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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. SHOW CREATE TABLE ps_page_cache ps_page_cache CREATE TABLE `ps_page_cache` ( `id_page_cache` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `cache_hash` char(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `id_currency` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `id_language` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `id_country` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `id_shop` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `cache` text COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `cache_size` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `entity_type` varchar(12) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `id_entity` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_page_cache`), KEY `cache_hash` (`cache_hash`), KEY `id_currency` (`id_currency`), KEY `id_language` (`id_language`), KEY `id_country` (`id_country`), KEY `id_shop` (`id_shop`), KEY `id_entity` (`id_entity`), KEY `entity_type` (`entity_type`), KEY `cache_combo` (`cache_hash`,`id_currency`,`id_language`,`id_country`,`id_shop`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2451 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  2. Different primary key in table ps_page_cache Does not want to fix itself. What does it do and what I can do about fixing it? :) 50 minutes later, on 2 devices ..... so far - no observable change...
  3. I'll start to do them... :) 992 fixes in just one of the shops... :)
  4. OK, thanks @Traumflug! What about the encoding? Can some characters get corrupted (I'm using Cyrillic mostly).
  5. How safe is to apply the fixes there? I have 3 shops on TB, 2 of them I've updated recently to edge and the schema check is working again. This time there are lots and lots of 'fixes' most of them are size related: Column ps_access.id_profile has data type int(10) unsigned instead of int(11) unsigned But some of them offer to change the encoding: Table ps_store should use character set utf8mb4/utf8mb4_unicode_ci instead of utf8/utf8_general_ci And some of them I don't even know what they do: Column ps_product_attribute.ecotax has data type decimal(17,6) instead of decimal(20,6) The most conserning things are the encoding related. As far as I read the proposed one is better but could there be some some data corruption if I apply those fixes? (backups are always made, no need to advise on that :) )
  6. Did you try switching mainenance on and off again? Did you try debug mode?
  7. If you change themes few more times it can get even 'prettier'... First of all - what you changed before maintanence? Surely it can't be just taxes. Second - after changing themes they do some minor adjustments that we don't need when debugging this issue - do you have recen backup you can revert to? If not does your host make daily incremental backups that you can use?
  8. That's strange! Can you have some other override from prior captcha modules?
  9. Can you screenshot the settings of the module?
  10. Do you have the latest version of recaptcha? Because all of them except the latest one had this bug where the user/bot did not need to check the box if BO settings of the module if you use the 'Login atempts' (it has to be 0) The working version is 1.1.2. If you have it but it's still not working - please uninstall and delete the module folder (if present) then reinstall. It stopped all spam from contact forms in all of my TB sites.
  11. Yes and if you don't want your theme to show Accessories in front page you can change this string to something else. If you like you can add 'Same category slider' if you want to show this automatically with no human touch.
  12. If you have removed the product from BO (in contrast to disabling it) you can use .htaccess redirect to 301 redirect the old nonfunctioning address to something similar or to category page where it was located. Alternative is to redirect to homepage. If the product is disabled but present in BO you can make the redirect from product page. This is better(ish) for SEO and better for user experience.
  13. the.rampage.rado


    Yes, sorry we were playing around :) As for today - TB does not support PHP7.4
  14. OK, keep us updated if we can help with anything else 😉
  15. I doubt you will be able to configure your shop within few hours so it's better to put it maintenance for 1-2 days and relaunch whit new look that's tested for both mobile and desktop and looks complete, rather to keep it live during the period in which time you will not loose many orders but it's not professional.
  16. This is some sort of module right? So you would be able to keep it. It should show just like it shows now. It does not care what theme you're running. :)
  17. Warehouse is here: https://themeforest.net/item/warehouse-multipurpose-ecommerce-wordpress-theme/19358569?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0ZXes4iY6QIV8IBQBh0yowCjEAAYASAAEgK87PD_BwE Check the 1.6 demos. If you like some of them the developer offer ready to go import settings for all 3 main modules (theme configurator, homepage editor and mega menu) for each demo. After that you can tweak many settings, change colors here and there and edit each part. Or start from stock install and make your own design (really time consuming to be honest, there are many settings to be done). It comes with few custom modules and many changed modules from latest PS 1.6.x version and it works flawlessly with TB 1.1.x In order to purchase you have to reg an Envato account, etc. If you're confident you like the view you can order it. If you are unable to configure the view (which I doubt will be the case) and you need help we can help here. If you end up stuck and need help then I can fix something for you. (once again - I'm not affiliated to this theme dev in any way)
  18. If you like Warehouse and like certain PS 1.6 design I can help of course. (please note that 1.7 variation of Warehouse is not compatible with TB!) You will have to purchase it from the dev and if you need help with the installation and can't cope with the configuration I will help you. I would advise once again to go slowly now and check all your options. No need to hurry when choosing your platform and theme. You will use it for quite some time.
  19. First of all check the both themes I recommended and I will be able to help you with Warehouse and other people here use Panda (even the dev is here somewhere :P ). They are as easy as the current setup you have and far more flexible.
  20. I'm here. Whatever I would like to check Panda and Warehouse theme and decide on which one of them you like more and invest in one. 90 USD is just steal for both of them. They offer far more options to customise your website than the stock theme. And you will sell more because of that.
  21. Your site opens for me. What slider do you have installed? Revolution or something else?
  22. What slider modules you have installed (or disabled/uninstalled) on the server?
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