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Everything posted by Factor

  1. I had a bunch of 500 errors on the BE. Are you using a 3rd party theme? I think they are doing a lot of work in the themes area of TBs. I rolled back to 1.08 with no issues. I asume this is a test site?
  2. I haven’t on 1.08 or BE. Maybe check the file permissions in the backend.
  3. Yeah might need to ask the dev who created it. Maybe it’s not that compatible. Was it free or paid? It has been giving you grief.
  4. Hey All: I wanted to introduce myself.. Couldn't find a "Hello I am" post. Since most folks here have a Pen or Ghost name you all can call me Factor or Brent. I have been in the IT world for almost 30 years. Mostly on the Application side in the the Healthcare IT world. I was also a emergency room nurse hence the healthcare IT. I have mostly done SysAdmin or Architect type jobs. I am not what most would call a programmer or a coder. I understand networking, posix systems, windows, mac, oracle, and infrastructure. I am from USA Murfreesboro, Tennessee. My hobbies include 19th century culture, photography, gunsmithing and anything tech related. I also love language. I have studied Mandarin, Thai, Lao, Greek and Arabic only spoken. Also only enough to get in trouble. I am Greek by heritage so I am told. I got into Thirty Bee's because my wife sells quilt fabric. Apparently I am the CIO of the business. Seems to be a easy to understand and well coded system. Any way I hope wherever you are you are doing well. Stay safe.
  5. Factor

    Factor's Corner

    DataKick if you need me to look at a server... just hollar. I am here to help.
  6. Factor

    Factor's Corner

    I love open communities... glad to "bee" here...
  7. All: I wanted to put this here for others. It's a good general guide to email and blocklists. If you are using saas, cloud, or managed hosting you shouldn't need this guide. If you have your own server unmanaged using cpanel, plesk or others you might find it useful. As always it's a living document. Feel free to correct or add to it. Hope it helps. Blacklist Email Guide.docx
  8. All: I wanted to put this here for those they might be a bit more "Visual" like me. I am not affiliated with, own or maintain Prestools. That is @musicmaster I have spoken to him and he has allowed me to post the guide. I hope you all find it useful. If you find error or issue please feel free to correct or update the document. It is only how to Install not use the software. Prestools install guide.docx
  9. Factor

    Editing Theme

    You might like Nemos Crash Course. http://nemops.com/prestashop-themes-crash-course/
  10. I have added it to git. I just added Manufacturer.
  11. Thanks buddy. I appreciate you.
  12. I am trainable... Ok great. what if someone writes a module that needs to write to my same override file. The install fails and states I have to figure out how to update my override manually? Got it. However maintaining one file when you might have either multiple modules or multiple additions to the same controller file is not very modular in design. 😎 I think though you answered my questions. Which will actually lead to more questions...
  13. Wondering if this is still a bug in TB with Swiftmailer https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/267708-working-with-office365-smtp-email/ @lesley or @Traumflug Did you all put in Mdekkers fix talked about here? https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/270220-modification-swift-mailer-upgrade-better-support-for-ssltls/
  14. Mark me as answered thanks... Glad to help
  15. it means PHP IMAP is not installed on your server in cPanel WHM it will look something like this Easy apache >php extensions search IMAP. Your server mate can check it out. it just needs to match whatever version of PHP you have installed 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2
  16. is the server smtp.office365.com i can see port is 587
  17. should be in there or here Click on view to the right or double click brings it up.
  18. ok sent you a contact so you can respond from the back office.
  19. I think there is a known issue on the contact us page sometimes. What happens if you set up smtp and use the send test email below on same page. Also do you get the email in the BO to respond to? Help is my middle name... I am sure I speak for Ian as well. Even if he is asleep in Japan currently... @dynambee
  20. When I get a new piece of software. The first thing I do. Is open every screen and look at every box. Glad I could help you find something new @haylau Text is safer and is actually the only supported version of real email based on RFC2822
  21. Hey Mate I hope you sorted this?
  22. @lesley @datakick Can we make a Sticky of what items might be helpful for posters to put in their Post here in the Tech area. Feel free to add or edit this post. TB Version PHP Version Module name and Version /if related. Operating System RAM CPU Unmanaged or Managed Hosting What Control Panel if any e.g. cPanel, Plesk and others. Thanks.
  23. I am on BE just today updated. I am able to type in a user > find their old cart > click use > see the address and see shipping> select a payment method > send email to collect payment or go to the order screen. Also the Create order button is active as well. @30kneesWhere are you failing?
  24. So in the end you chose MailCow the hosted version? Have set it all up yet?
  25. Factor

    Payment modules

    This to could be helpful http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Payment+Settings
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