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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Thanks will try code. I've added to controllers/ front / ContactController is this correct
  2. Yeah I have badbot installed and have a captcha installed as well. They must some how be getting around it
  3. Hey all On Friday evening I started to get emails from this specific address @qq.com every email starts off with a different number so ex is [email protected] with loads of Chinese writing.I eventually turned it off after receiving around 2000 at around 11pm last night. Turned it back on now and they are still coming in thick and fast 塨禧您已被抽为特约用戸↓载APP直接升至ViP4! That's just 1 line ...Anyway how can I go about blocking these
  4. @x97wehner..You have added some colour to yours ..Looks very nice
  5. Have you tried the prestashop version .. I too was having issues with the TB and found the other and it works very well,even directs you to the right page to get your details
  6. Any idea on the next update please ... I only ask as I have a few issues which need sorting out which I will need a programming to help with on Panda, mostly merging files as I need tabs. So don't want to have to pay twice.
  7. Also if anyone knows of a alternative like this 1... It seems to open a page over your website so looks quite good
  8. After doing loads of different things.. I think I have found the issue Tried the Prestashop version and it seemed to work fine
  9. Hi I have been trying this module out and really do like it .But is not working correctly for me Using latest TB version with latest Panda.. Payment fails with + installed on another version with Chex module and it doesn't show up Unfortunately, an error occurred while processing the transaction. ERROR : "Invalid transaction." Your order cannot be created. If you think this is an error, feel free to contact our customer support team Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong
  10. Tried them both 😞 .. both just go in a loop I have another site and it working on there with Chex. so ???????
  11. Oh lol I see ...But not sure anyway...Why not ask on the Panda forum
  12. Hey ??? hamburger menu ,never heard of it
  13. AndyC

    Payment Method

    After watching yet another customer battle with Braintree I have scrapped it completely.. Tried TB PayPal module and didn't work so well so tried PS PayPal and it is brilliant and am keeping it on my site ,they can avoid going though the checkout process which is great. Now to get Paylike to work and all will be good. Suppose better late than never. So now I have to find an alternative
  14. Hi there done all that and made sure they correct , but I am still getting no orders coming though ,although they seem to be showing on my Paylike dashboard with my 2 test orders But this is exactly the thing I have been looking for as you still have your website showing behind and not taken to another page for eg paypal
  15. AndyC

    Payment Method

    I have been accepted now for payments . But is there a reason as to why I end up in a loop. I've tried both TB and PS and both do the same thing.. Click pay now and pop up screen shows to pay and when I click proceed it goes back to my check out page. No debug code or error messages ..Using latest version with super checkout. thanks
  16. I think so ..have tried live and test keys Tried different settings .Just checked it looks like Siteground accepts stripe. Am on a dedicate IP as well . Have tried Enable Stripe credit card form as enabled and disabled. Maybe I should just check to make sure I am able to use tripe , although I should be able to in test mode
  17. Just trying to find a good alternative for me .. TB Stripe doesn't work for me ,every time I try to pay I get taken back to my checkout in a constant loop.
  18. In the process of setting up my account... They have quite strict rules 1.Have to have agreements with suppliers or remove them from my website Doesn't support transactions for gift cards , credit slips, VOUCHERS, LOYALTY POINTS. I have all of number 2 .. I do like the system but is it worth removing to please them
  19. Hi Every time I get a order the shipping address always has the Town missing on the bottom section but is right on the top (best see image) Is this a bug or something I am missing somewhere as as you can see Thetford shows in the drop down but not on the other
  20. AndyC

    Stripe API

    Don't know about that yet as have only just been accepted .... Added my details click proceed and just goes back to my checkout in a constant loop
  21. AndyC

    Payment Method

    Just waiting for 1 of the 2 to accept me so I can start using
  22. AndyC

    Payment Method

    Yeah I know... But I am sure there are some that just looks like you are
  23. AndyC

    Payment Method

    OK ..Does Stripe have this configuration as above.. Or do you literally go to the stripe website to pay
  24. AndyC

    Payment Method

    mmmm Been trying a few other options and they seem to show up Can I ask will 2checkout look similar to this ..Screen-shot is from authorize.net.. If it is I am all in.These weren't around when I was with Zencart. It looks like you still put card details on your site but not leave which is perfect.. Anyway have signed up for 2checkout just waiting for the activation if I get it . As that was also working like that when I tried it. Also which is the best module to get as some look a bit old and out of date
  25. AndyC

    Payment Method

    Sorry it's Panda ...TB 1.1.0 .. Yes looks similar ....If I put super checkout back it's OK again .. If I disable and turn Chex on + clear caches (3 of them) and clear cookies I still get that message.. To tired now so may upload a new order-opc.tpl to see if that works... Although also saw somewhere that Revws was causing a issue somewhere ... Anyway we going off topic
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