quick view enabled? If yes, try to disable it and compare.
  10. Ok dann musst du genau vergleichen mit der ps sanitize Funktion. Es passiert zu 99% in dieser Funktion...
  11. Ich bin selber nicht ganz sicher, da ich mich mit regulären Ausdrücken nicht auskenne :D. Ich würde einfach die ganze Zeile entfernen. Schliesslich wurde einfach diese Zeile hinzugefügt... Am sinnvollsten mittels Override, damit du bei einem Update nicht wieder das gleiche Problem bekommst.
  12. Habs mir jetzt genauer angesehen. Der Grund liegt wohl darin: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/2fee5fe47a63901c7103c92d22abdbce6ee8034a#diff-4d2b8c521b121179fd17f512b9ffaebc Wenn du das file einfach ganz überschreibst, wird das bei jedem Update verloren gehen...
  13. I dont believe, there is a quick solution. I remember how I did it: You generate all urls with the old structure. Copy them into Excel You generate all urls with the new structure. Copy them into Excel Now you generate in Excel a new column with the correct htacces/nginx redirect. Maybe somebody has a better solution. Of course you can only achieve it, with some SQL knowledge.
  14. Du könntest folgendes versuchen $words = explode(' ', Search::sanitize($expr, $idLang, false, $context->language->iso_code)); mit $words = explode(' ', pSQL($expr)); ersetzen.
  15. Das es unter Prestashop funktionierte, überrascht mich. Ich denke man müsste in der Search.php Class die funktion find() unter die Luppe nehmen.
  16. Ich denke die Bindestriche sind das Problem... Wenn man nur nach "SIGEDHLM" sucht, funktioniert es... Ich bin persönlich gar kein Fan von Sonderzeichen in Artikelnummern. Das macht immer Probleme... Wir verzichten auch auf Buchstaben...
  17. @AndyC thats an interesting question. I am thinking of using tags extensively in future. The way it set up right now, cant help you in seo reason. My plan is to use tags similair as categories. Why not use categories instead? It would get messy if you have like 500 categories... The customer does benefit with tags. We sell more than 1000 jigsaw puzzles. Imagine we tag all images where a wolve is on. If the customer wants to buy a wolve puzzle, he just clicks on the tag and sees every fitting puzzle.
  18. I am sure its possible to achieve your wanted result. Maybe there is a clean way by changing your product.tpl, but I dont use your theme and dont use tabs so I am not 100%. Otherweise it should be possible, to move it by javascript...
  19. What do you mean with accessoires? I dont see any on your product page...
  20. There was an error in my html markup, which caused this problem. I could fix it in my theme. Thanks for your help @datakick
  21. Ah here you are working on I didn't know this was still going on. Good luck with the sales
  22. @Briljander Nice catch! There is indeed such a statistic.
  23. In my opinion the best approach is: use as few modules as possible. I always ask myself: Do I really need this? If there is not a clear yes to this answer, I won't install a module. In genereal you should ask: what will help me to get visitors? What will transform visitors into customers? What will transform a customer into a rebuying customer? I agree with @30knees that reviews are very helpful and there datakicks module is the way to go. You should also have a blog module (or something similair) to produce content.
  24. Now I am completly puzzled. I check source code always with inspection tool. Thats not the same? 😮 But still the http://schema.org/Review is between the <div itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product">
  25. I believe you could use either SQL Manager, if you know (MySQL) or yeah probably getdatakick module can do it. Maybe @datakick can confirm it!?
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