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Everything posted by lesley

  1. Is it a cross origin issue? Look in the browser console.
  2. Can you try uploading the image as a jpg, not a png and see if it works.
  3. Follow these instructions, http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Building+Image+Maps That will enable the scenes from the backend. Then you will need to add the relevant code to your theme. You will need to make your theme has this reference, https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/1.6.1.x/themes/default-bootstrap/category.tpl#L33 and this file, https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/blob/1.6.1.x/themes/default-bootstrap/scenes.tpl
  4. There is an image mapper hidden deep in thirty bees that can be used for this. You would need to find the front end bits to put it together, but it should still work.
  5. ahh great, glad you got it fixed.
  6. When you turn debug on what is the error message displayed?
  7. Just checking in on this, I know you emailed me last night, did everything work out?
  8. Weird, is there e some kind of caching on the server?
  9. If you are using the warehouse theme, it is an issue with that theme, since strings are in the theme.
  10. Ok, the easiest way to do it with cpanel is this... Go into the back office of the new dev site you made with thirty bees. Go to the SEO and urls page and change the url to what you want the finished end url to be, like yoursite.com. The go into the cpanel file manager, find the directory your dev site is in, right click on it, and select move. move it to the / directory. Then go into the / directory in the file manager, you will see things like publichtml, logs, and the directory you just moved. Rename the directory called publichtml to publichtmlold. Then rename your dev site's directory to public_html. That should do you and should only take about 5 minutes.
  11. Are you using cpanel or plesk? Or anything like that?
  12. Are you able to look in your database with php my admin? Also, was your site originally prestashop or did you start with thirty bees?
  13. WE have had several people have issues with the module when payments are rejected through amazon, the module still marks them as valid. (the common services modules) @Common-Services
  14. The link is from a blog post earlier this year before our upgrader and migrator were sending users to the current version. You should really just disregard it and use the migration module. That will send you to the latest thirty bees version.
  15. There is not a direct migration from 1.5.x you will need to upgrade to 1.6 first.
  16. Weird, the link you posted is missing a letter, here is the right one, https://thirtybees.com/blog/version-1-0-4-has-been-released/ The link is actually referring to a manual upgrade. The migration and the upgrader both work with the current versions now.
  17. If you have not been to the thirty bees store lately, you are missing out on some newly added modules to the store. The newest modules are Orders ++ Advanced order list module with filter https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/orders-advanced-order-list-module-with-filter Module Amazon Sync https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/module-amazon-sync FastBay - eBay Marketplace synchronization https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/fastbay-ebay-marketplace-synchronization added by @Prestalia
  18. Right, what you would have to do is start with the ps order_products table and then work from there. Why not just use an export module at this point.
  19. Install the product comment module and that should fix that.
  20. lesley


    Great, thanks for your contribution to helping make things better.
  21. Like you cannot get the checkout enabled?
  22. Ahh the backoffice, you are right. Thats just something I guess you have to deal with. Most major retailers leave their products enabled for ever, maybe you can sort by stock quantity or something.
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