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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. It looks like the changes by Google might be the issue. The testing tool is showing the meta tags. Thanks, guys!
  2. @lesley said in Anonymize IP active in Google Analytics module?: We have no good information about what exactly we need to do. I don't think that is a fair statement. You've been offered advice a number of times. I'll chat you.
  3. We've noticed that the meta title and description aren't being indexed by Google. Has anyone else noticed this or has an idea what the problem could be?
  4. Has anybody else experienced that edits in the shop aren't always saved when using Firefox?
  5. The back office module page doesn't show there's an update. Is this no longer pushed automatically from github? Does this affect other native modules, too?
  6. @datakick @zimmer-media Thanks! @datakick Great guide - I'll experiment!
  7. @datakick said in Automatic generate meta title/meta description: my module has mass-update functionality that could be used for this. You can try it, there's 14 day free trial period How would I automatically generate the title and description using the module? I'm having trouble figuring that out. Thank you
  8. Thanks, @datakick! A beautiful module. What is the best way to export a translation for this? I translated via the tb backoffice.
  9. A possible bug: Clicking "Choose rating style" in the latest version gives me this:
  10. p.s. One bug in the English: "Be the first to write a review!" --> The A before review is missing
  11. Cool! Can we start using it on production sites? I will start translating to German.
  12. Falls jemand DPD DeliSprint verwendet, ich habe ein Bestellungsexportmodul, das ich gerne zur Verfügung stellen kann. Es erzeugt eine CSV, die man bei DeliSprint importieren kann.
  13. @datakick I have to hold my finger for a longer time on a star so that the rating registers and the stars turn yellow. Is that intended? That's in Safari and iOS 11.2.2.
  14. @datakick said in I'm going to create a free module: @mockob said in I'm going to create a free module: also when I rate the product when I choose stars they are not colored yellow. should be fixed now, however I could only test it on my old windows phone running ie :) could you please verify it works on normal device as well? Nope, on an iOS device the stars don't turn yellow, it skips right to the next criterion (on your demo site).
  15. @cassim said in Automatic generate meta title/meta description: Im not looking for a import/export module. I need a module that updates the text The module does that, too. It's extremely powerful. Take a look at the demo.
  16. Looks great! I also really like the UI. Very smooth, elegant, and intuitive. Also, I couldn't find any bugs.
  17. @lesley said in 19 Patron ?!: Since we do not collect information after the installation it is hard to tell. The downside of complying with EU laws and respecting privacy. I could help in figuring out a way to get the required stats and be legally compliant. Drop me a PM if you're interested.
  18. In the front end on the category overview page a product can display: "Prices starting at 5 Euro". The 5 Euro is taken from the default combination. It should be taken from the combination with the lowest price. That's not in your demo shop.
  19. This is how it is for me: My main product price page: The combinations page:
  20. Same as for @SLiCK_303, if that's what you meant. No customer addresses shown there.
  21. There is no default price for those products, so it's always an increase from 0.
  22. The "price from" message for attributes / combinations doesn't use the lowest price of the of the available combinations / attributes, but it uses the default one. So if I have eg Widget - 50 g for 20 Euro - 250 g for 40 Euro - DEFAULT attribute The "price from" will show "price from 40 Euro" instead of "price from 20 Euro".
  23. @mdekker How many hours would this take to implement? All we'd need was a different selection method. Instead of choosing only one group or all groups, we would need to change it to being able to select multiple groups.
  24. @wakabayashi I like all your suggested improvements. I think deleting an order would be on top of my list. It's also legally possible to do so in Europe. And in some cases it is actually a legal requirement to do so. We also have to differentiate between invoices and orders - invoices need to be kept and cannot be changed, orders can be. @lesley said in BrainStorming: Handling Orders in BO: I have a question with a case in point. Say I have a shop that sells widgets and I take payment with paypal and stripe. Then I have two shipping methods, free and express. If a user calls and wants to change to express, but it increases the order total by $10, what do I do? It depends: If the invoice hasn't already been generated/sent to the customer, you can adjust the order and generate the initial invoice. If the invoice has already been generated/sent to the customer, you'd likely generate a new invoice for the USD10. Typically, shops shouldn't generate the invoice until they ship. What they would send out before the ship, if they want to send something out, is a pro forma invoice.
  25. @datakick said in I'm going to create a free module: I'll fill in template content later. If anyone feels like preparing them, I'd be grateful, as this isn't really my cup of tea... At the moment there are these email templates: - revws-admin-needs-approval - send to admin when review needs to be approved - revws-admin-review-created - send to admin when new review is created - revws-admin-review-deleted - send to admin when review is deleted (by review author) - revws-admin-review-updated - send to admin when review is updated (by review author) - revws-author-review-approved - send to review author when review is approved - revws-author-review-deleted - send to review author when review is rejected / deleted - revws-author-review-replied - send to review author when employee adds reply to review - revws-author-thank-you - send to author as a thank you for creating review Following variables are passed to all email templates (besides standard variables like shop_name or logo) {product_id} {product_name} {product_image} {product_url} {review_id} {author_type} {author_email} {author_name} {display_name} {title} {content} {ratings} {average} {reply} {validated} {deleted} I'd be happy to help out here by writing the text and adding the variables. I don't know enough about the formatting code to do that, though. Shall I take save each email template I write as a txt?
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