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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. They don't show any prices? Normally that means it's really expensive...
  2. Lol I just wanted check it and get an 500 Internal Server Error. Edit: Already woriking again :)
  3. @traumflug said in Official Mollie Module: Maybe it's a bad habit of me to triple check whether things work out as planned before I push. Nope Sir :)
  4. @MockoB why shouldn't be posted here too? We shouldn't make a big deal about "if patreons get news a few days earlier or not". The fact that Michael left, is sad enough! We better focus now on making tb better...
  5. Well I don't know what you are talking about. But I just unsubscribed a contact in mailchimp and it auto unsubscribed him in the BO of my TB. So probably we don't talk about the same. Is it different when an user unsubscribes?
  6. @vincentdenkspel and @MockoB I am sure, that there will be an official update for everyone. You said its kind of obvious that Michael left. So where is the problem, if its some days later confirmed here, than in the Patreons Newsletter?
  7. @MockoB the email was sent yesterday - so relax a bit. I really wonder why you are so active in this forum. You don't seem to have believe in this project at all?
  8. You have probably on Override file... I dont think this is from mollie!
  9. Yeah mdekker left the project. It was confirmed to Patreons in the last update.
  10. Well what is your classname with extending? Have you deleted class_index.php in cache directory?
  11. Using multistore?
  12. At least my understanding of it, is this: You can define, how many items should be reordered. Sometimes a supplier doesn't allow you to buy less than 20 items for example.
  13. @Briljander completly agree with 1. and 2. and 3. These are very good points!
  14. @Smile this was never on the top of the list... It's a huge work to implement a little erp system (like asm). An yeah it probably has to be redone. So I don't expect it to happen soon.
  15. @Pedalman yeah just use the test API. Basically with paypal you pay 10 cent per transaction. This you could save if you go directly with paypal. but as you already know, there are a lot of issues with it. I would recommend all € customers, to go with mollie.
  16. Then probably your override is not set up properly.
  17. Wie bereits im anderen Thread angetönt. Schau dir den Mollie Service an. Dieses Modul funktioniert bei uns einwandfrei...
  18. @Pedalman I dont use a paypal module. We use it only since a few weeks and its mollie. If you collect money in € its really good. For us its quite expensive, since everything is changed into swiss francs.
  19. I just switched the module on my live site. Here is an example: https://www.spielezar.ch/kartenspiele#footer_description
  20. @30knees I thought its done auto. If somebody unsubscribes in mailchimp it will be unsubscribed in BO too. That's just what I believe. Would be great, if you could check this cases...
  21. @dosbiner wrote you a pn!
  22. @30knees said in Sync all contacts not working: The sync appears to be one-way only, from shop to MailChimp. What's the best way to feed back to tb the unsubscribes and bounces that MailChimp receives? I'd like to keep the tb database current. Are you sure it's not done. I am quite sure, that I was testing it with @mdekker . @lesley I think it should be done, otherwise your get a complete mess as a shop owner.
  23. Hello Guys I am developing a little module for category pages. It will allow you to add a second description to a category page. Why is it helpful? That way you can use the core description as a little teaser at the top. My module will add a second description at the footer. This is extremly helpful if you are interested in SEO. Such en html edit tab will be added to every category in the BO. The module is multilang and multistore ready! @haylau Has created a blog post and a video about the module. It explains everything perfect. Please check out: https://blog.haylau-4-thirtybees.co.uk/genzo-category-free-module/.
  24. I don't use any cookie module myself, so I can't say much. In general I wouldn't spend too much time on such "details". Use it for important stuff like "product descriptions" or so :) Just my honest advise...
  25. @Angstony_2 it seems to me, that this module is relying on a external js file from cloudflare. Probably they are returning the html content with the blank attribute. But this is just my guess: after looking some minutes on the code.
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