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Everything posted by nickz

  1. you might have to restart apache server.
  2. Letting outsiders have access to your site is a danger few would risk. Imagine they get hacked.
  3. What did you do before that happened?
  4. if you do as Google says go ahead, so do about 10 000 others.
  5. it way to long plus the main keyword is not among it.
  6. What makes you think that the URL is SEO friendly?
  7. nickz

    module Viva Wallet

    Not sure sometimes it works sometimes it won't
  8. nickz

    module Viva Wallet

    Install TB 1.3 or TB 1.2 onto your PC and test it. You cannot expect to have a go ahead in a public forum and bank on that.
  9. PM sent
  10. I'm aware and hope that the staff will reacts this year.
  11. That comment to dig out a 2019 post?
  12. I'm referring to shop ranking my friend and not about simple questions. Aft all its a shop forum ain't it? 😉
  13. I think you don't get it. Some search engines display the infos collected and given by structured data of the schema org script. So a visitor of that search engine has most info you gave voluntarily to them before handed and won't visit your site anymore. If that makes your happy then go ahead and display all you wish so the visitor won't visit you.
  14. Do you really think all people are cut out of one wood? People are individuals and behave differently. There is no one side fits it all policy in SEO or UX design.
  15. Its a double sided sword. Most people surfing the internet are shallowly looking for results and satisfied what google plus other offer them. Better search results are nothing compared to more sales. You can have 5 Visitors a day and sell 4 products vs 12 000 and sell 0 A result of over 15 years in Internet.
  16. Utter rubbish Google crawls each page before putting it into the index. The more Ínfo you give out the lesser is the interest in your page from a user point of view.
  17. mit welcher version denn? Eventuell in der Sprachdatei ändern?
  18. Si aquí esta el enlace para la pregunta en el Inglés:
  19. It happened all of sudden? When at doing what. What any modul updated, what TB Shop version etc.?????
  20. nickz

    obsolete files

    That is not what I meant. Before you delete something you better rename them and see what happens. That way you are able to restore to original by just re-re-naming the files.
  21. Sure, one more won't make a dent. For security one should have a look into the server daily.
  22. The more you throttle your shop the less speed and visitors you'll have.
  23. Tambien puedes hacer por .htaccess con redirect 302 /archivo.php https://mi-pagina.com/loquesea.php y después sien caso que funcione cambiar el 302 con el 301.
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