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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. It's at index.php?controller=AdminVatNumbers
  2. I believe 1.0.7 broke something in this module. The basic price display now looks like this:
  3. @zimmer-media said in Anyone with live store which meets eu law requirements?: Der Grundpreis verändert sich bei mir ohne zusätzliches Modul automatisch, wenn ich bei Artikeln Rabatt eintrage. ohne Rabatt mit Rabatt Wo ist die Einstellung, um den Grundpreis zu aktivieren? Mein Modul funktioniert mit 1.0.7 nicht mehr und da fiel mir ein, dass Du den Grundpreis ohne Modul angezeigt bekommst.
  4. I'm not using full page cache, though, only CCC and redis. Even with all caches turned off I get the error.
  5. I use the VAT exemption module 2.1.1 https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/vat-exemption-module with tb 1.0.7. I'm now getting the error: Controller not found when I go to the module in the backend at Customers>VAT module. It's also now calculating VAT for a customer even though it shouldn't be doing so. I enabled debug mode but it didn't give me any further error messages.
  6. My 1.0.7 gives the following error when enabling debug mode: Warning on line 265 in file /classes/PageCache.php [2] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() Does anybody else get this?
  7. Klasse! Vielen, vielen Dank. Hier die fertigen Datein: 01538522851959de.zip
  8. This might be relevant for the stats issue: https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1990/auto-update-to-newest-version-is-working-again/30
  9. Dürfte ich die Mailalert Email-Vorlagen für Deutsch (mails/de/) von jemanden haben? Der Inhalt der Dateien im 'de' Ordner wurde irgendwie gestern gelöscht (die Dateien sind noch da, sind aber ohne Inhalt). Ich habe keine Ahnung wieso. :(
  10. Yep, works for me, too! :-) Unfortunately, it didn't fix the "carrier" issue, too. That would have been two birds with one stone. :)
  11. @ed1973 This sounds very much like advertisement.
  12. I'll ping you, thanks!
  13. A shout out that the paid version of Revws is excellent. It's also a great way to support @datakick for all his great work.
  14. Unfortunately not for me. I try and try and I always get the same error message. It's so frustrating.
  15. Is there any work around you know of?
  16. It's been happening in previous versions, too. I'm not deleting any carts except manually abandoned and non-ordered ones. However, I know that I've never deleted any such carts for many of the customers where it doesn't work. Disabling overrides does not help.
  17. Adding orders from the backend works for some customers but for others not. I can't figure out why it works only for some. I get two types of error messages: "An order has already been placed with this cart. This product cannot be added to the cart." This is regardless of the product. "No carrier can be applied to this order" Each error message is specific to certain customers. Has anybody had these, too?
  18. Thanks for the hint! Now it works. I had uninstalled and reinstalled the module in the backend, but that didn't work. I then downloaded it from GitHub and reinstalled it like that and then the file was there.
  19. @lesley Fatal error: requireonce(): Failed opening required '/publichtml/modules/statsmodule/stats/statsordersprofit.php' (includepath='/publichtml/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/publichtml/vendor/pear/pearexception:.:/usr/share/php') in /public_html/modules/statsmodule/statsmodule.php on line 785
  20. HTTP 500 after clicking on "online visitors"
  21. Nope, I uninstalled, reinstalled, reset - still the same error message I reported to @lesley.
  22. @dosbiner Good find, thanks! I'll check it out.
  23. Thanks for the reply, @Nemo. I'll look into banners and third party modules to solve the issue.
  24. @lesley said in Auto-update to newest version is working again: Can you all try installing the stats module. It gives me an HTTP 500 error, but other pages work fine.
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